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Sirhowy Iron Works, August 9th, 1848. - My dear Sir: I am one of those unfortunate creatures called uneducated ministers: that is the reason my English is so incorrect, though I can understand the language just as well as my mother tongue. I am a constant reader of your magazine, and like it very much on the whole, especially the writings of Mr. Campbell; and I consider Mr. Greenwell's superior articles. I have read a great many of Mr. Campbell's works--his Debates with Macala, Owen, Purcell, Rice, Jones, the Millennial Harbinger, the Christian System, &c. Some years ago, I translated a few chapters from the Christian System into Welsh, and published them in the Star of Gomer, a monthly magazine, when some good ellows fcalled me a Campbellite. Indeed, Sir, I like the views of Mr. Campbell better than the views of Mr. Fuller or Mr. McLean, on many subjects. The name of A. Campbell is rather an odium, or bugbear in Wales, but his sentiments are very acceptable in some places, although they do not like the name. In the year 1841 I published five lectures on baptism in a sixpenny pamphlet; that little book contains all my Campbellism at full length; but the name was unknown at that time, and therefore the pamphlet was well received, a second edition being required in a few months. About three years ago, some Baptists in North Wales joined to buy a press to print cheap books, and we (I was in the North at that time) commenced a threepenny magazine, the Apostolical Witness. It is under my care, being 24 pages demy 8vo. I think it is doing some good, especially in North Wales. My friends (W. Jones, of Tremadoc, and R. Rees, of Rhaiadr Park) are occasional contributors to it. The old Scotch Baptists like it better than any other Welsh periodical, and the old Welsh Baptists are willing to come forward towards perfection. Your friends in Wales, in their zeal to counteract the Methodisticai cant about experience, are in danger of running into the other extreme, and losing all Christian feeling. Mr. Campbell is very different from them in that respect. I intend to write a sketch of A. C.'s life, for the benefit of my readers in the Witness, and if you would have the goodness to furnish me with a few facts concerning his birth and education, I shall be very thankful to you. I have published the Amicable Discussion in the Witness, but where is the end of it ? The Essay on Demonology is rather long, but the sentiments are new and interesting. This is near the end of my story. I wish to have the Family Testament, advertised on the cover of the Harbinger for this month; I see that its price is 10s. 6d. but for how much can you send it here per post? I should like to see your hymn book; I am not satisfied with our hymn books. I hope, Sir, that you are able to understand my bad English; I'


flatter myself that I am a good Welchman, but I am very clumsy in the practical part of the English language. My brother, John Williams, of Newtown, the translator of the New Testament, is in a delicate state of health; in my opinion he is the greatest man we have in Wales. I am, yours faithfully, ROBT. ELLIS, Baptist Minister.


Huddersfield, September, 1848. It would be vain to deny that death is painful. It is an enemy, smitten with a heavy blow, but still dreadful in aspect and in power. We instinctively cling to life though its journey is crowded with dangers, trials and woes. To look our last for a long time at the sun arising in glory, or the moon walking in brightness, or the stars gleaming in softened radiance- to bid farewell to the fields and bills of our youth, so sanctified in sweet memories of early days-above all, to sigh adieu to the old familiar faces and rich voices of the household and the congregation-all this is rending and oppressive. Men sometimes say to each other such a one has paid the debt of nature-death is a debt we owe to nature; but this is both untrue and unspeakably painful. If death were natural we would not shudder so much, or moan so heavily as the time of payment draws near. We would fall asleep as gently as the tired child sinks into placid repose; and nature, as tenderly as a mother, would draw the coverlet and the curtains over and around her slumbering offspring. But nature and the heart of man both feel deeply that the mysterious visitant who approaches with pangs and wasting, and tears asunder body and spirit, is a foe. No! death is not a debt we owe to nature, but a debt we owe to justice-the wages of sin -- the capital penalty of transgression against God-the austere guardian of violated law. Yet dark as the visitation is, a certain class have the sting and the torment taken away, though pain and sorrow may remain. We have had another such case. Our beloved Sister Heaps, after an affliction of many years duration, has rested from her labours and her works will follow her. Nearly six months ago she made a solemn confession of her faith in the Son of God, accompanied with a frank disclosure of the human reasons which had kept her struggling against the convictions of duty and privilege. With the simplicity of a child her mind was revealed, and in her own chamber she was baptized into the glorious name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Continued illness, increasing in severity, has not permitted her to seal publicly her devotion to the cause by sitting down with us at the table of the Lord, but she declared to her husband and friends around, her determination to be faithful if Providence granted opportunity. She earn

estly advised those connected with her to meet God and Christ in the ancient manner, and thus connected the solidity of her own faith, and the triumph of her own hope, with the change she had undergone in religious position. We are not without hope that some of those dear to her, may be led by the solemnity and power of her counsel and example, to seek refuge in the sanctuary built by the Divine Head and his inspired Apostles. With composure of a signal order she resigned her spirit to the Lord Jesus, and serenely awaits in the appointed resting place the auspicious morn when the King will be manifest in celestial splendour, to transform all his people into the same likeness. Our Sister died August 24th, aged 42.

