Enter Warwick and Oxford in England, with French Soldiers. War. Truft me, my Lord, all hitherto goes well, But fee where Somerfet and Clarence come; War. Then gentle Clarence, welcome unto Warwick, His Soldiers lurking in the Town about, We may furprize and take him at our pleasure, With flight and manhood ftole to Rhefus' Tents, [They all cry Henry. Why then, let's on our way in filent fort, For Warwick and his Friends, God and Saint George. Enter the Watchmen to guard the King's Tent. [Exeunt. A Watch. Come on, my Mafters, each Man take his Stand, The King by this has fet him down to fleep. 2 Watch. What, will he not to Bed? Watch. Why no; for he hath made a folemn Vow, Never to lye and take his natural Reft, Till Warwick, or himself, be quite fuppreft. 2 Watch. 2 Watch. To morrow then belike fhall be the Day, If Warwick be fo near as Men report. 3 Watch. But fay,I pray, what Nobleman is that, That with the King here refteth in his Tent? I Watch. 'Tis the Lord Haftings, the King's chiefeft Friend. 3 Watch. O, is it fo? but why commands the King, That his chief Followers lodge in Towns about him, While he himself keeps in the cold Field? 2 Watch. 'Tis the more Honour, because the more dangerous. 3 Watch. Ay, but give me worship and quietness, I like it better than a dangerous Honour. If Warwick knew in what Eftate he stands, 'Tis to be doubted he would waken him. I Watch. Unless our Halberds did fhut up his Paffage. 2 Watch. Ay; wherefore elfe guard we this Royal Tent, But to defend his Perfon from Night-foes? Enter Warwick, Clarence, Oxford, Somerset, and French Soldiers, filent all. War. This is his Tent, and fee where ftands his Guard: Courage, my Masters: Honour now or never: But follow me, and Edward (hall be ours. I Watch. Who goes there? 2 Watch. Stay, or thou dieft. Warwick and the rest cry all, Warwick, Warwick, and set upon the Guard, who fly, crying, Arms, Arms, Warwick and the reft following them. The Drum beating, and Trumpets founding. Enter Warwick, Somerset, and the reft, bringing the King out in a Gown, fitting in a Chair; Glo'fter and Haftings flying over the Stage. Som. What are they that fly there? War. Richard and Haftings, let them go, here is the Duke. K. Edw. The Duke! Why Warwick, when we parted Thou cali'dft me King? War. Ay, but the cafe is alter'd. When you difgrac'd me in my Embaffade, Nor Nor how to be contented with one Wife, Art thou here too? Nay then I fee, that Edward must needs down. See that forthwith Duke Edward be convey'd When I have fought with Pembrook, and his Fellows, Lewis and the Lady Bona fend to him. Now for a while farewel good Duke of York. [They lead him out forcibly. K. Edw. What Fates impose, that Men must needs abide; It boots not to refift both Wind and Tide. Oxf. What now remains, my Lords, for us to do, But march to London with our Soldiers? Exeunt. War. Ay, that's the first thing that we have to do, Enter Rivers, and the Lady Gray. [Exeunt. Riv. Madam, what makes you in this fudden change? Against Warwick? La. Gray. No, but the lofs of his own Royal Perfon. La. Gray. Ay, almoft flain, for he is taken Prifoner. Or Or by his Foe furpriz'd at unawares : Is now committed to the Bishop of York. Riv. Thefe News I must confefs are full of Grief: La. Gray. Till then fais hope muft hinder Life's decay. And I the ather wean me from Defpair For love of Edward's Off-fpring in my Womb: Where is Warwick then become? La. Gray. I am inform'd that he comes towards London, To fet the Crown once more on Henry's Head: Guess thou the reft, King Edward's Friends must down. For truft not him that hath once broken Faith, To fave, at leaft, the Heir of Edward's Right; -[Exeunt. Enter Gloucefter, Lord Haftings, and Sir William Stanley. Glo. Now my Lord Haftings, and Sir William Stanley, Leave off to wonder why I drew you hither, Into this chiefeft Thicket of the Park. Thus ftands the Cafe; you know your King, my Brother, He He fhall here find his Friends with Horfe and Men, Enter King Edward, and a Huntsman with him. K. Edw. Nay this way, Man, Now Brother of Glofter, Lord Hastings and the rest, Haft. To Lyn, my Lord, And fhip from thence to Flanders. Glo. Well gueft, believe me, for that was my meaning. Wilt thou go along? Hunt. Better do fo, than tarry and be hang'd. ́ Shield thee from Warwick's frown, And pray that I may repoffefs the Crown. [Exeunt. Enter King Henry, Clarence, Warwick, Somerfet, young Richmond, Oxford, Mountague,and Lieutenant of the Tower. K. Henry. Mr. Lieutenant, now that God and Friends Have fhaken Edward from the Regal Seat, And turn'd my captive State to liberty, My fear to hope, my forrows unto joys, At our enlargement what are thy due Fees? Lieu. Subjects may challenge nothing of their Sov'raigns, But, if an humble Prayer may prevail, I then crave pardon of you Majefty. K. Henry. For what, Lieutenant? For well using me? Nay, be thou fure, I'll well requite thy kindness, For that it made my Imprifonment a Pleasure: Ay, fuch a Pleasure, as incaged Birds Conceive; when after many moody thoughts, At laft, by Notes of Houthold harmony, They quite forget their lofs of Liberty. But |