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upon occafion, have profeffed to affert only the true proteftant chriftian religion, as it is contained in the holy fcriptures; next, in regard that your power being but for a time, and having in yourselves a christian libertie of your own, which at one time or other may be oppreffed, thereof truly fenfible, it will concern you while you are in power, so to regard other mens confciences, as you would your own fhould be regarded in the power of others; and to confider that any law against conscience is alike in force against any confcience, and fo may one way or other juftly redound upon yourselves. One advantage I make no doubt of, that I fhall write to many eminent perfons of your number, alreadie perfect and refolved in this important article of chriftianitie. Some of whom I remember to have heard often for feveral years, at a council next in authoritie to your own, fo well joining religion with civil prudence, and yet fo well distinguishing the different power of either, and this not only voting, but frequently reafoning why it fhould be fo, that if any there prefent had been before of an opinion contrary, he might doubtless have departed thence a convert in that point, and have confeffed, that then both commonwealth and religion will at length, if ever, flourish in christendom, when either they who govern difcern be tween civil and religious, or they only who fo


difcern shall be admitted to govern. Till then nothing but troubles, perfecutions, commotions can be expected; the inward decay of true religion among ourselves, and the utter overthrow at last. by a common enemy. Of civil libertie I have written heretofore by the appointment, and not without the approbation of civil power: of christian libertie I write now; which others long fince having done with all freedom under heathen emperors, I fhould do wrong to fufpect, that I now fhall with lefs under chriftian governors, and fuch especially as profess openly their defence of chriftian libertie; although I write this not otherwise appointed or induced than by an inward perfuafion of the chriftian dutie which I may usefully dif charge herein to the common Lord and Master of us all, and the certain hope of his approbation, firft and chiefeft to be fought: In the hand of whose providence I remain, praying all fuccefs and good event on your publick councels to the defence of true religion and our civil rights.


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Two things there be which have been ever found working much mischief to the church of God, and the advancement of truth; force on the one fide restraining, and hire on the other fide corrupting the teachers thereof. Few ages have been fince the afcenfion of our faviour, wherein the one of these two, or both together have not prevailed. It can be at no time therefore unfeafonable to speak of these things; fince by them the church is either in continual detriment and oppreffion, or in continual danger. The former fhall be at this time my argument; the latter as I fhall find God difpofing me, and opportunity inviting. What I argue, fhall be drawn from the fcripture only; and therein from true fundamental principles of the gospel, to all knowing chriftians undeniable. And if the governors of this commonwealth


since the rooting out of prelates have made least use of force in religion, and most have favoured christian libertie of any in this island before them, since the first preaching of the gospel, for which we are not to forget our thanks to God, and their due praise, they may, I doubt not, in this treatise find that which not only will confirin them to defend still the christian libertie which we enjoy, but will incite them also to enlarge it, if in ought they yet straighten it. To them who perhaps hereafter, less experienced in religion, may come to govern or give us laws, this or other such, if they please, may be a timely instruction : however, to the truth it will be, at all times, no unneedful testimonie; at least fome discharge of that general dutie which no christian but, according to what he hath received, knows is required of him, if he have ought more conducing to the advancement of religion than what is usually endeavoured, freely to im

part. it.

It will require no great labour of exposition to unfold what is here meant by matters of religion; being as soon apprehended as designed, such things as belong chiefly to the knowledge and service of God: and are either above the reach and light of nature without revelation from above, and therefore liable to be variously understood by human reason; or such things as are enjoined or forbidden by divine precept, which elfe by the light of reason


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