G. G.

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FOREIGN ITEMS. Madison, Indiana, May, 1848. Brother Campbell-During my absence from Bethany the last seven months, I have travelled 4475 miles, principally in the states of Missouri and Illinois. Owing to the weather, bad roads, &c. I did not spend much time in Indiana.-In Missouri I visited and heard from 197 churches, whose aggregate number of members, as near as I could learn, is 16,286. -I cannot describe my feelings when at the "borders of civilization" I cast my eyes

Illinois whose local advantages, soil, &c. are
more inviting to the emigrant than are
Woodford and M'Lean counties. [The
churches in Southern Missouri and Northern
Illinois are not included in this report, as
also many disciples who are not connected
with any church, being too remote from any
congregation; which, if added to the above,
would make about 35,000 disciples in these
two states.]
W. F. M. ARNY.

La Fayette, Alabama, April 5.-I have delivered a course of lectures to the citizens of this place during the last sixty days, and the result has been the foundation of a church of nine members, to which we have had 15 more added, making 24 persons. Methodists, Presbyterians, Baptists, Universalists, and persons of the world, came together as a church of Christ, to take the word of the Lord as their only rule of faith and practice. JOHN R. M'CALL.

Elizabethtown, Ohio, April 5.-We have just closed an eighteen days' meeting, with A. LEMERT. 16 additions.

Liberty, Missouri, April 8.--On the 17th March Brother J. T. Hudson and myself began a meeting in St. Joseph, where we laboured seven days, the result of our meeting being 17 additions-5 by letter, 12 by confession, 10 of whom were baptized in the Missouri river. A. H. F. PAYNE

Elizabethtown, Kentucky, April 24.-On the third Lord's day in this month, BroMiddle Creek, and we had 5 additions by ther Swinney visited the congregation on baptism; 1 other confessed, but her parents were not willing she should be baptized by us, as they are Methodists, and it was still her desire that one of their preachers should baptize her. When will the traditions cease to be taught?

across the broad prairies and contemplated the beautiful farms and other evidences of improvement, where, but a few years ago, it S. L. HOGDEN. was a perfect wilderness, inhabited only by the wild, the savage Indian and beasts of Warren Trumbull County, Ohio, April. prey. In some places, where, ten years ago,-The congregation here appears to be in a the wigwam of the red man was seen, and more flourishing condition than formerly: 5 the war-whoop heard, now we have churches persons have been added by immersion, and from whence ascend to the throne of God as many wandering sheep brought back to praise and thanksgiving.-In Illinois there the fold. One of the number had been a Presare 162 churches, with a membership of byterian for many years, and he came among 11,636. There were added to the churches I us with many erroneous impressions in refevisited since I left home, 119 persons, by rence to our views and teaching; but after confessson and immersion. We had pleasant hearing for a time, he became convinced that meetings, at various points, especially at he had been wrongly informed, and that he Walnut Grove, Woodford county, Ill. and had never obeyed our Lord's command to be Bloomington, M'Lean county. During my baptized. JAMES E. GASTON. visit to those places there were twelve added to those churches, amongst whom were the children of brothers Davenport and W. T. Major. The latter has nine children, and during our meeting he had the pleasure of seeing the last of them buried in baptism and added to the church. Much feeling and interest are manifested in the cause of the Re

deemer by many of the brethren at those places. I found no portion of the state of

Sparta, White County, Tennessee, May 13.-Last Lord's day I immersed three persons, one of them a very excellent and intelligent Presbyterian lady, formerly from Georgia. Trust she will be very useful in the Sunday school and bible class, as well as in other relations. I rejoice with her friends, many of whom are zealous disciples.


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WE have had the pleasure of receiving, through a kind friend, from a student at Bethany college, the following brief but interesting account of the annual meeting of its President, Professors, and Students, held for examination of the classes, conferring degrees, &c. and to celebrate the glorious achievement of the ever memorable 4th of July-a day kept sacred in the memory of all true Ainericans. Though this account (being an extract from a private letter) was not written or intended for the public, yet we feel no doubt of its being received with great interest by all our readers.

