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The East Anglian.



meate, drinke, and apparrell, as is aforesaid, yerely Tenne pounds of lawfull money during the said tearme and tyme. And for the mayntenance and keping of everye other of the said children yerely during the said tearme Tenne Pounds of like lawfull money, at the Eleccon and choyse of the said Elenor, her executors or administrators, soe long as they or any of them shall maynteyne and kepe the said children with meate, drinke, apparrell, and other necessaryes, and after that rate whether they shall dye or be married, or accomplishe the age of one and Twentye yeres or not. And that ther p'tes weh shall dye or be married or accomplishe ther ages of one and Twentye yeres, shalbe imployed by the said Elenor, her Executors, or administrators indifferently for the better mayntenance and educacon of those of the said children wch shall live vnmarried and be wthin the age of one and Twentye yeres, the said payments of money to be made at the feasts of the Nativitye of St. John the Babtist and St. Thomas thapostle, by equall porc'ons, at the hall of the said Mannor house, called Pentlowe Hall And if it shall happen that the said Somes of Money, or anye p'te therof, payeable for the mayntenannce and educac'on of the said children shalbe behinde vnpayed over and after any of the said feasts in which the same is coven'nted to be payed as is aforesaid by the space of foretene dayes, that then and soe often it shall and may be lawfull to and for the said Elenor, her Executors and assignes, into the said Mannor, Tent's and p'misses before demised, excepte suche as are graunted to the said Elenor, to enter and distrayne, and the Destresse or Destresses ther soe taken to leade, drive and carrye awaye, and the same to deteyne and kepe vntill she or they of the said seu'all som'es of money and of eu'ye p'te thereof, wth tharearages of the same shalbe fully satisfyed, contented and payed. Drouided alwayes and vpon condicon notwithstanding that if the said yerely payements of the said Money towards the educacon and mayntenannce of the said children, or anye p'te thereof shalbe behinde, vnpayed, over and after anye of the said feasts by the space of sixe weecks, and being lawfully demaunded at the hall of the said Mannor house, That then and at all tymes after it shall and may be lawfull to and for the said Elenor Kempe, her Executors and administrators, into all the said Mannor, Ten'ts, and p'misses hereby before menco'ed, to be demised

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and graunted, wth ther appurtenncs, Wholy to reenter, and the same to have agayne repossesse and enioye for the vses aforesaid, as in her and ther foremer estates anye thing herein conteyned to the contrarye notwithstanding And alsoe it is couven'nted, condiscended, and agreed by and betwene the said p'tyes to these p'sents, that the said Elenor Kempe, her Executors and assignes, shall and will, at her and ther costs and chardges, Maynteyne and kepe the houses and buildings before to her lymitted and appoynted, to be vsed in seu'altye, as is aforesaid, in and withall manner of Nedefull and Necessarye repac'ons, and shall beare and paye the one halfe of the chardges of the repac'ons of the houses and buildings to her lymitted, to be vsed in com'on as is aforesaid from tyme to tyme, during the residue of the said tearme. And that the said Elenor, her Executors or assignes, shall and may take tymber Sufficient in and vpon the said Mannor, grounds, and p'misses, before grannted and demised towards the said repac❜ons, at the libertye and pleasure of the said Elenor or her assignes for that vse, and not otherwise to be expended. And that the said George Kempe, his Executors and Assignes, shall and will maynteyne and kepe all the residue of the howses and buildings of the said Mannor, Tent's and p'misses to him before demised and granted, in and wth all Manner of Necessarye and Nedefull reprac'ons from tyme to tyme during the residue of the said tearme, and shall have by the assignment and appoyntment of the said Elenor, her Executors or administrators, in and vpon the demised p'misses necessarye and sufficient roughe timber towards the rep'acons therof vpon the demised p'misses, and not els where to be expended. And that the said Elenor, her Executors and assignes, shall and may have and take in and vpon the said Mannor, grounds and premisses for the vse of the said children during the said tearme, Sufficient woode for fierboote, to be spent in and vpon the houses and buildings to her lymitted and appoynted, as is aforesaid, at suche tymes and places as she or they shall thinke mete from tyme to tyme during the said tearme, doeing noe waste vpon the p'misses. And if that she or they shall not dwell or be resident ther, That then the said Elenor, her Executors or assignes, may fell for the vse aforesaid yerely, soe muche of the vnderwoode and croppings groweing vpon the p'misses as she vsually before shall have spente yerely, leaving for the said George and his assignes his and ther ffierwoode hereafter mencoed. And that the said George Kempe and his assignes, shall have for his and ther fierboote, yerely during soe long tyme as he or his wife shall Inhabitt in the houses and buildings p'cell of the said Scyte of the said Mannor by the assig'ment of the said Elenor, her Executors, or assignes, in and vpon the demised p'misses, at seasonable tymes in the yere, Twentye loodes of woode if soe muche may yerely one yere wth one other be spared, or els but Sixetene loodes yerely, the said Woode to be made, taken, felled, and carried in suche convenient places as the said Elenor or her assignes shall appoynt at the chardges of the said George or his assignes. And that if the said George, or his wife shall not Inhabit within the said howses belonging to the said Scite, that then they and ther assignes shall have but eighte loodes of woode yerely, to be assigned, made, taken, and carried as is aforesaid for ther fierboote to be spent vpon

