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Item, paid Warne for his daies worke in seruing in the Towne armes, and his fourney to Bungey

Item, to John Bottswaine for the like

07. 18. Od. Ol. 18. Od.

Item, Giuen to Peirce, Bonfellow and 4 souldiers more, towards the expences of theire Journey to Burie, beeing required by Ordinance of Parliam; and therevppon by a warrt from the Comittee at Burie to appeare there, and forthwith to Repaire to theire Collols 01. 38. Od: Item, paid to Samuell Gilbert & John Wells, Collectors for the monthly assessmts for the monthes of Aprill and May, chardged vppon the Towne lands and houses

21. 68. 4d.

Item, paid to Warne and Botswaine for their daies worke in serueing in the Towne armes and theire Journey to Bungeie

07. 28.


Item, paid to George Murdock and Robert Girlinge, Constables and Collectors for the twoe months March and Aprill, vppon a Rate chardged vppon the Towne lands and houses for the Scotts advance Ol. 128. 5d. Item, paid to Warne and Bottswaine for theire daies worke in serueing in the Towne Armes 07. 28. Od. Item, paid to Mayes the Glover for a newe Calueskyn bagg, to put and keepe the Euidences, bookes of Accompts, and other wryteings concerning the Towne lands, &c.

Ol. 18. 10a. Item, Allowed Robert Boote out of the yeeres Rent for his lease medowe in Gillingham, for Parliam* chardges, as appeares by his note

Ol. 138. 2d. Item, paid to John Nutthall and Will'm Hoskings, Collectors, for the monthly assessmts of June and July, chardged vppon the Town lands and houses 27. 68. 4d.

Item, paid to William Ellmy and Bucknam, Collectors for the 2 last months, June and July, chardged vppon the Towne lands and houses for the Scotts advance 07. 128. 5а.

(To be continued.)

Encroachments of the Sea on the East Anglian Coast.-The Rev. Joseph Gunn, of Irstead, communicates to the Athenæum some notes and observations of encroachments of the sea on the coasts of Norfolk. Within the past thirty-five years, four coal-yards successively, a small farm-house with a barn, outhouses and garden, measuring at least 90 yards to the present cliff, have been washed away, and vessels can now sail at high water where the land was once cultivated. Beyond Cromer, several chalk pinnacles, enveloped in the glacial beds figured by Sir C. Lyell in his Elements of Geology, are either entirely removed, or so reduced as to be scarcely recognizable. At Cromer, the old lighthouse, bearing the Ordnance Bench mark, and noted in the survey as the highest spot in Norfolk, 248 feet 10 inches, was, last December, precipitated to the beach, and has since been entirely washed away. At Eccles, the tower of the old church, till lately enveloped in the Marram Hills, now stands upon the beach, occasionally surrounded by waves. These are a few instances noted by Mr. Gunn. The explanation is, that high seas, aided by landsprings, wash away the loose sandy or chalky foundations of the cliffs, and thus undermine them.

Item, paid to Warne and Bottswaine for theire daies in the Towne Armes

Item, paid more to them, and for powder, bulletts a they were called by a strict (?) warrt to Loestoft there to three daies, and beeing required to haue musketts

Item, to Will'm Denington and James Alldous, to a warrt by virtue of an Ordinance of Parliam1 for the Redu chardged vppon the Towne lands and houses

Item, paid Goodman Neuill and Joseph Harber, Colle six m° (?) for the maintenance of the brittish Armie in I vppon the Towne lands and houses

Item, paid to the Constables for the fortefying & maint rison of Newport pagnell, by a Rate vppon the Towne la

Item, paid to Edwarde Clarke and Robert Boote, monthlie assessmts of August & September, chardged lands and houses

Item, paid to James Alldous and Willm Denington, Co lectors for the money chardged vpon the Towne lands & b for the mainteining of the garrisons within the Easterne a

Item, from John Dennie & Joseph Harber, theire last for the lands in Wurlingh'm, out of wch the parliament deducted, the Remainder John Denny desiers maie be allo his chardges in carrying & conductinge the souldiers t keepeinge the Towne from beeing fyned

1646. Robert Meeke, Collector.

Item, paid vnto Robert Moore and Arthur Bryant, months for the Scots advance, chardged vppon the Towne

[blocks in formation]

Item, paid vnto Mr. John Morse, Matthias Mann, and other Collecto", for 2 monthes assessmts, vid'lt, October and November, 1645, chardged vpon the Towne lands and houses 21. 68. 4d.

Item, paid to Thoms Caston and Robert Boote, Colls of a Rate for Newport pagnell, in which the Towne lands and Towne houses was chardged ol. 68. 11d. Item, paid to Mr. Crane, sen, for 2 monthes assessm1, videl't, December and Jan., 1645, chardged vppon the Towne lands and houses 21. 68. 4d. Item, given to George Meanes and Roger Heyward to conduct them to the armie (by order of the flcoffees) ol. 68. 8d. Item, paid unto John Sallowes and Henry Ellmie, Coll's for 6 monthes for Garrison Townes for the assessmts chardged vppon the Towne lands and houses 07. 168. 2d. Item, giuen to Roger Heyward's wief, beeing sick and her husband gone for a sonldier

01. 18.


