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of forty pounds sterling per annum. lakes, and canals, with their tenantry Thus the Lord taketh the wise in of swans and water-fowl of every spetheir own craftiness," and converts cies, can bestow. To add variety and their wisdom into folly. enhance the beauty of this paradise, Having dwelt so long on this place, the late Marquis, at the trifling exI will only add a brief narrative of pense of forty thousand dollars, erectmy visit to Eaton Hall, the palace of ed a light and elegant iron bridge, of the Marquis of Westminster, some 150 feet span, over the Dee, in one four miles from the city. Accompa- splendid arch.

nied by my friend Mr. Samuel Davies, As we approach the palace by the and sister Mary Davies, of Molling- east lodge, through a well-assorted ton, I spent, by way of recreation, forest of the most beautiful of English one of the most pleasant days in sur- varieties of trees and shrubbery, veying this most magnificent palace, amongst which the elm, maple, beech, and its most elegantly arranged and copper-beech, cedar, white pine, oak, adorned grounds the second, if, in- common ash, Norway fir, Irish yew, deed, not the first in the kingdom. Italian poplar, mountain ash, common The Marquis of Westminster is prob- ash, beech, juniper, liburnum, horse ably, with one or two exceptions, the chesnut, holly, laurel, bay, willow, richest nobleman in Great Britain. white thorn, &c. are abundant-the He owns whole streets of palaces in grounds expand into beautiful parks, London, called Grosvenor-square, ornamented with clumps of trees and Belgrave-square, Eaton-square, Wil-wide-spreading oaks, at proper diston-crescent, &c. from which, and tances. The sides of the smooth from other estates, he derives an in- well-formed roads are adorned with come of, say one thousand pounds a all manner of shrubbery, deciduous day-some half million sterling, or and evergreen, still more and more two and a half million dollars per year. chastened into neatness and beauty So matters go in the English aristoc- as we approach the palace, which, all racy. The present Richard Grosvenor of a sudden, at last presents its Gothic -now Marquis of Westminster, rep-magnificence with grand effect on the resents a very ancient and venerable eye of him that can relish and admire family, of Norman extraction, and the happiest combinations of Nature occupies some five or six other estates and Art. The palace consists of in the country besides that of Eaton three stories, finished with octagonal Hall. His palace in London, in ex- turrets, which, by stately intermeterior grandeur, though not in extent, diate towers, are connected with the excels that of Buckingham, in which main building. These are adorned Her Majesty at present resides. But by buttresses, niches, pinnacles, ento my visit to Eaton Hall. riched by exquisitely carved heraldic The lodges and avenues leading to designs, fret work, and foliage, surthis palace are six in number, passing mounted with a splendid embattlein different directions through the ment. pleasure grounds, whose whole extent The grand entrance is on the west is 800 acres. In a portion of these front, for it has an east and a west grounds is a park enclosed by an iron front. The portico, of three arches, fence, eight feet high, in which we with an exquisitely grained ceiling, is saw some three hundred deer, of every supported on clustered pillars, of the variety of size and color peculiar to most exquisite workmanship, through the species. The river Dee passing which we ascend by a flight of easy through a portion of these grounds, steps to a massive bronzed door, adaffords the means of beautifying them mitting us into a magnificent hall of with all the charms that fish-ponds, splendid proportions, with a vaulted

ceiling, the various compartments of chamber, with all its furniture, occuwhich, branching in all directions, pied by the Duchess of Kent and her meet in a richly-carved and pierced daughter Queen Victoria, when on a pendant, from which is suspended a visit here, and at the same time inhuge lantern of antique design. The formed that the hall leading to the pavement is of checkered marble, bed-chamber was 475 feet long. and was covered with some twelve or This, it must be remembered, is but fourteen exquisite statues, from the one of some six or seven residences best masters, and of the purest mar- furnished and occupied as taste or ble. The walls, too, are adorned caprice may dictate, by the Marquis with some of the richest pictures which of Westminster. the Italian art could furnish.

