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of true inspiration. We may safely assert this of the Casar and Pompey. The Revenge for Honour is considerably better, but, superior as it is to the other, it does not afford us a single good extract. From the Alphonsus, Emperor of Germany, however, something good might be gleaned, had we room for it; as, for instance, the feigned madness of the emperor, and the struggle between Edward and his aunt, Isabella, which should be first put to death, " a strained courtesy at a bitter feast," as the villanous Alphonsus calls it. But, on the whole, the play is a bloody and clumsy production, and, as we before observed of it and the Revenge for Honour, entirely divested of the descriptive and didactic poetry which so often graces the plays from which we have so largely extracted. The Revenge of Bussy D'Ambois we regret to say we have never seen. rarity of the old plays is such, that they are only to be found in some public libraries, and in the extensive hoards of private collectors; and in such applications as we have reluctantly caused to be made, we confess, we have rather found the exclusive spirit of the monopolist, than the liberality of the enlightened lover of literature.


Maurice, Printer, Fenchurch-street.



[blocks in formation]

Cacham, Ebn, 31.
Camoëns, 29.

Campbell, Mr. Thomas, 231.
Caradosso, 5.

Carleton, Sir Dudley, 199.

Cartwright, William, 232.

Casiri, Mic. 21. 40.

Castro, Joseph Rodriguez de, 21.

CELLINI, BENVENUTO, his Life review-
ed, 1-21.

Chahib, Moses Ben, 26.

CHALKHILL, JOHN, his Thealma ana

Clearchus reviewed, 230-249.

Challoner, 269. 270.

Chalmers, Mr. 332.

Champion, Mr. 206. 208. 209. 212.

CHAPMAN, GEORGE, 181. his Tragedies
reviewed, 336.

Charles the First, 117. 118. 123. 124. 184.
187. 188. 189. 191. 192. 199. 200, 298.

Charles the Second, 101. 102.

Charles the Fifth, 12.

Chatham, Lord, 104. 105.

Cheke, 84.

Cicero, 107. 183.

Cisneros, 28.

Clement V. Pope, 251. 253. 256. 257. 264.
Clement VII. Pope, 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Nash, 181.

Nero, 70.

Newcastle, Duke of, 58.

Newton, Sir Isaac, 285.
Nostradamus, Caesar, 43.

Noy, Attorney General, 192. 193.
Nugent, Thomas, 1. 2.

Olivares, Count, 189, 191.
Omar, Caliph, 203.
Orange, Prince of, 6.

Overbury, Sir Thomas, 185.

Paca, Ebn, 30.
Paley, Dr. 185.
Paris, Guillaume de, 251.
Paul III. Pope, 11. 12. 16.
Peele, George, 144. 146.
Pennant, Mr. 134.
Pennycuicke, Andrew, 100.

Percy, Bishop, 132.

Perron, Cardinal, 186.

Peter the First, of Spain, 41.
Peter the Second, 41.

Petrarch, 46.

Philip the Fair, 251. 253. 254. 255. 256,

257. 258. 259. 261.

Pier-Luigi, 11. 12. 13.

Sacheverell, Lucy, 119.

Sackville, Lady Margaret, 277. 278. 279.
Saed, Wali, 34.

Salviati, Cardinal, 8. 9.

Sanchez, Tomas Antonio, 21.

Savage, Lord, 192.

Seward, Anna, 184.

Seyar, Nasir Ben, 31.

Shakspeare, 61. 62. 63. 64. 146. 147. 156.
333. 334. 335. 337.
Shrewsbury, Duke of, 102.
Sidney, Sir Philip, 80, 107.
Singer, Mr. 128. 231.

Soissons, Count of, 186. 187.
Solomon, Vidal Ben, 26.
Somerset, Earl of, 185. 334.

Somerset, Countess of, 185.

Sorevella, Père, 45.

Southey, Mr. 40.

SOUTHWELL, ROBERT, his Works re-

viewed, 267-280.

Souza, Faria y, 29.

Spanish Poetical Literature, 21-54.

Spencer, Lord, 102.

Spenser, Edmund, 230. 231. 334.
Stanley, Lord, 137.
Statius, 222.

Stilling fleet, Bishop, 80.
Strafford, Earl of, 197.
Sunderland, Lord, 102.

Swift, 79.

[blocks in formation]

Pineda, Antoni, 45.

Pitcairn, Dr. 103. 104.

Pitt, Mr. 106.

Plato, 115. 305.

Pococke, 30.

Pompeo, 11.

Popham, Lord Chief Justice, 269.

Raleigh, Sir Walter, 185. 186, 268.
Ranouard, 41. 44. 45.

Raphael, 3.

Rawlinson, Thomas, 101.

Rawley, Dr. 292. 298.

Raynouard, 250. 262. 264.

[blocks in formation]

Reaumur, M. de, 314.

Ritson, 231.

Rochester, Earl of, 57.

Roig, Mossen Jaume, 41. 53.

Romano, Julio, 21.

Rowley, William, 173.

Russel, Lord, 101.

Vega, Lope de, 188.

Velasquez, L. J. 21.

Villanueva, Fr. Jayme de, 46.
Vinyalls, Narcis, 45.

Wales, Henry, Prince of, 334.
Wallace, Mr. 115.

Waller, 249.

Walsingham, Sir Francis, 334.

WALTON, IZAAK, 80, supposed to be the

author of Thealma and Clearchus, 230-

Warton, Mr. 77.

White, Kirke, 79.

Wilkins, 256. 257. 263.

William the Third, 102.

Williams, Archbishop, 131.

Windham, Mr. 106.

Winfield, 84.

Witherborne, Dr. 292.

Wolfius, 26.

Wood, Anthony, 117. 118. 119. 143. 184.


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