Item, paid to John Burrell and Nicholas Dodson, Collectors for 2 monthes, beeing ffebruary and March, chardged vppon the Towne lands and houses 21. 68. 4d. Item, paid to Joseph Hill and James Girlinge, Collecters of a Rate which was said to bee for Alarums (?) and other chardges, the Towne lands and houses beeing chardged therein 17. 38. 4d. Item, paid to John Beddingfield and David Grice, Collectors for 7 monthes assessmts for the Brittish Army in Ireland, chardged vppon the Towne lands and houses ol. 18s. 4d. Item, paid to Robert Playford and Edmund Artis, Collectors, for 2 mo: assessmts, videl't, June and July, for the Towne land and houses 21. 68. 4d. Item, paid to Tobias Murdock for a Rate for the payment of Souldiers, and towards the demollishinge of 4 garrisons, for the chardge of the Towne lands and houses ΟΖ. 98. Od.

Item, paid by like order from the ffeoffees, to ffrancis Bell, for the re* leefe of the wief of Roger Hayward, imp'ssed for a souldier Ol. 13s. 4d. Item, paid to Robert Steedman, keep' of the hospitle, for this yeeres rent for so'me of the Towne lands that hold thereof ΟΙ. Os. 6d. Item, paid vnto Joseph Hill for a bushell and an half-bushell measures to remaine in the Crosse for publiq vse on m'kett daies ΟΖ. 68. 6d. 1647. Theophilus Vaughan, Collector.

Item, to Derrick when hee had beene wounded by a Troop 07. 38. Od. Item, to Mr. Birrell to a Rate for ye maintenance of Bridges, ye whole Rate amounteing to but

17. 28. 6d.

Item, to Ben: Greene, p'ish Clark for ye Arreares of his stipend

4l. 10s. Od.

Item, given to the releefe of the poore Souldier (that lately had his legg cut of) at 2 severall times ol. 168. Od.

Item, to the Widd. Richman (?) where hee resided, and was lodged before the Cutting off (of his legg) for lodging, &c.

07. 58. Od.

Item, to Mr. Bennett for cutting off his legg, and for medicynes and looking to the same soundly (?)

47. 10s. Od.

that it was Sir A. Crowley's son-in-law Humphrey Pa himself, who is intended to be represented by Hump the Tatler.


No. 4.-(VOL. III, P. 112).

10. Jesus College. Two Chapel bells and Hall bell. 1. C. G., 1659. (Christopher Graye.)

2. Nomen Sancte Jesu nos serba mortis ab esu. Hall bell. 1709. (This is, perhaps, one of Richa The 2nd bell is by Taylor, of Loughborough, and weighs 6 cwt

[blocks in formation]

Chapel bell. John Childe, Esqvier, 1675, and A stamp, as found on Emmanuel chapel bell. I Note A.

Hall bell.

Collegium + Christi + 1628 + Janeua

12. St. John's College.

The "Silver Bell" in the principal gateway.
Quod facio pulsata volens tu perfice, claro
Scilicet ut possit tempus abire sono. W. L., 1624.

13. Magdalene College-1.

A small modern bell. No inscription.

14. Trinity College.

Bell in the Great Court, 1811.

Clock Tower. Two quarter bells, one of which bears only the date 1726, and the other, "Cum voco venite. Tho" Osborn, Downham, Norfolk, 1795."

The Clock bell.

Ricardus Holdfeld me fecit. 1610.

Resonat Trinitas in Unitate.

Blomefield's account is hard to be reconciled with this:-" On the large bell, put up with a new clock. These three bells and clock were made A.D. 1726. Ric. Bently, (sic) D. D. Master.'" Coll. Cant., p. 114.

15. Emmanuel College.

Chapel bell. A. R., 1672, and a stamp.-Three bells in a circle.
The date of the cupola is 1673. The initials are those of Abraham
Rudhall, an eminent bell founder, of Gloucester. In the inside of
the cupola is rudely cut, "Thomas Holbeche, 1680." He was
Master of the College, and died in that year.

The Hall bell I have not seen.

16. Sidney Sussex College.

Chapel bell. Sidney Sussex College. Anno Dom., 1739. J. E. St.
Neot's fecit.

The initials are Joseph Eayre's. It is the earliest bell of his that I have seen or heard of.

17. Downing College-Modern, I suppose.

(C) Adjoining Parishes.

1. Fen Ditton-5. Tenor G, c. 12 cwt. Diam' 39 inches.

1. Robert Malton, William Pettet, Chvrch Wardens. 1623.

[blocks in formation]

2. Fulbourn All Saints-6. Tenor, wt 11 cwt.


Fulbourn Surprise."

Cast at the St. Neot's foundry, by Edward Arnold, 1776. This place is noted for having produced a peal of six, known as The author of the method was a schoolmaster in the village. Some account of St. Vigor's will be given hereafter.

3. Cherry Hinton-5.

1. Walter Serocold, Esq., Fra. Ellard. C. W. 1727.

[blocks in formation]

Jubilate Deo omnis Populus terre.


John Taylor and Son, Founders, Loughborough, 1853.

5. T. Mears, London fecit, 1828. Rev. Stephen Davis, Curate.

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