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Day dawned, and the sun broke through a dense and heavy mist, portentous of a fine day, and ushered upon the world the 4th of July, 1848. After breakfast and the toilet, all assembled according to custom, in t eir respective Society Halls; and the orders of the day being arranged, both Societies, the American and Neotrophian, marched forth, their respective representatives at their head; after these, the graduates, according to their rank in the honors of the college, and then the members according to their respective heights, both forming but one column, two abreast, the Americans being on the left hand, and the Neotrophians on the right, each distinguished by their different badges-in all a body of about 120 young men, to meet the President and Professors, but owing to the illness of Mrs. Campbell were prevented going to his house, and were met half way by the Faculty. Being turned, the band came first, then the Faculty, and then the rest as before mentioned, all returning in procession to the college, where the performances came off, as you will see, by the following programme:

"Order of Exercises at the seventh annual commencement of Bethany College, July 4, 1848.-Mu sic, Prayer, Music. American Eras, an oration by Montgomery Pickert, of Kentucky, representative of the Neotrophian Society, of 42 minutes' duration. Music. The Progress of Society, an oration by John H. Neville, representative of the American Literary Institute, of 20 minutes' duration. Music. Greek Salutatory, by B. R. Sulgrove, of Indiana, 7 minutes. Music. Latin Salutatory, by H. M. Fowlkes, of Virginia, 17 minutes. (1st honour shared by the Greek and Latin orators.) Music. The True Path of Honor, an oration by T. L. Ricks, of Alabama, a representative of the Graduating Class, 18 minutes. Music.

The Influence of the Mexican War on American Literature, an oration by C. A. Caroland, of New Brunswick, a representative of the Graduating Class, 29 minutes. Music. Intermission:-Music. Report of Examinations. Music. Valedictory Oration, by Alexander Proctor, of Missouri, 25 minutes, (2nd honour.) Music. Conferring of Degrees. Baccalaureate Address by the President. Music. Benediction."

The Baccalaureate Address delivered by Brother Campbell, with other interesting items, we intend giving in the current volume of the Harbinger. J.W.

THE BETHANY GRAVE YARD. Dear Brother Campbell-I have spent many sad sweet hours among the dwellings of the dead, and ny silent and soleinn communings have been by no means the most unprofitable moments of my life. The thoughts which such scenes awaken are often tinged with melancholy; but it is a melancholy that I love to cherish and if the following lines, written some years ago, at the quiet burial spot where so many dear to you sleep in the hope of a glorious resurrection, should cause the foot of a single stranger to wander there, and raise in his heart thoughts of heaven, or sooth the hearts of any of those who often seek that hallowed place, the object of the writer will be accomplished:

Here, in this calm, sequester'd spot,

Repose the silent dead;

And oft, at dewy eve, the tear

Falls on their dreamless bed.
Here fond affection's streaming eye
Will oft delight to turn,

To pour its silent tribute forth

Upon the mould'ring urn;

And oft, when Spring's first flow'rets wake,
From out their wint'ry bed,

The hand of guileless childhood shall
Bestrew them o'er the dead.

Here age and youth together lie;

The sire, the babe, are here;
The mother, sister, brother, friend,

And all the heart holds dear.
At mem'ry's call these sainted forms
Oft seem to hover nigh,

And whisper in the spirit's ear,

"Come, meet us in the sky!
And O! what thoughts come rushing in
Upon the stricken heart,
While sweeter tones than those of earth,
Thus call us to depart.

To meet them in those realms of light,
Where, from all sorrow free,
The soul enjoys the glorious gift
Of inmortality!

In such a hallow'd spot as this.

When earthly scenes shall close,
I'd gladly lay my weary head,

And there find sweet repose.


THOUGH Jesus from sense be withdrawn,
Believing in him we rejoice-
The roll of his acts make him known-
The record still echoes his voice.

This record we have for our guide,

As we through the wilderness go: In it we can safely confide,

Midst darkness and dangers below. Before us our Leader has gone

O'er Jordan, the stream that divides This desert where death's spoils are strown, From the land where life never fades.

Since Jesus our leader is there,

Possessing the heavenly land,
How certain shall those with him share,
Who faithful abide to the end.
With a hope so glorious and sure,

We'll hold to our leader and guide;
Determin'd that nought shall allure,
And fearless though fools should deride.
J. D. A.

Printed by Edmund Renals, at his Office, No. 2, South-parade, in the parish of Saint Peter, Nottingham, and published by the Proprietor, JAMES WALLIS, of Park-terrace, at No. 12, Peck-lane, in the said Parish.-Monday, October 2, 1848.

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WHEELING, May 13th, 1848. Rev. and dear Sir-At a meeting of the Wheeling Lyceum held this day, upon motion it was unanimously resolved

"Tat the thanks of the Wheeling Lyceum, be tendered to the Rev. Alexander Campbell for his very able, appropriate, and eloquent address on the evening of the 11th instant."

It was further resolved" That Messrs. James

Paull, S. Clemens, and J. G. M Clellan, be a committee to communicate the foregoing resolution as

thanks to the Rev. A. Campbell; and also, on behalf of the Lyceum, respectfully to request a copy of his address for publication."

