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afford a defirable entertainment to those of more enlarged underftanding, and cultivated taste.

It is not however, on account of the diffemination of knowledge alone that the editor calls the attention of the public to this work; but because it is equally adapted to the extirpation of error. Facts, efpecially when they refpect diftant objects, are often imperfectly known, or much misrepresented by those who communicate them to the public. When this happens, in the ordinary modes of publication, fuch mifrepresentations cannot be easily discovered. It may be long before fuch publications fall in the way of those who know the facts with precifion : and when this at last does happen, it requires fo great an exertion, in thefe circumstances, to put matters to rights, that few perfons find themselves difpofed to undertake the task. Even when this difficulty is overcome, the task is but imperfectly accomplished. Thousands may have been mifled by the fuppofed fact, who may never have an opportunity of meeting with its refutation. Thefe, in their turn, may reafon upon the fact, and publish it in other works. Error may thus be propagated among millions who never shall have an opportunity of geting these false notions corrected. This could not happen, fhould the intended miscellany meet with as general a circulation as it is naturally fufceptible of. In that cafe, the publication would foon fall into the hands of fome one who would know with precifion the facts that occurred in it, even with refpect to very diftant objects: And as errors of this fort might be rectified, in many cafes, by a few lines, which would coft little trouble to write, and be attended with no expence, nor be accompanied with obloquy nor any other difagreeable effect to the writer, there feems to be no room to doubt, that the native love of truth, which is congenial to the human mind, would prompt. fuch perfons cheerfully to point out errors wherever they occurred; and as thefe corrections would come in fucceffion to be read by the very perfons who had been at first milled, the evil would be quickly rectified, and this great inlet to error be stopped up nearly at its fource. Doubtful facts alfo, that occurred in other writings, might thus be afcertained; and error be at laft fo thoroughly ferretted out from all its intricate retreats, as to make TRUTH to reign triumphant over all the regions of fcience. Such, then, being the great objects aimed at in this apparently humble work, it will not be wondered at that the editor not only does not wish to conceal his name from the public, but is even proud to have given birth to fuch an undertaking. If his former writings poffefs any merit at all, they owe it entirely to an unremitting defire in him to promote the general good of mankind; and he trusts, that his efforts to render as perfect as he can, this much greater and more useful performance, may entitle him to hope for a continuance, and an extenfion even, of that favour, which he has, on all former occafions, fo liberally experienced from an ever indulgent public. Should he fail in this attempt, he fhall regret it as a misfortune, and afcribe it to the weakness of his powers, that have not been fufficient to roufe the public attention to a fubject of fuch univerfal moment; and to the accidental waywardness of the times. If, however,

he meet with the encouragement that the boldness of the attempt, and probable utility of the work, feem to merit, no exertion on his part fhall be wanting. Of his own application at least, while health shall be continued, he can speak with a reasonable degree of certainty; on the liberal affiftance of his literary friends in Britain, he can with a well 'grounded confidence rely; and he has every reason to expect that his communications from abroad will be valuable alike for their authenticity, variety and importance. It is not, however, on the communications from abroad that he places his chief reliance, nor on the voluntary affiftance of private literary friends; he hopes for communications ou interesting subjects, as they occafionally occur, from literary characters in Britain who are entire strangers to him, and will be at all times ready to make such returns as the writers of fuch effays fhall be willing to accept, in proportion to the merit of their performances. He fhall only add, that concifenefs and comprehensive brevity will ever be to him great recommendations.

The editor cannot pretend to announce this work to his readers as a newspaper. It may serve, however, as a concife register of important occurrences, that admits of being conveniently bound up, to be confulted occafionally, and thus to preserve the recollection of events long after those papers that announced them more fully at the time, fhall have been fuffered to perish. Though this performance cannot therefore boast the merit of announcing news, it may ferve very completely the purpofe of an ufeful remembrancer to thofe who wish to preferve a distinct recollection of the fucceffion of past events.