But I have said nothing of some But I will not describe farther the twelve ancient Knights, clad in their interior of this palace. We passed ancient mail, with all their armor on, into a saloon furnished with regal standing in their respective niches ; magnificence, and walked through nor of mirrors which cost 8000 dollars sundry rooms of unsurpassed beauty each, nor have I spoken of the pictures and magnificence. All that groined of "Cromwell dissolving his Parliaand fretted ceilings, decorated with ment," of "the landing of Charles endless ramifications of fan-work II."-of " the Angel descending with tracery, could do-all that the varie- a great chain in one hand and a sword ties of Gothic foliage, brilliant colours, in the other, placing his right foot on rich emblazonry, and costly furniture the head of the Dragon"-of "Christ could bestow, have been united in taken from the Cross" of "presentathis palace to please the lusts of the tion of the Baptist's head by Herodias" eye, and to minister to the pride of &c.; nor have I spoken of the splenlife. All that walls hung with lute- did gardens east of the palace-of a string of richest hues, or Genoa velvet, single terrace, 350 feet in length, laid receiving and reflecting still more out in Gothic compartments, each brilliant beauties from sunbeams filled with rare and beautiful flowers, streaming through painted glass, can and surrounded with a rich ballustrade, effect-all that paintings of unsur-carved in Gothic style; nor of the passed excellence, chandeliers of ela-pleasure grounds and flower gardens, borate workmanship, furniture in green houses extending over forty-two form and quality corresponding with acres, exclusive of a seven-acre kitchen the architecture of the palace-all garden; nor of a Gothic conservatory that cabinets of ivory, mosaic, and or temple, the latter erected for the mother of pearl-all that golden reception of a Roman altar exhumated vases, sparkling in exquisite niches, not far from Chester in 1821; nor of can contribute to inflate, intoxicate, its mosaic pavement found in the and delude the owner, has been la- palace of Tiberius Cesar, and brought vished upon this princely residence. from the island of Capri by Robert I could not describe in a volume all Grosvenor, Esq. I say, I have not that I saw in two hours in the state- dilated upon, nor even narrated in rooms, dining-hall, parlours, saloons, detail, these displays of exuberant &c.; and yet I saw but a part-for grandeur with which this palace and the palace is being partially re-mo- its gardens and pleasure grounds delled, and certain rooms only could abound. Nor do I notice this subject be seen. Indeed, it was at this time at all in commendation nor in admiraa particular favour to be admitted at tion of it, as worthy of man-as all-and to which favour being an worthy of praise, or as characteristic American citizen contributed no little. of real greatness. Why, then, I I was, however, shown the state bed-may be asked, occupy time, place,

attention with such a display! I and declare war against His Grace the Marquis of Westminster.


1st. For the reason that I have 3rd. But then comes the responsivisited other palaces and seats of bility. What pauperism abounds in great resort-that I may see, and feel, England! What squalid poverty and and show the littleness of human wretchedness! These immense estates greatness. This world, in all its are the effects of spoliation consecrawealth and honors, never makes any ted by law. The machinery of man better, but generally makes him British society all works in one direction. It creates Peers, Lords, 2nd. Immense wealth does but Nobles, Prelates, Archbishops, and diminish even the pleasures of sense. Kings; and it creates for every one I opine that the Marquis never derived of these myriads of paupers—poor, so much pleasure from a walk in his starved, uneducated wretches. domains as I did. I saw and relished