the demised p'misses, and not els where during the said tearme. And that the said George, or his assignes, shall not doe or commit anye wast or distruction in and vpon the said demised p'misses during the said tearme, but shall have and take in and vpon the said demised p'misses by the assig'ment of the said Elenor or her assignes compotent and Necessarye ploughboot, cartboot (the bodyes of Cartes onely excepted), harrow boot, paleboote, gateboote, and styleboote, to be expended in and vpon the said demised p'misses during the said tearme, and not els where. And that the said George, his executors and assignes, having tymber as is aforesaid, shall maynteyne and kepe the paling, gates, styles, hedges, ditches, and fences belonging to the said demised p'misses in and whall manner of necessarye and nedefull rep'acons during the said tearme, and the same sufficiently repared fearmerlike shall leave at the ende and expiracon of his said tearme. And that the said George, his Executors and assignes, shall have and take in and vpon the p'misses, convenient and necessarye hedgeboote of bushes, and croppings of suche trees as heretofore have bin cropped and lopped for the necessarye reparing of the said hedges and fences from tyme to tyme during the said tearme. And that the said George, his Executors or assignes, shall not during his said tearme, eire breake vppe, convert into tilladge, or dige vpe anye p'te of the auncient pasture grounds or meadowe grounds, or the grenes of corne fields vsed to be mown, p'cell of the demised p'misses wch have not bin broken vppe or vsed in Tilladge wthin Twentye yeres nowe last past, wthout the licence or consent of the said Elenor, her Executors or administrators, nor shall after the ende of the first sixe yeres of the said tearme, take vpon anye of the said grounds above two crops of any kinde of corne together without A Som' tilthe, And that the said George, his Executors or assignes, shall laye and bestowe all the compost and dunge wch shalbe renewed or made in and vpon the said demised p'misses in and vpon some p'te of the same p'misses, and not els where during the said tearme. And that the said George, his Executors and assignes, shall beare and paye all out rents, taskes, fyftenes and towne chardges, and chardges of p'vi'con to growe due to the kings Matie, his heyres and successors, or to anye other p'son for the p'misses during the contynuance of his said Interest and tearme. And in like manner that the said George, his Executors & assignes, shall have and receyve all rents, costomes and services, due and payeable by anye p'son or p'sonns to the said Mannor of Pentlowe hall or otherwise, for the said p'vic'on. And it is likewise coven'nted, grannted & agreed by and betwene the said p'ties to these p'sents, that they, ther Executors & administrators, shall have libertye to fishe in the rivers, moates and pondes, being p'cell or belonging to the said demised p'misses indifferently during the said tearme, soe that if anye one of them or ther assignes shall fishe in the said rivers, moates, or pondes, and shall take anye ffishe that thother of them shall haue the one half of the ffishe that shalbe soe taken from tyme to tyme, soe longe as the said George or his wife shalbe dwelling vpon the said p'misses. And that the said George Kempe, his Executors or assignes, shall finde and p'vide for the said Elenor, her Executors or

