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FLUO, I move as a streum, flow.-FLUCTUS or FLUXUS, flowed.

Fluid, fluidity, fluctuate, fluctuation.-Fluens, flowing; bence fluent, fluency.-Aflux, affluent, affluence, circumfluent, confluent, confluence, conflux, defluxion, influx, influence, reflux, superfluous, superfluity. FARI, to speak, declare, decree.-FATUS, decreed. Fate, fatal, fatality.-Affable, effable, ineffable, infant, infancy. Fable, fabulous, confabulation, from fabula, or fabella, a thing spoken; fame, famous, from fama, a thing spoken of.-Defame, defamation, infamy, infa. mous.-Fas, for fans, that which is spoken or decreed, lawful; nefas, or nefarius, that which is not to be spoken, unlawful; hence nefarious.

FORMA, shape, figure.

Form; formula, formulary, from formula, a little form, a short rule or maxim; formal, from formalis, made in due form.-Conform, conformity, deform, deformity, inform, information, informality, perform, performance, reform, reformation, transform, transformation.-Malformation, (male, bad,) multiform, (multus, many,) uniform, uniformity, (unus, one.)

FRAGO or FRANGO, I break.-FRACTUS, broken.

[Frango is changed into Fringo, when compounded.] Fracture, fraction, fragment.-Fragile, fragility, frail, frailty, from fragilis, liable to break; infringe, infraction, refraction, suffrage, suffragan.


Fraud, fraudulent, defraud.-Frustra, defrauded of, in vain, to no purpose; frustra gave rise to frusto, I disappoint; hence frustrate.

FRUX, FRUGIS, fruit, produce.

Frugal, frugality, from frugalis, sparing of fruit, moderate.-Fruor, fruitus, or fructus, I enjoy fruit, I delight in; hence fruition.

FRONS, FRONTIS, the forepart of any thing, the forehead.

Front, frontlet, frontier, frontpiece.-Affront, effrontery. FUGIO, I flee.-FUGITUS, fled.

Fugitive, refuge, subterfuge.

FUNDO, I pour.-FUSUS, poured.

Fusion, fusible.-Confound, confuse, confusion, diffuse, effusion, infuse, profuse, refund, refuse, refusal, suffuse, transfuse.-Futilis, one who pours forth words; hence fatile, futility.


GENUS, a family, sort, kind:

GENERAL, from generalis, belonging to a whole tribe.Generosity, generous, from generus, nobly born.-Generate, generation, congenial, engender or ingender, degenerate, regenerate.

GERO, I bear, gather.-GESTUS, borne. Congeries, congest, congestion, digest, digestion, indigestion, suggest, suggestion, gesture.

GIGNO, (for GENO,) I beget.-GENITUS, begotten.-GENS, GENTIS, that which is begotten, a family, nation, or tribe.

Genuine, genius, genitive, genial, congenial, gentile, genteel, gentle.—Ingenium, power or disposition bred

within us; hence ingenuity, ingenious.-Ingenus, free-born, frank; hence ingenuous, ingenuousness.Progenitor, progeny, primogeniture.

GNOSCO or NOSCO, I know.—NOTUS, known. Note, notation, notice, notary, annotation, denote.-Nobilis, easy to be known, celebrated; hence noble, nobility. Cognisance, recognisance, recognise, prognostic, prognosticate.

GRADUS, a step.-GRADO or GRADIOR, I move by steps, I walk.—GRESSUS, moved by steps.

[Gradior is changed into Gredior, when compounded.] Gradation, gradual, graduate, retrogade.-Aggression, congress, degrade, digress, egress, ingress, progress, regress, transgress.

GRATIA, favour, grace.

Grace, gracious, grateful, gratitude.-Gratis, gratuitous, from gratuitus, freely bestowed; greet, from grator, I welcome; congratulate, from gratulor, or congratulor, I wish joy; gratify, (see FACIO.)

GREX, GREGIS, a flock, herd.

Gregarious, congregation, egregious.


HABEO, I hold, possess, (hence have, which is a corruption of Habeo.)-HABITUS, held. [Habeo is changed into Hiber, and Habitus into Hibitus, when compounded.]

HABIT, from habitus, that which holds the mind or body, dress, character; habitude, from habitudo, the slate of mind or body.-Able, for habilis, fit to hold.-Exhibit,

probibit.- -Debeo, dihitus, (for dehibeo,) I hold down the property of another, I am in debt.-Debt, from debitum, that which is due; debtor, from debitor, the person who owes.-Indebted.-Debility, debilitate, from debilis, (for dehibilis,) not able.--Habito, I have often, I dwell in; hence habitation, inhabit*, cobabit.

HÆREO, I stick.-HESUS, stuck.

Heir, from hæres, one who is close to another, one who succeeds to an estate.-Adhere, adhesion, cohere, cohesion, incoherent, inherent.-Hesito, I stammer, doubt; hence hesitate.

HALO, I breathe.

Exhale, exhalation, inhale.

HUMUS, the ground.

Inhume, inhumation, posthumous, from posthumus or postumus, born or published after the father is put into the ground.-Humility, humble, from humilis, belonging to the ground.--Homo, hominis, a formed from the ground, man; hence homicide, (see CADO.)-Human, humane, from humanus, belonging to man; inhuman.



JACIO, I cast, throw.-JACTUS, thrown. [Jacio is changed into Jicio, and Jactus into Jectus, when compounded.]

ABJECT, adjective, circumjacent, conjecture, deject, eject, inject, interjection, object, project, reject, subject.

* In French, inhabité, signifies uninhabited.

JUGUM, a yoke.-JUGO or JUNGO, Ijoin.JUNCTUS, joined.

Conjugal, conjugate, subjugate.—Adjoin, adjunct, conjunctive, disjoin, disjunctive, enjoin or injoin.

JUS, JURIS, law, right.

Just, justify, (see FACIO,) justice, jury, juror, jurat, judge, jurisdiction, juridicial, (see Dico,) jurispru dence, (prudence, for prudentia, knowledge.)-Abjure, abjuration, adjuration, conjure, conjuration, perjury.


LABOR, I glide, pass away.-LAPSUS, passed


LAPSE.-Collapse, elapse, relapse.

LATUS, LATERIS, the side.

Lateral, collateral, equilateral, (see EQUUS.)

LAXO, I loosen.

Lax, laxity, laxative, relax.

LEVIS, light; (what is light is easily borne up, hence LEVO, I lift.)

Levity.-Alleviate, elevate, relieve, relief.

LEGO, I choose, I gather, I read, (that is, I gather words together.)-LECTUS, chosen.

[Lego is changed into Ligo, when compounded.] Lesson, a corruption of lectio, that which is read: lex, legis, what is read to the people, namely, law; hence legal, legitimate.-Privilege, from privilegium, (pri

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