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SERMON about to pass away; and in the midst of


wishes and desires, of hopes and fears, which all respect futurity, we may be said to dwell. As on these the life of man is so much suspended, it becomes a very material part both of wisdom and of duty to attend to any regulations by which they may be properly conducted. For if expectations and hopes on one hand, and fears and alarms on the other, are suffered to arise with groundless precipitancy, and to acquire an undue ascendant, it is evident that they will produce much delusion in conduct, and often will engender much vice and guilt. As there is a hope of the Righteous which shall be gladness, so there is an expectation of the Wicked which shall perish. The anticipations of the former, conducted by prudence, and regulated by piety, mislead him not from his duty, and afford him satisfaction in the end. While the expectations of the latter, arising from fantastic imaginary prospects, delude him for a while with vanity, and terminate in misery. It will therefore be an useful subject of meditation, to consider, in a few instances, of what we may, and of what we



may not, reasonably expect from the world, SERMON when we look forward to what is most likely to happen, in the ordinary course of human affairs.

I. We are not to expect the uninterrupted continuance of any measure of health, prosperity, or comfort, which we now enjoy. There is the greater reason for beginning with this admonition, as there is a strong propensity in human nature to imagine that what we at present possess, is always to remain. When no warnings of any approaching change appear, we are all inclined to look forward to futurity with a smile; and to indulge the hope that to-morrow shall be as this day and even more abundantly. Hence, in the lives of thoughtless men, there breaks forth so much folly and presumption, so much pride and levity, and often so much impiety and contempt of religion. What is the Almighty that we should serve him? Or what profit shall we have, if we pray unto him? Our mountain stands strong; and shall never be moved.

On the lot of some men Providence is pleased to bestow a longer continuance of prosperity

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SERMON prosperity than on that of others.



as the term of that continuance is hidden
from us, all flattering and confident ex-
pectations are without foundation. At
one period or another, it is certain that the
calm is to be troubled, and the dark cloud
is to arise; and how soon that period is to
come, you cannot tell. In your health, or
your fortune, or among your connexions
and friends, be assured that some trial
awaits you.
For human life never stands
still for any long time. It is by no means a
fixed and steady object, like the mountain
or the rock which you always find in the
same situation; it is a river continually
moving and flowing. Neither is it the still
and smooth stream which glides along with
the same constant tenour; but a river which
for a time may hold a regular course
within its banks, till, being interrupted by
rocks, it foams into a torrent, or, swoln by
foreign currents, it lays waste the neigh-
bouring plains. Amidst such vicissitudes
of time and life, who has any title to
reckon upon the future? To faults, all are
subject; to troubles, all are exposed. As
that man is the most virtuous who can be


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tharged with the fewest faults, so that life SERMON is the happiest which suffers the fewest troubles. To look for entire exemption from them, is to court disappointment.

At the same time, I do not mean to hold it forth as any precept of religion or wisdom, that we ought always to sadden the present hour by dwelling on the thoughts of future disappointment. What is given us, let us cheerfully enjoy, and render thanks to Him who bestows it. Virtue, conjoined with prudence, may reasonably afford the prospect of good days to come, For God giveth to a man that is good in his sight, wisdom, and knowledge, and joy *. Such a prospect therefore he may innocently indulge, if he preserve always that temperance and moderation, that modesty and humility, which become one who knows that his state is ever in hazard of changing. But I mean to warn those, who, giving way to the elation of giddy hopes, lose the command of themselves, that by this intoxication of mind they are preparing the way for an alteration of state; they are

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SERMON pushing forward the wheels of advancing I. change; they are accelerating their own downfall. To them belongs that admonition of the wise man, would they seriously listen to it; If a man live many years and rejoice in them all, yet let him remember the days of darkness, for they shall be many: all that cometh is vanity *.

II. We are not to expect, from our intercourse with others, all that satisfaction. which we fondly wish. What the individual either enjoys or suffers by himself, exhibits only an imperfect view of his condition. In the present state of human affairs, we are all so closely interwoven with one another, that a very material part. of our happiness or misery arises from the connexions which we have with those who are around us, and the relations in which we stand to them. These, therefore, open a field within which our wishes and expectations find an ample range. One of the first objects of wish to every one, is to maintain a proper place and rank in society;

Eccles. xi. 8.


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