administrators dwelling vpon the howses and roomes to her before lymitted yerely, eight loodes of good and sufficient strawe to burne, or for litter, to be taken at or in the barnes of the said demised p'misses vpon reasonable request from tyme to tyme, as nede or occacon shall requier. And that the said Elenor, her Executors or assignes, shall paye and alowe to the said George, his Executors or assignes, five shillings of lawfull money for everye loode of the said strawe at the feasts aforesaid. Alsoe, it is couven'nted, graunted and agreed betwene the said p'ties, that if the said George Kempe and his wife, or one of them, shall not inhabit in the howses and buildings of the said Scite, that then during the tyme of ther absence the said Elenor, her Executors and administrators, shall have, hold and enioye for the vses aforesaid, all the said howses and buildings, and all the yeardes, gardens and roomes being wthin the compasse of the said moat, together wth the yeards called the yeard next the bredge of the said Moate, and the yeard lyeing next the west p'te of the churche yeard ot Pentlowe aforesaid, and the greate ortchard for and during soe long tyme as the said George or his wife shall not be Jnhabiting ther wthout payeing anye thing for the same. And that the said George and his assignes shall have the little orchard in severaltye during the said tyme. And that likewise if the said Elenor, or some of her children vnmaried, shall not inhabit or be resident at the howses and buildings wthin the said Moat, graunted, lymitted or appoynted to the said Elenor, That then the said George or his wife inhabiting ther shall have the vse and occupacon of the said houses, buildings and p'misses graunted, lymitted and appoynted the said Elenor for soe long tyme as the said Elenor or her children aforesaid shall not inhabit or be resident vpon the same, wthout payeing or alloweing anything therfore during the said tyme, Prouided further and vpon condicon notwithstanding that if the said Elenor, her Executors or administrators shalbe minded or determined that she the said Elenor or anye of her said children Married or vnmarried, after the ende of the firste tenne yeres of the said tearme shall take into ther or anye of theṛ hands, vse and occupacon, all and eu'ye of the said Mannor, Tenemts and p'misses, and therof shall geve notice or warning vnto the said George Kempe, his Executors or assignes, one whole yere before the ende of the said tenne yeres, or by the space of one whole yere at anye tyme after the said tenne yeres ended, That then and from and after the ende of the said tenne yeres having warning, as is aforesaid, or after the ende of one yere vpon warning to be given after the said tenne yeres ended, this p'sent Indenture grannte, demise and assignment shalbe voyed and of none effecte, and then and ther vpon it shalbe lawfull for the said Elenor, her Executors or administrators into the said Mannor, Ten'ts and p'misses for the vses in the last will of the said John Kempe, esquier, deceased, mentioned wholy to reenter and the same to have agayne repossesse and enioye, as in her and ther foremer estates, anye thing in these p'sents conteyned or expressed to the contrarye not with standing, Saving yt the said George, his Executors or assignes shall have ther corne and tilthe being vpon the demised p'misses, or sufficient recompence for the same. And the said Elenor Kempe doeth Couven'nt and

George and his assignes an acquittance testifieing the therof. And it is likewise Couven'nted & agreed by & b p'ties to these p'sents that if the said George or his assign have warning to dep'te from the said p'misses at the e men'coed Tenne yeres by the space of one yere in forme af the said George, his executors or ass's, shall leave in & v grounds nowe vsed or occupied, wth the Scite of the said lowe hall nowe being in tillage, excepte two closes lyeing ende of churche field, p'cell of the p'miss', fiftene acres of p'cell of the said p'miss's in husbandly mann' Som' tille for barlye land, & xii acres p'cell of the said lands likewis sowne wth wheate or misling, and Tenne acres of the said aftercrope wheate, and Tenne acres of the same lond left be sowne wth peason. And that the said Elenor, her ex ass's, shall paye and alowe to the said George, his exec everye acre of the said barly lond to be lefte in Tillage a is aforesaid, xxxiijs. & fower pence of lawfull money, and of the said ground to be som' tilled and sowne wth wheat aforesaid, after the rate of xxxiijs. & fower pence of lik eu'ye acre of the said ground to be sowne wth wheate as the rate of xxvjs. and eight pence of like money, and for said land wch shalbe lefte in stuble fit to be sown wth peas and soe after that rate for a more or lesse quantytye, The and alowed of the last half yeres rent at Pentlowe ha witnes whereof the p'tyes to these p'sents enterchannge ther Seales the daye and yere first above written.

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Sealed and delivered in the presents of Mathewe Cra Paman, John Smith, & Robert Woodshid.

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