In one particular department, he proposes to adopt a method that his friends make him hope will give general fatisfaction. In all the newspapers, mention is made of the feveral bills that are introduced into parliament; but unless it be from the debates that occur on the paffing of thefe bills, the public are no farther informed of their contents than the name by which they are announced fuggefts. Many perfons, therefore, have expreffed an earnest wish, that a diftinct and authentic account could be given of the characteristic peculiarities of each of these bills, in fome performance that can easily be obtained by the public at large. This the editor intends to attempt in the prefent work. Inftead of giving a diary of the tranfactions of parliament, as in a newfpaper, he propoles to give a feparate hiftory of the rife and progress of cach particular bill, announcing always at the beginning the particular objects of the bill, and tracing the amendments it received in each ftep of its progrefs through the house; and thus explaining the state in which it is left when paffed into a law, or finally rejected; adding himself fuch occafional remarks as the fubject naturally fuggefts. By this mode of procedure, the account of parliamentary proceedings must indeed be delayed till towards the end of each feffion of liament, as it is propofed never to lose fight of one bill till it be finally paffed into a law, or rejected. But as the daily proceedings in parlia ment can be found in every newspaper, this delay can be attended with little inconvenience to the reader; and it is hoped he will receive a fatisfaction, in feeing the fame fubject difcuffed foon after, and


placed in a light fomewhat new; and which, from the manner of treating it, if the execution be tolerable, fhould be more clear and fatisfactory than the ordinary accounts of parliamentary proceedings. How far he fhall fucceed in this department, the public will decide but it is extremely obvious, that few things are fo much wanted in this country, as a more general publication than at present takes place of the laws that affect individuals; and he hopes that this attempt, in a work fo much within the reach of all ranks of people, will be received with indulgent candour.

The uncommon lownefs of price at which this work is offered to the public, has been adopted, that its circulation might be the more extenfive, with a view to render this, and other articles of useful information, acceffible to the great body of the people: and the editor warmly begs leave to folicit the attention and patronage of the public at large in this attempt; for it is by an extenfive circulation alone, that the general attention can be so much engaged, as to effect all the purposes this publication is naturally fitted to accomplish. His utmost zeal, however, can prompt him to go no farther, than to be anxious that thofe who wish well to the undertaking may have an opportunity of once feeing the work, and of judging for themselves of its merit; and if upon trial they fhall find it unworthy of their patronage, it is but just and proper they fhould then give it up. Had private emolument been the chief object with the editor, he is well aware that he would have better fucceeded by affixing a muchhigher price to it. The more general extenfion of knowledge, however, is certainly a much greater object to aim at.

Still farther to ftimulate the attention of the public, and to call forth the latent fparks of genius that may lie hid from public view; it is the with of the editor to give a fet of premiums, annually, rather honorary than lucrative, for the beft differtations on literary fubjects. The extent of thefe premiums, and the variety of fubjects felected for them, muft ultimately depend upon the encouragement the public fhall give to this undertaking. As a beginning however, the fol lowing incitements are humbly offered to fuch ingenious youths as are willing to engage in the honourable conteft for literary glory. It is needlefs to add, that it is the honour of the victory, rather than the value of the premium, that must conftitute the principal reward.

To conclude, the editor will thankfully avail himself of every hint, tending to render his work more perfect in any respect; nor does he defpair of being able to furnish a mifcellany, that shall be entitled oa fome fhare of the public attention.


FIRST. For the best written, and the most characteristic sketch of the life of any of the great men or philofophers that follow; viz. Gallileo; Columbus ; Don Henry of Portugal; Tycho Brabe; Friar Bacon; Alfred; Charlemagne ; Cofmo, or Lorenzo de Medicis; Cardinal Ximenes; Gustavus. Vafa; The Czar Peter the Great; Bacon Lord Verulam; The Bishop of Chiapa ; The Abbè de Saint Pierre; or any other great fatefman philofopher who appeared in Europe between the revival of letters, and the beginning of the prefent century; A GOLD MEDAL, or FIVE GUINEAS.


In thefe fketches, flriking characteristical traits, expreffive of the peculiar genius and caft of mind of the perfon, contrafted with the prevailing manners of the people, and modes of thinking at the time, will be chiefly valued. Brevity and force will be high recommendations; but pompous panegyric will be viewad in a very different light. Let facts speak for themselves : For it is falls, zohen fairly reprefented, that conflitute the chief, and indeed the only excellence of the kind of painting here aimed at. The firm boldness and accuracy of the touches, not the allurements of gaudy colouring, are here wanted.

SECOND. For the best and most friking characteristical feetch of any eminent statesman, pbilofopher, or artist now living, or who has died within the prefent century; A GOLD MEDAL,—or FIVE GUINEAS.