Having thus been honored by the body we represent as the medium of the communication of the preceding resolves, we deem it, dear sir, not superfluous to add to the one the assurances of our own gratification: and to the other, our hopes that the request it embodies may meet a favorable response.

With sentiments of high esteem, we have the honor to be, reverend and dear sir, yours, &c.

Rev. A. Campbell.


BETHANY, VA., May 20th 1848. Gentlemen-On my return from Pittsburg to-day, I had the honor of receiving from you, as the committee of the Wheeling Lyceum, expressed indeed in very flattering terms, a request for a copy of the Address I had the honor to deliver to your Lyceum

on the 11th instant. I cannot, gentlemen, but yield to the request of the Lyceum; regretting, however,

that I had not time to give that concentration of mind due to a subject of such absorbing importance to us-only wishing that I had had both more leisure and ability to have executed it in a style more worthy

of your acceptance.

With much respect, I have the honour to be, gentlemen, your obedient servant,


Messrs. J. Paul, S. Clemens, and J. G. M-Clellan.




ON propounding to myself, and much more to you, my respected auditors, this momentous question, so affecting the reputation and so involving the destiny of our own country and that of the Christian world, I confess that I rather shrink from its investigation, than approach it with full confidence in my ability to examine it with that intelligence and composure so indispensable to a satisfactory decision. With your indulgence, however, I will attempt, if not to decide the question, at least to assist those who, like myself, have often, and with intense interest, reflected on the desolations and horrors of war, as indicated in the sacrifice of human life, the agonies of surviving relatives, the immense expenditures of a people's wealth, and the inevitable deterioration of public morals, invariably attendant on its existence and career. If, with Dr. Dick, of Scotland, we should put down its slain victims to


As public faith or commercial credit, founded upon an equivocal currency, on its exposure suddenly shrinks into ruinous dimensions, at once blighting the hopes and annihilating the fortune of many a bold adventurer; so many a false and dangerous position, couched in ambiguous terms, though magniloquent and fascinating, when pruned of its luxuriant verbiage, divested of its captivating but delusive elocution, and presented in an intelligible, definite, and familiar attitude, is at once reprobated as unworthy of our reception and regard.

the minimum of 14,000,000,000; or, | we examine the terms in which it is with Burke, of Ireland, at the maxi- expressed. More than half the discusmum of 35,000,000,000; or take the sions and controversions of every age mean of 24,500,000,000, what imagi- are mere logomachies, verbose wrangnation could reach all the miseries lings about the terminology of the and agonies inflicted upon the slain respective combatants; and more than and upon their surviving relatives half the remainder might be comand friends? And who could com- pressed into a very diminutive size, pute the millions and millions of if, in the beginning, the parties would wealth expended in the support of those agree on the real issue, on the proper immense armies whose butchered mil- terms to express it, and the proper lions can never be exactly computed? definition of them. If Great Britain alone, from the revolution in 1688, to the overthrow of Napoleon in 1815-during her seven years' wars, occupying 65 years of 127, expended the sum of £2,023,000,000 sterling a sum much more easily expressed than comprehended by even the most accomplished financier; how can we compute the aggregate expenditures of all the battles fought and wars carried on during a period of some 5000 years! Yet these millions slain and the millions expended are the least items in its desolations, in the optics of an enlightened Christian philanthropist. When we attempt to reflect upon one human being in the amplitude and magnitude of his whole destiny, in a world that has no limit; and also survey the capacities and susceptibilities of his nature, according to the Christian revelation, how insignificant are the temporal and passing results of any course of action, compared with those which know neither measure nor end! How important, then, it is, that, in investigating a subject whose bearings on society arithmetic cannot compute, nor language express, we approach it with a candid and unprejudiced temper, and examine it with a profound and concentrated devotion of our minds to all that history records, philosophy teaches, and religion enjoins!

But, before entering upon the proper examination of this transcendant question, expressed in the popular currency of the age, it may be of much importance to a satisfactory issue, that

On comparing the literature and science of the current age with those of former times, we readily discover how much we owe to a more rigid analysis and a more scrupulous adoption of the technical terms and phrases of the old schools, to which the whole world at one time looked up as the only fountains of wisdom and learning. When submitted to the test of a more enlightened criticism, many of their most popular and somewhat cabalistic terms and phrases, have been demonstrated to be words without just or appropriate ideas, and have been "nailed to the counter" as spurious coin: others, however, like pure metal in antique forms, have been sent to the mint, recast, and made to receive the impress of a more enlightened and accomplished age.

The rapid progress and advancement of modern science is, I presume, rather owing to a more rational and philosophical nomenclature and to the

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