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graphed Captain Jenkins at Louisville, requesting him to provide transportation. I do not hear from him. They can be shipped by rail if necessary.


Captain and Assistant Quartermaster.


No. 241.

[blocks in formation]

XIV. For meritorious services and gallantry as aide-de-camp to the general commanding at the battles of Corinth and Stone's River, the red ribbon of the Roll of Honor is conferred upon Col. C. R. Thompson, of the first regiment of colored troops organized in this department. In bestowing upon Colonel Thompson this mark of his appreciation of his services, the general commanding desires to express his admiration for the qualities which have raised Colonel Thompson from the position of private, in which he entered the service at the commencement of the rebellion, to his present rank, which has been attained solely by his own merit and attention to duty. *





By command of Major-General Rosecrans :

H. M. CIST, Lieutenant and Acting Assistant Adjutant-General.

HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT OF THE CUMBERLAND, September 2, 1863-10 a. m. (Received 10.50 a. m.) Major-General THOMAS,

Commanding Fourteenth Army Corps:

General Crittenden has been ordered to cross his corps at Battle Creek and Jasper, and his trains at Bridgeport, to take position on the left and in rear of General Reynolds. The general commanding directs you to make such dispositions of your command on the other side as will give room for General Crittenden's corps.

J. A. GARFIELD, Brigadier-General and Chief of Staff.


Brigadier-General KING,

Stevenson, Ala., September 2, 1863.

Comdg. Third Brigade, First Division, 14th Army Corps: The general commanding holds you responsible for the protection of the railroad and line of posts from the mountains beyond Anderson to Bridgeport, including the bridge and other public property at that place. Brigadier-General Morgan has been ordered to relieve you, which, when done, you will cross your command at Bridgeport and join your division.

Very respectfully, your obedient servant,

J. A. GARFIELD, Brigadier-General and Chief of Staff.

Journal of operations of the Fourteenth Army Corps.

SEPTEMBER 2, 1863.

General Baird (First Division) moved to Widow's Creek, except Second Brigade, General Starkweather, which went to Bridgeport. Bridge just completed at Bridgeport gave way at 3 o'clock, precipitating five wagons of Third Division into the river and drowning one mule. General Negley (Second Division) reports his arrival at Moore's Spring, 14 miles from Taylor's Store and 2 miles from Bridgeport. He is ordered to cross the mountains at that point.

HDQRS. SECOND DIVISION, FOURTEENTH ARMY CORPS, Moore's Spring, Ala., September 2, 1863—1 p. m. Lieutenant-Colonel FLYNT,

Chief of Staff, Fourteenth Army Corps:

COLONEL: On reaching this point, 14 miles south from Taylor's Store and 2 miles from Bridgeport, I ascertained that there was an insufficiency of water at Taylor's Store; also that the road from here to Trenton (15 miles) is the same distance as from Taylor's Store, with a better road. I have therefore halted the division until I could communicate this intelligence. The citizens give me, the following description of the road to Trenton :

From Moore's Spring to top of mountain, 1 mile, good road; from there to Warren's, 4 miles; here you cross the northeast fork of Island Creek, little stream; bad crossing; can be easily repaired. The road forks on top of the hill beyond the creek. The left-hand and plainest road leads direct to Trenton.

Loyal Creek (now dry with the exception of a small pond) crosses the road about 3 miles beyond Warren's and I mile this side of Wood's Gap. Small spring on top of mountain near Wood's house (white frame). Descending from Wood's into the gap, 200 yards of the road is rocky and uneven; descent of mountain 1 mile.

At Brown's (foot of mountain) is a good spring and camping-ground for a division. At Brown's you strike the road coming from Lebanon to Trenton_in this form A. The left leg leads to Trenton, about 4 miles. Trenton is situated in Lookout Valley, Dade County, Ga., a rich agricultural district; valley 25 miles long, averaging 2 miles wide. Forage and farm products in abundance. A small spring at Pace's Tan-yard. Small creek runs through Trenton. The village is small, about 100 tenements and 300 souls.

Lookout Creek (fine water) crosses the road to Chattanooga, 1 mile beyond Trenton. Four miles beyond Lookout Creek, Squirrel Creek; small, and little water.

From Trenton to Chattanooga, 25 miles, the road is good, with numerous farms, except in crossing point of Lookout Mountain (1 mile).

From Trenton to La Fayette, 20 miles, there is a good road. via Lebanon road, to Johnson's Crook, Lookout Creek; thence across the mountain into McLemore's Cove.

Citizen Guilford says Bragg has retired from Chattanooga toward Rome. The road from Caperton's to this point now good; river bottoms abounding with nearly ripened corn. Few tenements, with numerous squalid children, forlorn looking women, whose husbands


are in the army; but these have evidently been performing their family duties.

Hogs are plenty, but will require lard to fry the meat. The farms are well stocked with cows, calves, and a few sheep. The people are ignorant, but not ill-tempered. Our forces excite childish curiosity. I have the honor to remain, yours, very truly, JAS. S. NEGLEY,

Moore's Spring, Ala., September 2, 1863.

Major-General THOMAS,

Commanding Fourteenth Army Corps:

GENERAL: I send copy of communication of 1 p. m. to-day, which I sent per Captain Wilson, General Beatty's staff, who proposed crossing at Bridgeport, but may be prevented by the falling of the bridge. Since then General Sheridan's division has arrived here, and rather unceremoniously assumed a part of my camping-ground. I was consequently compelled to halt my third brigade one-half mile back. General Sheridan's commissaries are applying for rations, theirs being on the other side of the river. Their men marched without any rations in haversacks, so stated. Shall I supply them? The conduct of some of their troops has been so discreditable as to cause us to regret our proximity.

