A fick Man's Appetite, who defires most that, You cry against the Noble Senate, who (Under the Gods) keep you in awe, which elfe Mar. Hang 'em: They fay! They'll fit by th' Fire, and prefume to know Who thrives, and who declines: Side Factions, and give out And let me ufe a Sword, I'd make a Quarry As I could pitch my Lance. Men. Nay, thefe are almost throughly perfuaded: For though abundantly they lack Difcretion, Yet are they paffing cowardly. What fays the other Troop? But, I befeech you, Mar. They are diffolv'd; hang'em, They faid they were an hungry, figh'd forth Proverbs; That Meat was made for Months-that the Gods fent not They vented their Complainings; which being anfwer'd, And a Petition granted them, a ftrange one, To break the Heart of Generofity, And make bold Power look pale; they threw their Caps Men. What is granted them? Mar. Mar, Five Tribunes to defend their vulgar Wisdoms, Win upon Power, and throw forth greater Themes Men. This is ftrange. Mar. Go get you home, you Fragments, Enter a Messenger. Mef. Where's Caius Martius? Mar. Here what's the Matter? Mef. The News is, Sir, the Volfcies are in Arms. Mar. I am glad on't, then we fhall have means to vent Our mufty fuper fluity. See, our beft EldersEnter Sicinius Velutus, Junius Brutus, Cominius, Titus Lartius, with other Senators. I Sen. Martins, 'tis true, that you have lately told us, The Volfcies are in Arms, Mar. They have a Leader, Tullius Aufidius, that will put you to't. I fin in envying his Nobility: And were I any thing but what I am, I could wish me only he. Com. You have fought together? Mar. Were half to half the World by th' Ears, and he Upon my Party, I'd revolt, to make Only my Wars with him. He is a Lion That I am proud to hunt. 1 Sen. Then worthy Martins, Attend upon Cominius to thefe Wars. And I am conftant: Titus Lartius, thou What, art thou ftiff? Stand'ft out? Tit. No, Caius Martius, I'll lean upon one Crotch, and fight with t'other; Men. Oh true bred. Sen. 1 Sen. Your Company to th' Capitol; where I know Our greatest Friends attend us. Tit. Lead you on; follow Cominius, we must follow you, right worthy your Priority. Com. Noble Martius. 1 Sen. Hence to your Homes-be gone. [To the Citizens. The Volfcies have much Corn: take thefe Rats thither [Exeunt. [Citizens fteal away. Manent Sicinius and Brutus. Sic. Was ever Man so proud as is this Martius? Sic. When we were chofen Tribunes for the People- Sic. Nay, but his Taunts. Bru. Being mov'd, he will not fpare to gird the Gods. Sic. Be-mock the modeft Moon. Bru. The prefent Wars devour him, he is grown Too proud to be fo yaliant. Sic. Such a Nature, tickled with good Succefs, difdaits the Shadow which he treads on at Noon, but I do wonder, his Infolence can brook to be commanded under Cominius? Bru. Fame, at the which he aims, In whom already he is well grac'd, cannot Sie. Befides, if things go well, Opinion, that fo sticks on Martius, fhall Of his demerits rob Cominius. Bru. Come; half all Cominius's Honours are to Martins, Though Martius earn'd them not; and all his Faults To Martius fhall be Honours, though indeed In ought he merit not. Sic. Let's hence, and hear How the dispatch is made, and in what fashion, Upon this prefent Action, goes Br Bru. Let's along. SCENE II. Coriolus. [Exeunt. Enter Tullus Aufidius with Senators of Coriolus. I Sen. So, your Opinion is, Aufidius, That they of Rome are entred in our Counsels, Auf. Is it not yours? great, What ever hath been thought on in this State 1 Sen. Our Army's in the Field: We never yet made doubt, but Rome is ready Auf. Nor did you think it folly To keep your great pretences veil'd, 'till when They needs must fhew themselves, which in the hatching We fhall be fhortned in our Aim, which was 2 Sen. Noble Aufidius, Take your Commiffion, hie you to your Bands, If they fet down before's: for the remove Auf. O, doubt not that, I fpeak from Certainties. Nay more, Some parcels of their Power are forth already, And And only hitherward. I leave your Honours, All. The Gods affift you. Auf. And keep your Honours fafe, 1 Sen. Farewel. 2 Sen. Farewel. All Farewel. SCENE III. Rome. [Exeunt. Enter Valumnia and Virgilia, They set them down on two low Stools, and Sew. 1 Vol. I pray you, Daughter, Sing, or exprefs your self in a more comfortable fort: If my Son were my Husband, I would freelier rejoice in that abfence wherein he won Honour, than in the Embracements of his Bed, where he should fhew moft love. When yet he was but tender-bodied, and the only Son of my Womb; when Youth with Comliness plucked all gaze his way; when for a Day of Kings Entreaties, a Mother should not fell him an Hour from her beholding, I, confidering how Honour would become fuch a Perfon, that it was no better than Picture-like to hang by th' Wall, if Renown made it not ftir, was pleas'd to let him feek Danger where he was like to find Fame: To a cruel War I fent him, from whence he return'd, his Brows bound with Oak. I tell thee, Daughter, I fprang no more in Joy at first hearing he was a Man-child, than now in first seeing he had proved himself a Man. Wir. But had he died in the Bufinefs, Madam, how then? Kol. Then his good Report fhould have been my Son; I therein would have found Iffue. Hear me profefs fincerely: had I a dozen Sons each in my love alike, and none lefs dear than thine, and my good Martius, I had rather eleven dye nobly for their Country, than one voluptuously furfeit out of Action. Enter a Gentlewoman. Gent. Madam, the Lady Valeria is come to vifit you. Me |