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confideration; and whether you think fo or not, you will find it true.

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We may fee, from what has been faid, that there is not a Clergyman in Great Britain can vindicate your Hierarchy without perverting the Scriptures. All your Advocates fhew evident marks of distress, when they attempt to plead your caufe.Their arguments are forced and unnatural, and carry no evidence along with them; they may confufe weak minds, but will have small influence upon men of understanding. All their criticism on Greek words, and their quotations from the Fathers, fhew how they are pinched to make out their arguments. They would do better to follow nature, and fpeak plainly.--Your Caufe is tolerably well understood at this day; few believe in their Consciences that the Hierarchy is a divine inftitution-but it has, my Lords, what is more engaging to flesh and blood to fuG


port it, large yearly incomes, and acts of Parliament. Thefe will ferve for a feafon to support you against all rational conviction, and you will take all the reft to a longer day. My Lords, I do not envy you your good things; but it is hard you should glory in holding men under your lafh.Let us have a toleration to ferve God according to the dictates of our own Consciences, without molestation, and we shall ask no more. You might, my Lords, fuffer the Bill for the Relief of Diffenters to pafs without oppofition, for it can do you no good to oppofe it -but whether you do or not, it will give them small concern, provided you let them alone.--Before we part, my Lords, let us pray-May all Church Hierarchy foon be laid in the dust, and all human Articles demolished;-may we have the word of God for the fole Articles of our Faith, and honest Teach ers to put us in mind of our duty;-may our Faith be free, and our Love unfeigned

feigned;-may we ferve the one Lord, and obey him from the heart;-may your Lordships obtain repentance and remiffion of fins, and may we all rejoice in one another's happiness. Amen.

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I TIMOTHY, Ch. iii. ver. 2.

A Bishop must be blameless;apt to teach;-not given to filthy lucre ;-not covetous, &c.


Y Lords, these are qualifications rarely to be found among Bifhops. It is an high character to be blameless, and is feldom to be found upon the Sacerdotal Bench. Your Lordfhips will, before we proceed, please to confider the Scripture idea of a Bishop; and I muft direct your attention to the opinion of one who knew well the mean

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