His Grace is not free from anxiety

all the beauties with as keen a zest for his children in such a world as this. as he. I could not call them mine. Already he feels they cannot all inHe, it is true, could call them his. herit equal wealth and grandeur with But his, too, were the cares to keep himself. Twelve of them must be them what they are, and his too, the comparatively poor, that one of the vexation, the grief, and the expense, thirteen may be exuberantly rich. when anything was injured, defaced, Again, he must see dangers in advance or destroyed. The verdant parks- -he must anticipate an end to this the pleasant walks, their delightful legalized aristocracy. It is too glaring. bowers, alcoves, and retreats-their The contrast is too strong. Human rare tenantry, the deer, the fawn, the nature cannot always endure. Men hare the varied shrubbery, the may keep silence for a time, but they splendid gardens, and delicious odors, will speak at last; from words they were as sweet a repast to me as to advance to blows; and then, alas for him. But he saw them often-daily him that has to fight alone against a while at home. I but once. But thousand! But as Esop, or some who admires that which is as familiar other fabulist, has made Reynard say as the sun, as constant as the moon, to his collared cousin―a sleek dogand as universal as the verdant face as he heard him tell how well he fared of spring! The words mine, and while he wore the collar, so say Ithine, are mere magic. Mine, too, "Give me again my hollow tree, is full of pleasure and of pain; and My crust of bread and liberty!" thine, too, just as full. Roses have Your affectionate Father, their thorns, and thistles have the impudence to rise up in thousands



The mother writes with a pen of steel onvading and most powerful. Such is the pious the tablet of the young heart of her child, and these characters are deep, original, and indelible. They are hardened by time, and exert an influence with the power of first lessons. Through the long vista of receding years, that mother is seen by the eye of filial affection. Onward through coming time the same image is presented like a bright star at the beginning and end of life. Oh, a mother's love! It conquers all. It is identified in the mind with its first knowledge of God. She is contemplated as with God. Next to the divine efficiency, her influence is all-per

mother, who has made right impressions on the minds of her babes, and been to them the messenger and minister of God. For weal or for woe, she writes a page, teaches a lesson, and moulds the mind into durable forms. Such, says a clergyman, was the mother of my children. Her influence is still visible, palpable, controlling. Her lessons are written in living lines, and the "sentiments of my mother" are the law of her children. How hallowed the recollection of such a mother! how controlling the rules she gave! how well remembered and treasured in their hearts!



DEAR SIR-An esteemed lady who misapplications, and perversions contained in this little work.

Error 1st." Justification by faith alone in the all perfect work of the Redeemer," (preface, page 4.) This the writer calls "the great doctrine." He forgets, however, to tell us where,

thrice enjoyed Mr. Campbell's company during his visit, has handed me a small pamphlet to inform me wherein certain Baptists differ from Mr. C. and his brethren. I have read it as requested. It is intituled "Strictures on the leading doctrines contained in in the divine book, this great doctrine a work of Mr. A. Campbell, of Ameri- is found; and is probably unaware ca, called the Christian system," &c. that it is not there at all, but is wholly (printed by Backhouse, Liverpool.) a human excogitation. "The all perIts motto is excellent-" To the law fect work of the Redeemer" is not a and to the testimony; if they speak scriptural expression; nor is "faith not according to this word, it is because in the perfect work:" and as to "justhere is no light in them." Would that tification by faith alone," it is, accordthe practice agreed with the precepting to the Apostle James, justification It professes to come from "members by dead faith.

of a Baptist church," who, if one may Error 2nd." If the scriptures judge of their magnanimity and cour-assert men to be under the absolute tesy by this specimen, compose an un-power and reign of sin, the theory of lovely society indeed. Mr. Campbell, human ability absolutely falls to the it seems, can scarcely say or do any-ground," (p. 7.) This doctrine of tothing to please them. He is not to- tal-depravity-therefore-total-inability tally enough depraved: his faith and is, it seems, the very basis of these repentance are too doing, and his bap-members' religion. Every thing must tism too availing he does not look be bended and twisted to fit : upon this. for the Holy Spirit early enough: he It is, however, an ice foundation which does not limit the atonement to their melts under the heavenly rays. For, liking his remission and regenera- 1st. It is an imaginary one, there tion interfere with faith and grace: being no such things as total depravity and his Christian union is too external. and inability named in the divine In short, on him and his doctrines word. 2nd. It has been well said, they pour wrathful vials-beginning" it is as irrational to speak of a state with describing him as a deceptive of total or partial depravity, as of a perverter of the gospel, and ending state of total or partial marriage." with declaring that in his Christianity 3rd. The scriptures may assert that they " very clearly discern the form man is under sin, without human ability of the Man of Sin." necessarily falling to the ground, for One thing is, however, pretty plain, the Romans (vi. 17) had been slaves by comparing dates, (Mr. Campbell of sin; yet (hearing the gospel) they having sailed on the 5th October, and obeyed from the heart the form of docthis pamphlet being dated the 23rd) trine, and were then made free from that the valiant writer took good care sin. As a man found guilty and under Mr. Campbell should be out of sight sentence of death (dead in law) is yet and hearing before he loaded and able to receive the Queen's pardonprimed-nor, in firing, did he exhibit so the dead may hear the voice of the less of the "better part of valor," his Son of God, and they who hearken goodly name not being adventured. may live. In one of this author's supIt is not for me to defend Mr. Camp- posed proofs (p. 8) St. Paul says, "So bell he can defend himself. But, then with the mind I myself serve the with the view of preventing evil effects, law of God, but with the flesh the law I may point out some of the errors, of sin." Did his flesh (slave-like)




