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A series of Questions, designed to direct the youthful student to the principal matters contained in each of the late editions of the Abridgement of the American Universal Geography; and also to facilitate the Instructer in the discharge of his duties. The figures direct the student to the pages where the answers to these questions are to be found.

What is Geography? how has Geography arrived at its present improved stare?


By whom was Astronomy first cultivated? who first laid its foundation?


Who is allowed to have fixed the first solid foundation of Geography by uniting it with Astronomy? where wer the greatest improvements made in A tronomy? who contributed most to its advance ment?



Who ordered a general survey of the Roman Empire? who wrote the only system of Geography in use till the beginning of the 17th century? when and by whom was printing invented? Who in modern days have been the most distinguished cultivators of Geography and Astronomy? what does the Solar System suppose?


What is the orbit of a planet? how are the planets retained in their orbits? when is a body said to be in conjunction with the sun? when in opposition? which is the most glorious luminary in the heavens ?rs diameter? what is the distance of Mercury from the sun? f Venus?


When is Venus denominated the morning star? when the evening? How far is our earth from the sun? what is its diame ter? its circumference? how many motions has the earth? in what time is its diurnal motion performed? its annual revolution? how does the moon shine?


What are comets ? what is the heat of one when nearest the sun? What are the fixed stars?

18 How are the fixed stars distinguished from the planets? what is a Constellation? what is the galaxy, or milky way? what the number of stars? what is an Eclipse?


What causes an eclipse of the moon? of the sun? what are the fundamental principles of Geography? what evidence have you to suppose the earth is round? what is a sphere?


How are circles denominated? how many degrees are there in a circle? how do great circles divide a sphere? how do small circles divide it? what is the axis of the earth? what is the equator? the meridian? the ecliptic? into how many signs is the ecliptic divided? their names?



What is the Horizon? what is the sensible Horizon? into how many equal parts is it divided? what are the cardinal points? what the Zenith and Nadir? what circles include the Zodiac? what are the Colures? the tropics?


What are the solar circles? how do the tropics and polar ciroles divide the earth? what part of the earth is called the Torrid Zone? where are the temperate Zones ? the frigid Zones? what is a climate? in what other sense is the word climate used? what is Latitude? Longitude? What are Globes? 23

Describe a map. What do the top, bottom, right hand side, and the left hand side of a map represent? how are lines of longitude drawn? how parallels of latitude? how are rivers described on maps? how are mountains?


How are towns represented? what is the first grand division of the earth? what is a Continent? how many Continents do we commonly reckon? describe an Island-a Peninsula-an Isthmus -a Cape-a Mountain-a Volcano-a Precipice-an Ocean.


How many Oceans are there? how far is it across the Atlantic and Indian Oceans-the Pacific? what is a Sea-a Strait-a Lake -a Cataract-a Cascade-a Morass or Swamp? why is the earth called terraqueous? how much of the earth's surface is supposed to be covered with water?


What are the various substances below its surface collectively called? what substances are called minerals-what metals? how many metals are there? name them in order according to their weight. How is Steel produced? what is pewter? what are the objects of Chymistry? what is Chymistry?


What are the names of the three most noted Volcanoes? how many kinds of Earthquakes are there? how are they caused? what is magnetism-gravitation?


What do you mean by Tides? by what are they caused? 35 What is the Atmosphere? what are General Winds? where do they prevail? what are Periodical Winds?

What are Hurricanes?




Describe the Samoul, or Mortifying Winds. What is the Water-Spout? Describe the Sirocco. Describe the Whirlwind. What are Vapours-Clouds? What is Electricity-Light


What is a Torpedo-Light-Twilight?



What is a Thermometer? what are the names of the four quarters of the earth? what are the comparative size, improvement, and civilization of these divisions? what is an Empire? What is a Kingdom-a Republic? how many varieties do we reckon in the human species? describe the first variety. 44


Describe the second-the third-the fourth-the fifth-the sixth For what purpose have mankind formed themselves into commu nities, and instituted Government? what are the three simple forms of Government? what is a Monarchy-an Aristocracy? 45 What is a Democracy or Republic? what are the fundamental laws of a state or country called? how are Mankind divided in


respect to religion? who are Christians-Roman Catholics-Protes tants-Jews?

