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predominant feature. The Chriftian Trinity, therefore, is not a Trinity of principles, like that of the Perfian philofophers; it does not confift of mere logical notions and inadequate. conceptions of Deity, like that of Plato; but it is a Trinity of fubfiftences, or perfons, joined by an indiffoluble union. As it is against the divinity of the fecond and third perfons in this. holy Triad that inveterate fcepticism principally points its rafh invective, let us take a curfory review of the qualities and offices afcribed to them in the facred writings. "

It is neceffary ever to be remembered, that, when those writings denominate one person, in the Trinity, the first, another the fecond, and another the third, they must not be understood as if speaking of a priority of time or of nature, which would imply fome fort of dependence, but only of a priority of emanation. The fecond perfon, indeed, is faid to have proceeded from the first, and the third from the first and fecond: yet from this expreffion it by no means follows that they were created beings, for, in that case, to pay them any adoration would do btlefs be to fubftantiate the charge which our opponents bring against those who worship the Trinity, and involve us in all the guilt of complicated idolatry. It cannot be laid of

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them, as of created agents, erat quando non· erant; or that they once were not; fince their going forth is faid to have been from all eternity. They were, confequently, eternal and neceffary emanations, co-eval and co-effential with the fublime Being from whom they emanated: not circumfcribed in their powers, not limited in their duration, which is the proper description and characteristic of created intelligences; but unlimited as the boundless univerfe which they animate and direct, indefinable in the extent of their operations; and, fince they never were created, fo it is impoffible that they should ever be annihilated..

To prove what is thus afferted, texts need not be multiplied. St. John, who seems to have compofed the particular Gofpel which bears his name, on purpose to obviate fome rifing herefies in the church relative to our Saviour's incarnation, exprefsly fays, In the beginning was the WORD, for LOGOs,) and the WORD was with GOD, and the WORD was GOD. And, fince it is in the power of no created being to create other beings; as the strongest proof of his divinity that could be given, he immediately adds, All things were MADE by him, and without bim was not any thing MADE that was MADE.*

Johni. 1, 2, 3.



He fums up the whole of this decifive evidence, in proof of the declared divinity of the LOGOS, by this folemn declaration; the WORD Was MADE FLESH, and dwelt among us, AND WE BEHELD HIS GLORY.* This is the atteftation of one of that highly-favoured number of holy perfons who, having been on earth the conftant companions of Him, in whom dwelt all the FULNESS OF THE GODHEAD bodily, beheld that glory break forth in unspeakable fplendor, when, after his refurrection, he afcended into the fkies whence he came, and refumed his feat upon the eternal throne. Of his unity with the Father, what terms can poffi-. bly be more pointed and exprefs on the fubject than those made ufe of by the incarnate LoGos himself, by him who came to be a pattern of humility to men, and with whofe affumed character every species of improper boafting was totally incompatible? Yet, upon an occafion that feemed to demand the unqualified avowal of his immortal rights and dignity did the meek Meffiah, in this emphatic and unequivocal language, affert his high rank in that universe which he had made: I AND MY FATHER ARE : ONE. The Holy Spirit is called the spirit of


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Johni. 14.

+ Coloff. ii. 9. John x: 30.

truth, WHO PROCEEDETH FROM THE FATHER.* The divinity and rank of this important perfonage of the Trinity are repeatedly declared in holy writ; and his character and attributes are fanctioned in the most awful manner. To lie to the HOLY GHOST is expreffly faid to lie unto God, and all manner of blafphemy but that against the HOLY GHOST fhall be forgiven. He was likewise present and actively affisting in the great and godlike work of creation; for, the SPIRIT OF GOD moved upon the face of the waters. As by the WORD of the Lord the beavens were made, fo were all the host of them by the BREATH (in Hebrew the SPIRIT) of his mouth.§

Equally rapid and energetic in his operations, the HOLY SPIRIT is the more immediate agent between the divine mind and that portion of it which animates the human form. He is the munificent difpenfer to mortals of all the more fplendid excellences and amiable endowments that adorn and illuftrate our nature. He is reprefented as an excellent Spirit, the Spirit of grace, the Spirit of wisdom, the Spirit of burning. It was this bleffed Spirit that issued from the opening heavens

* John xv. 26. ↑ Genefis i. 2.

+ Acts v. 3, 4.

Pfalms xxxiii. 6.


in the form of the fpotlefs dove, and, alighting in beams of glory upon the head of our Saviour, corroborated the folemn and public atteftation of Jehovah, that He was his belovea Son. It was this Spirit that diffused the radiance of the SHECHINAH round the fame dignified Meffiah when he was transfigured in the high and remote mountain, and when the aftonished disciples, who accompanied him, beheld his altered visage fhining like the fun, and his raiment white as light. He was the rushing mighty wind, that descended from heaven, and filled all the houfe in which the apostles were affembled. He was the luminous fplendor that fat upon each of them, and, while it imparted a ray of ætherial fire to their bofoms, caufed their loosened tongues to pour forth a spontaneous flood of heaven-taught eloquence.

The fceptic affirms, that this doctrine of a Trinity in Unity is contrary to reason, and he cannot give his assent to a manifeft contradiction. But, in answer to this, it has been repeatedly and forcibly urged, that a doctrine, which, as I have juft remarked, foars far above the limited powers of our weak reason to comprehend, may yet by no means be contradictory to that reafon of which we fo arrogantly boast. Mankind, in this point, demand more

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