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deception that might be attempted. The remainder on duty lay on their arms, and for the first time for many days past got some rest.

During the siege, I got only one man wounded. Not being able to lose many, I made them secure themselves well. Seven were bady wounded in the fort through ports.

Almost every man had conceived a favorable opinion of Lieutenant-governor Hamilton,-I believe what affected myself made some impression on the whole; and I was happy to find that he never deviated, while he stayed with us, from that dignity of conduct that became an officer in his situation. The morning of the 25th approaching, arrangements were made for receiving the garrison [which consisted of seventy-nine men], and about ten o'clock it was delivered in form; and everything was immediately arranged to the best advantage."

7. Clark was a man of action, not a scholar; and the errors of which his writings are full may well be overlooked, so full of interest is what he says. The selections above have been slightly changed, principally, however, in spelling and the use of capital letters.

Hamilton was sent in irons to Virginia and was kept in close confinement, at Williamsburg, till nearly the end of the Revolution. Washington wrote, as a reason for not exchanging the British prisoner, that he "had issued proclamations and approved of practices, which were marked with cruelty towards the people that fell into his hands, such as inciting the Indians to bring in scalps, putting prisoners in irons, and giving men up to be the victims of savage barbarity."


Adapted from EDGAR A. POE

NOTE. The ingeniousness of the idea in this story marks it as Poe's, though it lacks some of the characteristics which we expect to find in everything that came from the brain of that most unusual writer. Many of his poems and many of his most famous stories, such as Ligeia, The Fall of the House of Usher, Eleanora, and The Masque of the Red Death, have a fantastic horror about them which is scarcely to be found in the writings of any other man. The Gold Bug, which is included in Volume IX of this series is a characteristic example of another type of Poe's stories; it shows at its best his marvelous inventive power.

Three Sundays in a Week, as given here, has been abridged somewhat, though nothing that is essential to the story has been omitted.




dunder-headed, obstinate, rusty, crusty, musty, fusty, old savage!" said I, in fancy, one afternoon, to my granduncle, Rumgudgeon, shaking my fist at him in imagination.

Only in imagination. The fact is, some trivial difference did exist, just then, between what I said and what I had not the courage to say-between what I did and what I had half a mind to do.

The old porpoise, as I opened the drawing-room door, was sitting with his feet upon the mantelpiece, making strenuous efforts to accomplish a ditty.

"My dear uncle," said I, closing the door gently and approaching him with the blandest of smiles,

"you are always so very kind and considerate, and have evinced your benevolence in so many-so very many ways-that-that I feel I have only to suggest this little point to you once more to make sure of your full acquiescence."

"Hem!" said he, "good boy! go on!"

"I am sure, my dearest uncle (you confounded old rascal!) that you have no design really and seriously to oppose my union with Kate. This is merely a joke of yours, I know-ha! ha! ha!-how very pleasant you are at times."

"Ha! ha! ha!" said he, "curse you! yes!"

"To be sure-of course! I knew you were jesting. Now, uncle, all that Kate and myself wish at present, is that you would oblige us as regards the time-you know, uncle-in short, when will it be most convenient for yourself that the wedding shall-shall come off, you know?"

"Come off, you scoundrel! what do you mean by that? Better wait till it goes on."

"Ha! ha! ha!-he! he! he!-oh, that's good— oh, that's capital-such a wit! But all we want, just now, you know, uncle, is that you should indicate the time precisely."


"Yes, uncle—that is, if it would be quite agreeable to yourself."

"Wouldn't it answer, Bobby, if I were to leave it at random-sometime within a year or so, for example?-must I say precisely?"

"If you please, uncle-precisely."

"Well, then, Bobby, my boy-you're a fine fellow, aren't you?—since you will have the exact time, I'll -why, I'll oblige you for once.'

"Dear uncle!"

"Hush, sir!" (drowning my voice) —"I'll oblige you for once. You shall have my consent-and the plum, we mustn't forget the plum-let me see! When shall it be? To-day's Sunday-isn't it! Well, then, you shall be married precisely-pre

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cisely, now mind!-when three Sundays come together in a week! Do you hear me, sir! What are you gaping at? I say, you shall have Kate and her plum when three Sundays come together in a week-but not till then-you young scapegracenot till then, if I die for it. You know me-I'm a man of my word-now be off!" Here he grinned at me viciously, and I rushed from the room in despair.

A very "fine old English gentleman" was my granduncle, Rumgudgeon, but, unlike him of the

song, he had his weak points. He was a little, pursy, pompous, passionate, semi-circular somebody, with a red nose, a thick skull, a long purse, and a strong sense of his own consequence. With the best heart in the world, he contrived, through a predominate whim of contradiction, to earn for himself, among those who only knew him superficially, the character of a curmudgeon. Like many excellent people, he seemed possessed with a spirit of tantalization, which might easily, at a casual glance, be mistaken for malevolence. To every request, a positive "No!" was his immediate answer; but in the end-in the long, long end-there were exceedingly few requests which he refused. Against all attacks upon his purse he made the most sturdy defence; but the amount extorted from him at last, was generally in direct ratio with the length of the siege and the stubbornness of the resistance. In charity, no one gave more liberally, or with a worse grace.

For the fine arts, especially for the belles-lettres, he entertained a profound contempt. Thus my own inkling for the Muses had excited his entire displeasure. He assured me one day, when I asked him for a new copy of Horace, that the translation of "Poeta nascitur, non fit" was "a nasty poet for nothing fit”—a remark which I took in high dudgeon. His repugnance to the "humanities" had, also, much increased of late, by an accidental bias in favor of what he supposed to be natural science. Somebody had accosted him in the street, mistaking him for a no less personage than Doctor Dubble L. Dee, the lecturer upon quack physics. This set him off at a tangent; and just at the epoch of this story,

1. A poet is born, not made.

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