By reference to Captain Merrill's map you will observe that the road I refer to in my communication is not laid down correctly by


I have the honor to remain, yours, very truly,



Bolivar Springs, September 2, 1863.

Brigadier-General BRANNAN,

Commanding Third Division:

GENERAL: Your dispatch received last night. The general commanding approves of the disposition of your troops. Make your arrangements for an early advance on Trenton through Hog Jaw Valley.

Very respectfully, your obedient servant,


Assistant Adjutant-General and Chief of Staff.



Bolivar Springs, September 2, 1863.

Commanding Fourth Division:

The general commanding directs me to say, that so soon as you can get your supply train across the river, to move forward on the Trenton road and make room for General Baird, who will cross the

river to-morrow. If you can move out to-morrow on the Trenton road, then day after you can move your command forward for Trenton.

Very respectfully, your obedient servant,


Assistant Adjutant-General and Chief of Staff.

Bolivar Springs, September 2, 1863.

Major-General REYNOLDS,

Commanding Fourth Division:

GENERAL: Your dispatch received. Disposition of troops, &c., are approved by the general commanding. Make your arrangements for an early advance on Trenton from the point where you

now are.

Very respectfully, your obedient servant,

GEÓ. E. FLYNT, Assistant Adjutant-General and Chief of Staff.

HDQRS. FIRST BRIG., FOURTH DIV., 14TH ARMY CORPS, In front of Chattanooga, September 2, 1863. Lieut. Col. C. GODDARD,

Assistant Adjutant-General:

COLONEL: I have the honor to report that large clouds of dust were to be seen yesterday afternoon in the direction of Tyner's Station and Ringgold. At sunset there was no abatement of the dust, and at night the ascending smoke gave evidence of the encampment of troops in that vicinity. All I can see or hear is confirmatory of the dispatch of Colonel Funkhouser, given below :

September 2, 1863.

COLONEL : I have reliable information up as far as Colonel Minty's. Everything seems to indicate that the enemy are active and stirring. There seems to be no attempt at anything like crossing. All along the line last night was a continual bustle and stir; troops moving all night. Wagons could be heard passing all the ferries; could get no reliable information as to which way the wagons were moving. Captain Flood, at Harrison, thought the movement was in the direction of Chattanooga. The enemy seem to be actively at work on the defenses along the entire line. This morning drums could be heard beating time and moving in the direction of Chattanooga. All the indications seem to confirm the movement to be in that direction. They showed a much stronger front yesterday than at any time for several days. This may be accounted for in this way. It is evident to me from all the information that I can get that they are bringing the forces from up about Kingston and this side. The raid the enemy was expected to make on yesterday did not take place. All my officers in charge of picket posts make the report that continued chopping or pounding could be heard all last night, as if they were repair ing wagons, making boats or some such thing. I will continue to report any and all information that I deem at all needful or interesting to you.

I am, colonel, yours to command,

Colonel, Commanding.

I am, colonel, very respectfully, yours to command,

J. T. WILDER, Colonel, Commanding Brigade.


Stevenson, September 2, 1863.


Major-General McCook,

Commanding Twentieth Army Corps:

GENERAL: Major-General Negley reports as follows:

Our transportation was delayed on the north side of pontoon bridge by the officer in charge, who stated that he had orders from General McCook not to allow any wagons to pass after dark.

The general commanding supposes that the officer must have misunderstood your orders, and directs you to instruct him that such a mistake may not again occur.

I am, general, very respectfully, your obedient servant,
Lieutenant-Colonel and Assistant Adjutant-General.

Camp at Lookout Valley, September 2, 1863.


Chief of Staff:

COLONEL: I have gone into camp 24 miles from Winston's after a good day's march; my position is a good one and is about 1 mile from the base of the mountain. Water plenty and good; forage of green corn plenty.

The road between here and our starting point this morning only tolerably good; one half of it excellent, the other rocky and rough. We have captured some 8 or 10 rebels of one denomination or another. From them I learn that they are picketing from this place to Chattanooga. Wheeler's headquarters were in this neighborhood a few days ago, but now he has gone down Will's Hollow (or valley) to Lebanon and Gadsden, Ga. [Ala.], and is occupying that part of the country with a large cavalry force.

Martin's headquarters are at Trenton; he has 500 men there, and his brigade probably occupies the country around that place. I am within 24 miles of the main road leading from Chattanooga to Lebanon, through Will's Valley; this road is much traveled by the rebel forces, and was picketed until we ran them off this evening. If I had had some cavalry this afternoon I could have picked up a number of them, and could have gotten better information about their whereabouts, &c. We have had some little bushwhacking; but 1 man of ours captured so far as reported. There is much Union feeling expressed by the people along the road.

There are reported several squads of Union men as organized and resisting the conscription in the mountains. I shall try and communicate with one of them to-morrow, who is said to have 40 men with him, and has had several skirmishes recently with the conscripting parties. I must have some mounted men here if the general can possibly spare them. Our move to-day completely surprised them, and if I had had a regiment or so of cavalry I could have captured a number of prisoners.

I shall await further orders and the arrival of my train with becoming patience.

I am, very respectfully,


JEF. C. DAVIS, Commanding Division.

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