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Yet for hirselfe doth Ilion not mone,
But for hir Hector, which is dead and gone.

Sweet sacred muses, you whose gentle eares
Are wont to listen to the humble praier
Of plaining poets, and to lend your teares
From your faire eies unto a woes-displayer;
Now rest your selues, your ayde I not implore,
For in myselfe I find abundant store.

Nor can


craue upon your blubbered cheeks,
That you for me more showers should be raining,
Though you are kind to euery one that seekes,
Yet haue you matter for your owne complaining,
I saw your teares and pittifull wamentings,
But they are few that list to your lamentings,

Good-naturde nymphs you are too milde for me;
Troy tels of horror, and of driery things.
Let your faire ayde in loue and musick be,
Or in his tongue which pleasant poem sings.
Furies and frensies are fit companie
To helpe to blase my wofull tragedie.


THIS Author, a Professor of Civil Law, was much esteemed in his day, and published many He has, however, never been

valuable works.



noticed as a Poet; but that he deserves to be so, will sufficiently appear from the following description and specimen of a curious little volume, which I believe to be exceedingly rare, and which has been lent me by Mr. Thomas Payne of the Mews Gate, whom I have invariably found prompt to assist the cause of literature.


Or, Passages of Cosmography, by Richard Zouche, Civillian of New College, in Oxford.

Sicut Columbæ.

London. Printed for George Norton, and are to be sould at his shop under the Black Bulle, neere Temple Barre. 1613."

The work is dedicated "To the most noble and worthily honoured Edward Lord Zouche, St. Maur and Cantelupe of his Majesties Privie Counsell."

The Poem is a concise geographical description of three quarters of the world, Asia, Africa, and Europe, in the manner of Dionysius. The following is the Author's Picture of Great Brittaine.

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Great BRITTAINE shadow of the starry sphear's
Selfe viewing beauties true presented grace,
In Thetis myrrhour, on this orbe appeares,
In worth excelling as extoll'd in place:

Like the rich Croisade on th' imperiall ball,
As much adorning as surmounting all.

Bounded within the watry firmament,

Whose euer mouing streames about it role,
She measures forth her length in faire extent,
Towards the Southern, from the Northern Pole;
Betwixt her riuers Zone-dividing lines,

Each citie like a constellation shines.

Auon and Twede her tropicks, Zodiack wise
Passe Trent and Seuern: to the springing morne
Trent goes declining, Seuerne bending lyes
Downe by the Western, freez cloath Capricorne.
Thames, as th' equator, doth more eeuen runne,
Proud with the mansions of her biding sunne.

Maiesticke Sinne, long may thy kinde aspect
Shed downe sweet influence vpon this clime,
Beyond all enuy, as without defect,
Ruling but neuer altering our time,

Till passing from our teare bedewed eyes,
Thy glory in another heau'n shall rise.

Too soone our Jolian Starre late prince of light,
The sparkling lustre of whose vertuous ray
To Brittaine hearts content with shortest night,
Promis'd the comfort of eternall day :


Too soone expir'd, ô worthy long to proue

The worlds great wonder, and his countries loue.

And faire ELISA midst the glistering crew,
Which as our glorious Cynthia, seemes renew'd,
Lately remouing from our fainting view,
Her presence with all graces bright endew'd,

For Latmus shade, doth spend her precious houres
On Rhenus banks amidst the Myrtle Bowres.

Yet like those glistring emblems neare the pole,
Still aboue earths horizon eleuate.

May our heroicke princes name controule
The starry orders of this well rul'd state,

And Brittaines chariot as the Northern wayne,
With great Arcturus ioyne her CHARLEMAIGNE.

A stately burs, built in the Western strand,
Renowned Exeter far off doth seeme:
But Loudon, Exchange-Royall of the land,
Is obiect of the peoples best esteeme:

So whilst the glorious Day star shines more bright,
Cleare Hesperus obscur'd doth giue no light.

Sweet-seated Sals-bury Wilshyres ornament,
Neighb'red with plaines, graced with goodly vallies,
Like some delightfull garden of content,

Watring with siluer streames her well-squar'd allies,
But that it doth more firm and surely stand,
Doth seeme another Venice in our land.

Bathe, fairely built, throughout the world is knowne
For her most wholesome strength repayring springs,
But she which hath so strange effects oft showne.
With ill successe did lend her founder wings :


Poore worme-like creeping men she might restore:
Ne'er make them borne to goe, like birds to soare.

Bristow, the marchants magazin, enclos'd
With rocky hils, by Auons streame imbrac't,
Faire by industrious workmanship compos'd,
As by great nature's wisdome firmly plac't,

Viewing her verdant marsh, may well disdaine
Romes sometimes glory, Murs his champian plaine.

Old Winchester, the auncient seate of kings
For vertue, and for valour much renowned,
So subiect unto change are earthly things,
In stead of diadem with bayes is crowned.

Where worthy Wicchams children now maintaine
The fame once known by great king Arthurs traine.

Oxford by Isis crystall streames confin'd,
And well-discerning Cambridge, Learnings payte,
Excell those lamps which once on Ida shin'd
Bright Juno shew'd, cleare Pallas, Venus faire.
But eyther of these thrice illustrious eyes,
Doth brightnes, clearnesse, fairnesse all comprise.

As that true ensigne of th' Almighties loue,
Liuely displayed in the cloudy skye,
The gazers eye astonished doth moue

To wonder at such strange varietie :

Rain-bow, resembling London, Englands blisse,
The heau'ns great mercy, and earths maruell is.


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