Arboretum Et Fruticetum Britannicum: Or, The Trees and Shrubs of Britain, Native and Foreign, Hardy and Half-hardy, Pictorially and Botanically Delineated, and Scientifically and Popularly Described; with Their Propagation, Culture, Management, and Uses in the Arts, in Useful and Ornamental Plantations, and in Landscape-gardening; Preceded by a Historical and Geographical Outline of the Trees and Shrubs of Temperate Climates Throughout the World, Volume 8 |
From inside the book
Results 1-5 of 17
Page 343
... in Useful and Ornamental P John Claudius Loudon. Smith's , LXXXIV . H. Abies Smithiàna . or the Himalayan , Spruce Fir . 13 ft . high , 42 in , diam . 340 : LXVI . A. Cárpinus Bétulus . The Birch ,. O v , full-grown tree Bot Gard Kew Miss ...
... in Useful and Ornamental P John Claudius Loudon. Smith's , LXXXIV . H. Abies Smithiàna . or the Himalayan , Spruce Fir . 13 ft . high , 42 in , diam . 340 : LXVI . A. Cárpinus Bétulus . The Birch ,. O v , full-grown tree Bot Gard Kew Miss ...
Page 345
... LXVI . A. Carpinus Bétulus . The Birch - like , or common , Hornbeam . Full - grown tree at Chiswick , 45 ft . high . [ Scale 1 in . to 12 ft . ] 243 LXXI . A. Castanea vésca . The edible , or. Córylus Colúrna Hort Soc Gard H Le Jeune.
... LXVI . A. Carpinus Bétulus . The Birch - like , or common , Hornbeam . Full - grown tree at Chiswick , 45 ft . high . [ Scale 1 in . to 12 ft . ] 243 LXXI . A. Castanea vésca . The edible , or. Córylus Colúrna Hort Soc Gard H Le Jeune.
Page 205
... The common LXXXV . A. Làrix europaea . white - wooded , or European Larch . 20 ft . high , 6 in . diam . 344 LXXXV . A. Làrix europea . The European , or. tree, Studley Park H W Jukes F e péndula Hort Soc Gard H Le Jeune.
... The common LXXXV . A. Làrix europaea . white - wooded , or European Larch . 20 ft . high , 6 in . diam . 344 LXXXV . A. Làrix europea . The European , or. tree, Studley Park H W Jukes F e péndula Hort Soc Gard H Le Jeune.
Page 206
... and Uses in the Arts, in Useful and Ornamental P John Claudius Loudon. LXXXV . A. Làrix europea . The European , or common , Larch . 344 a m LXXIII . A. Liquidámbar styraciflua . The sweet -. Hort Soc Gard H Le Jeune F simplicifòlia.
... and Uses in the Arts, in Useful and Ornamental P John Claudius Loudon. LXXXV . A. Làrix europea . The European , or common , Larch . 344 a m LXXIII . A. Liquidámbar styraciflua . The sweet -. Hort Soc Gard H Le Jeune F simplicifòlia.
Page 14
... Gard . Miss M. L. 20. T. ( e . ) parvifòlia aúrea p . 21 . p . 267. ( 4. ) 22 . Mile End Nursery . R. Varden ... Gard . Miss M. L. } 366. ( 25. ) T. ( e . ) álba ( syn . ar- p . 372. ( 18. ) géntea ) · Hort . Soc . Gard . Miss ...
... Gard . Miss M. L. 20. T. ( e . ) parvifòlia aúrea p . 21 . p . 267. ( 4. ) 22 . Mile End Nursery . R. Varden ... Gard . Miss M. L. } 366. ( 25. ) T. ( e . ) álba ( syn . ar- p . 372. ( 18. ) géntea ) · Hort . Soc . Gard . Miss ...
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Common terms and phrases
9 ft Abies picea acuminata American Pitch Arbor vitæ B. B. Quercus berried broad-leaved Lime tree Cedar Chestnut Oak Chiswick Villa common Hop Hornbeam common Yew Cork tree Day & Haghe deciduous Cypress diam excélsa excélsior Fagus sylvatica FORMING VOL ft high Fulham Nursery Full-grown tree G.R. Lewis Gard Gingko tree glaucous-leaved grown tree H. W. Jukes Hackney head Hornbeam Juniper Juniperus Juniperus phoenicea Larch Pine Làrix Libàni Liquidámbar styraciflua Loddiges LXXII LXXV LXXXIII LXXXIV MAGNOLIA maiden-hair-leaved Salisburia Messrs Mile End Nursery Miss M. L. Miss M. L.
T. Muswell Hill occidentalis Óstrya vulgàris palustris Pinaster Pinus rígida Pinus sylvestris pitch-bearing Plane Plátanus acerifolia Printed from Zinc Pseùdo-Plátanus Quércus Prinus Quercus rubra Quercus Suber Salisbúria adiantifolia Scale Spruce Fir Studley Park sweet-gum-flowing Liquidambar Taxodium distichum Taxus Táxus baccata Thuja occidentalis Tilia Tree at Dropmore tree at Kew tree at Muswell tree at Syon trunk Varden Zinc by Day