From whom do the Mahometans derive their name? who are Deists-Pagans ?

How is the idea of time acquired ?

What is an artificial day-a natural or civil day ?
What are epochs ?





Why is America denominated the new world? what is the situation of America-its_length-its average breadth? how is America separated from Europe and Africa? what Ocean divides it from Asia on the west? how many square miles does America contain? how is the American continent divided?

58 54

What isthmus divides North and South America? What is probably the real number of inhabitants ? how may the present inhabitants of America be divided? which of the Indian tribes have made the greatest progress in civilization? 55

What is said of the Indians in respect to their hospitality and attention to strangers? what does the Abbe Clavigero say of their mental qualities? to what vice are the American Indians generally addicted?

When and by whom was America discovered ?



How was the latter part of the life of Columbus made wretch


What are the boundaries of N. America-the length of North America-its average breadth?


In what part of North America is Baffin's Bay-Hudson's Bay -the Gulf of St. Lawrence-the Gulf of Mexico? what are the names of the Lakes situated between the United States and Canada ?


What is the circumference of L. Superior-of L. Huron ? what Lake lies wholly within the U. States ?


What is the length and breadth of L. Erie-the circumference of L. Ontario? what large River empties into the Gulf of Mexi eo? what two large rivers flow into the Missisippi? What river forms the outlet of the great Lakes? what are the principal mountains of N. America ?·



When, and by whom was Mexico settled-Quebec-VirginiaPlymouth (Mass.)?

What were the inhabitants of N. America when first visited by Europeans when and by whom was it discovered ?



What are the boundaries of the U. States-their extent and situation? how many square miles do the United States contain ? what are the grand divisions of the U. States ?.


What states does the first division comprehend? what are the names of the Middle States-of the Southern States? what is the Western division ?

What was the population of US in 1810?



In whom is the government vested? for what time is the Pres ident chosen ? of whom does the Senate consist? how are the House of Representatives elected?

Where is the seat of government?



What was the number of militia in 1808? when did the U. S. become an independent nation?__ what was the principal cause of the war that separated them from Great Britain? When, and where, did the war begin?



At what time was the battle of Bunker's Hill? who was the Commander in chief of the American armies ? when was he appointed ?

When was the surrender of Burgoyne?

When did America obtain an alliance with France ?

104 108


When did G. Britain acknowledge the Independence of the U. States? when was the present constitution of the U. States fram ed? who was the first President? when was he inaugurated ? who was the first Vice-President? 113

Who succeeded Washington? who was the third President? who was the present and fourth? when was the second war with G. Britain declared?




What are the situation and extent of S. America ? Name the mountains, of S America. What is the height of Chimborazo? Name the rivers of S. America To whom does this extensive country belong? What are the extent and boundaries of Europe? how many square miles does it contain? what are its Seas-its largest Rivers?



hat are its principal mountains ? what is the number of inhabitan's ? .248 What are the situation and extent of Asia-its boundaries-s population-its principal Seas and Gulfs ? 315

What are its chiet Rivers-its most remarkable Mountains? 816 What are the boundaries of Africa-its population? Mention the Rivers of Africa. What is the southern extremity of Africa called? what powerful kingdoms did Africa formerly Contain?





Where are the West-India Islands situated ?
What are the most considerable Islands of Africa?
What are some of the principal Islands in the Pacific Ocean? 357

N. B. When the pupil shall have made himself well acquainted with the answers to the foregoing general questions, he may be interrogated respecting the boundaries the exten and situation, the Rivers and Mountains, the chief towns and population, the Seas and Lakes, the manners and customs, the government and religion, &c. of any state or country, at the discretion of the Instructer. Care should be taken to direct the attention of the scholar to those countries which are considered the most important and to his own in particular,

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