In thefe feetches, originality and firength of thought, and an exaɛt knowledge of the human mind, will be principally fought for: Brevity and elegance in the file and manner will be greatly efleemed; but without candour and impartiality, they cannot be admitted. The cenfure and the praise of party zvriters tend alike to deface all truly characteristical traits, and to disguise inftead of elucidating the fubject. This must be here avoided.

THIRD. For the best original miscellaneous effay, flory, apologue, or tale, illuftrative of life and manners; or effufion or difquifition on any fubject that tends to intereft the beart, and amuse the imagination, in profe; A GOLD MEDAL,——


An original turn of thought; a correctness and purity of language; cafe and elegance of arrangement, and sprightliness of file, when devoid of affectation; will be accounted principal excellencies. Subjects that are cheerful and sportive will be preferred to thofe that are grave and folemn. But let not affectation be mistaken for eafe, nor pertnefs for wit and humour: Neither fhould folemnity be confounded with pathos; for the truly pathetic can never fail to pleafe.

He begs leave to repeat, that in these sketches or effays, comprehenfive brevity is principally required. It is not by quantity that the editor of this mifcellany means to ftimate the value of the performances offered to bim; but much the reverse. Thofe effays which comprehend much in small bounds will therefore be always deemed the most valuable. He can never be at a lofs for materials to

fill bis pages; and therefore is anxious that the effays offered to bim should be compressed into as small a space as is consistent with elegance and perspicuity.

FOURTH. For the beft original essay, in verfe; ode, tale, epiftle, fonnet, or fkort poetic effufion of any kind; A SILVER MEDAL,—or Two GUINEAS.

FIFTH. For the moft fpirited tranlation, or elegant imitation of any felect poem in foreign languages, whether ancient or medern; A SILVER MEDAL,

-or Two GUINEAS.

The editor, when be offers thefe two laft premiums, does it not without fear and befitation. All the fine arts are pleafing and attractive; but none of them, he believes, is fe generally feductive to youthful minds, as the allurements of poetry. While imagination is warm, and before a faculty of obferving things accurately, has formed a juft taste for imitative beauties, a facility in making verfes is often mistaken for a poetic talent; and the feductions of felf love keep up the illufion. To thefe caufes, he is fenfible, we owe thofe numerous uninterefting verfes that are perpetually issuing from the prefs, which serve to disguft the man of tafe, and make bim turn from the fight of verse, though he would be enraptured with genuine poetry, should it fall in his way. Should thefe fmall allurements call forth a number of trifles of this fort, the editor would feel be bad placed bimfelf in very difagreeable circumfiances; for if it be unpleafing even to read fuch things, it would become in this cafe extremely diftreffing, from the unavoidable recollection, that pain must be given by rejecting them. The pleasure, however, he would feel at calling forth, were it but a fingle line of genuine poetry, that modeft merit might have otherwise suppressed, induced him to propose thefe fmall premiums. The effect they produce will determine whether in future they fhall be continued or withdrawn.

It may not be improper also to bint, that it will be requifite that tranflations and imitations from the poets in foreign or dead languages, be made chiefly from fuch paffages as have not already appeared in English. A repetition of what has already been done cannot be admitted, unless it possess very superior excellence. There is a fpirit, and fire, and beroic ardour, confpicuous in "The Songs of a Pruffian Grenadier," by Gleim; and a yet higher degree of artless energy in "The Songs of an Amazon," by Weiffe, that would be highly captivating to moft readers, were they known; and among the Lyric pieces of Metaftafio, there is a brevity, a fimplicity, an elegance and pathos, that has been feldom imitated in the English language. It has perhaps been thought the genius of the language did not admit of it. Neither was it thought that a Connet could be written in English, that could poffefs thofe feductive charms that had been admired for two hundred years in the writings of Petrarch, till a lady, well known in the annals of polite literature, very lately fbewed, that for this species of poetry, no language was more happy than our own. Under the plaftic power of genius, language becomes an inflrument capable of every thing: Where genius is wanting, it is a tool of very circumfcribed powers.

Efays intended for this competition, written in the English language, will be received any time before the 1st of May* 1791, addressed, poft paid, to the Editor, at the printing boufe of Mundell and Son, Edinburgh. To each effay must be prefixed a few words as a motto; the fame motto, in the fame band writ

The editor confidering that many perfons have not had an opportunity of feeing the Profpectus who may with to become competitors, has enlarged the time for receiving papers beyond what was at firit propofed.

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