serve the law of sin, while his mind them in miserable uncertainty to say, served the law of God? Then ability" I have not yet obtained faith or reremained, although his flesh was sub-pentance; I pray and wait for them, ject to sin. 4. Is it revolting to hear and hope God will grant them"asserted that the unoffending babe is blasphemous, because it gives the as depraved as the villain who has Heavenly Father a character which robbed the house, ravished the wife, an honest man would be ashamed of and murdered the husband-yea, as—that he calls the creatures of his the devil himself? So it surely is re- love to believe on his Son, and even ligious insanity to assert that man who commands all men every where to Is the image and glory of God," is repent, knowing, same time, that not unable to attend when the Heavenly one of them has power either to repent Father speaks to him, and incapable or believe ! The fact that all are of receiving pardon and life when gra- so called and commanded, coupled with ciously presented. 5th. The Father the additional fact that all are warned speaks differently as to "human of the eternal consequences of not ability" (Isa. xlix. 9)-" I will give coming and not obeying, must, to every thee for a covenant of the people, that truly candid mind, be proof positive thou mayest say to the prisoners go that men are divinely deemed capable forth."—a full proof of ability to on the one hand of believing, repenthear and go. The Son speaks differ- ing, and obeying, and on the other of ently (Luke iv. 18)—He hath sent me giving God the lie by their unbelief, -to preach deliverance to the captives and that they will be saved or con-proof that the captives could hear, demned accordingly. The writer, on understand, and accept. The Holy Rom. v. 17, (" They who receive Spirit speaks differently (Acts ii. 40) abundance of grace and of the gift of "Save yourselves from this unto- righteousness, shall reign," &c.) says, ward generation"-a proof that even he thinks it should decide "about faith blood-guilty ones were able to save and repentance being the gift of God." themselves by fleeing to Christ. Paul And verily I think so too; for as it is "persuaded the Jews and the Greeks" God's amazingly great part to give -they were, then, in his estimation justification and " the overflowings of persuadable and Apollos "mightily favor"--so it is man's minutely little convinced the Jews." But this was part to receive thankfully these inbefore total depravity and total inability were invented.

valuable blessings in the appointed way, the merit (if an eagle-eye can Error 3rd. "Both faith and repen- discern any) being that of a famishing tance are the gifts of God" (page 12.) beggar receiving alms. God gave to Again, "That there are commands to Israel the manna: this none else could repent and believe, we fully admit, do, or help to do; but they had to gabut that they imply any power in man ther and eat, or die-for this God did to obey we deny" (page 14.) Such not do for them. God might, indeed, is the Baptistism of these "members" as easily have put his manna in their -at once absurd, injurious, and blas- stomachs as at their doors, but what phemous! Absurd, because it assumes the little man could do, he had to do. that man has power to credit this non- The Father now gives us the true sense, but none to believe the record bread from heaven; but Jesus says, or testimony God has given concern-" except you eat, you have no life." ing his Son, nor to trust and hope in Man, therefore, not only can, but must the Lord Jesus through the Apostles' partake of freedom and life through word-injurious, because instead of faith and obedience, or must perish directing men to at once confide in, for ever. I labor this matter, because turn to, and obey the Lord, it leads error here is poison at the source,

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