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"thou mayest look abroad, and see where thou canst find one whose sorrows are like unto thine."

Then would I wander alone in some remote place, where no eye could see me, nor ear hear me, to make my moan unto the Lord, who hath sweetly comforted me and refreshed my spirit many a time, and hath kept my head above the waters. Blessed be the worthy name of the Lord my God, and the right arm of his strength, that hath wrought wonderfully for my deliverance; and cursed is the old dragon, who ever envied man's prosperity. He endeavoured to destroy the blessed work of the Lord, as much as in him lay, after the Lord had done much for me, and in a good measure redeemed my soul from death, and by a high hand and stretched out arm, had brought me out of Egypt's darkness, and I was soon caught by his subtilty, for he through the Red Sea, where my soul had true persuaded me it was in vain to strive any cause to sing praises unto the most high God, longer; 1 should never inherit the kingdom of who lives for evermore. Oh! let me never heaven. But a liar he was, and ever will be, forget this great and wonderful deliverance, my soul is at enmity with him; the Lord in but keep in that which will bow my heart whom I trust, preserve me and my house for from day to day, and humble my spirit before ever. It pleased my heavenly Father, who the Lord, who hath been pleased to do more had a regard to me, to make way for me to for me than my tongue is able to declare. escape; for in a little time after, it was my And although I can say mine eyes have seen lot to be at a meeting, where a faithful serafflictions, and no affliction seems joyous, but vant of the Lord was, by name William grievous for the present, yet afterwards it Dewsbury, whose testimony was mostly to brings the peaceable fruits of righteousness. the distressed and afflicted, tossed with temAnd now, my dear children, my aim is to pest and not comforted; which state many make you a little acquainted with the work of were in, in that day, 1655. A true messenthe Lord in my heart, and also with the subtle ger he was to many. I was twenty-one years devices, and contrivances of the enemy of of age when I was in this condition, and after your immortal souls. His way is to set his meeting was ended, I dreaded to go to him, baits according to people's nature, for therein for I thought he was one of great discernhe is most likely to prevail. And because Iing, and would be sensible of the hardness was of a sad heart, and very subject to be cast down, therefore did he with all his might endeavour to cast me into despair and unbelief; persuading me I should never hold out to the end. Then would I pray to the Lord, to preserve me to the end, for my affliction was very great, both inward and outward, and many things he cast before me, that seemed too hard for me to go through. When my mind was sorrowful, the enemy got ground upon me, and filled me with imaginations, until my heart grew hard before I was aware of it, and I had lost that sweet enjoyment and heavenly fellowship with which I was comforted. I had great cause to magnify the worthy name of the Lord, who was pleased to comfort my afflicted soul; but when the enemy had gotten a little ground, he set his baits so agreeably to my nature, that when I had any remembrance of the condition I was in before, and now for a little time had lost, I had great cause to mourn to the Lord, who was able to deliver me, as he had done many

times; blessed be his holy name, and the right arm of his strength, which lives forever. And though he was able to do it, yet the enemy prevailed upon me a little further, when I was making my complaint to the Lord, say. ing in my heart, there is no sorrow like mine. And why none like thine? because I had lost my beloved, and my loss was great: he that had redeemed my soul from death and had done well for me; oh! I could do no less but mourn for him. This mourning was very suitable to my condition, had I been aware of that subtle serpent who was persuading me that I was discontented, a murmurer and complainer, and made the Lord weary with my crying, and that I should be shut out of his kingdom; for it was the murmurers and complainers who perished in the wilderness.

of my heart; and if he should judge me, I should not be able to bear it: but yet I could not go away in peace, until I had been with him. Seeing me coming so heavily, he held up his hand, and with a raised voice said unto me, "Dear lamb, judge all thoughts and believe, for blessed are they that believe and see not." And with a raised voice again said, "They were blessed that saw and believed, but more blessed are they that believed and saw not."

He was one who had good tidings for me, and great power was with his testimony at that time; for the hardness was taken away, and my heart was opened by that ancient power that opened the heart of Lydia; everlasting praises be given unto him that sits upon the throne for ever, who hath preserved me out of the snares and subtle contrivances of the adversary.

My dear children, you have been brought up in the way of truth. It is made known to you; and my soul cannot but bless and praise

the Lord my God, who hath preserved me out of the evil of the world; therefore trust in his name, and believe that he will keep you unto the end; which he will assuredly do, if you depart not from him; which I hope you will not whilst you live; and my prayers are both night and day for you.

great exercise: He steadfastly looking upon me, said, “ Dear child, if thou continue in the truth, thou wilt make an honourable woman for the Lord; for the Lord God will honour thee with his blessed testimony." And ten years after, in 1665, he came to my habitation, and said to me, "My love and life is with I can truly say, that when any of our thee, and that for the blessed work's sake that family have gone out of our habitation, though is going on in thee; the Lord God keep thee upon outward occasions, my prayers have as- faithful, for he will require harder things of cended to the Lord for their preservation; thee, than thou art aware of; the Lord give and unto this day the Lord hath heard, bless thee strength to perform them, and keep thee ed be his name. For you may well remem- faithful to his blessed testimony; my prayers ber the many dangers you have been pre- shall be for thee, as often as I remember thee." served out of, that have been likely to hazard Soon after, a great exercise fell upon us; we your lives; but the Lord, of his infinite were exposed to much suffering, and the Lord goodness, hath hitherto kept you all, that you had opened my mouth in a testimony but a may serve him. Therefore, dear children, little before. I have been concerned, for fear forget not your duty to the Lord, and the my friends should suffer for me; but not for counsel that Jesus Christ gave to his disciples, myself; for I could truly say, "My heart was which was, to watch and pray, that you may given up to serve the Lord, come what would be preserved out of all dangers, both inward come." But the least of our sorrow was loss and outward, which you may be liable to fall of goods, beating and hurling to and fro, and into, if you do not keep to the guide of your dragging out of our meeting-house, and many youth. But if you keep to Him, he will never other abuses, which the Lord made us able to depart from you; and "keep in remembrance go through, and sanctified to us; and my soul your Creator in the days of your youth;" blesseth the Lord, that he accounted us wor then will he keep you in the hour of tempta- thy to suffer for his name sake.

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tion, and will take care for For in the time of suffering, a selfish sepa. first the kingdom of God, and his righteous-rating spirit began to break forth amongst us; ness, all other things shall be added unto which added to our affliction more than all you;" he hath spoken it that cannot lie, there- our persecutors could do; though we went in fore put your trust in him for ever. Then great hazard of our lives to our meetings, the will my heavenly Father do for you, as he informers were so wicked and inhuman, and hath done for me, in the days of my tender filled with envy and madness, that they swore years. He took me by the hand, and led me "It was no more sin to kill us, than it was to by a way I knew not, he made darkness light kill a louse;" and "that they would bathe before me, and hath preserved me unto this their swords in our blood." But blessed be very day in covenant with himself; everlast- the Lord our God, who liveth for ever, we ing praises and honour be given to his holy were in no wise affrighted at these things, nor name for ever, saith my soul. concerned at them; for we knew that He in whom we believed, was able to deliver his chosen ones who put their trust in Him.

You may remember, since you have had an understanding, the straits and difficulties the Lord hath enabled me to go through, though My dear children, some of these things but weak and greatly afflicted with sickness, you know, your eyes have seen them; and and very near the grave many times. The though but young and tender, yet the Lord Lord renewed my strength again, to bear a kept you from the fear of men. In this time, faithful testimony for him and his blessed there fell upon me another greater exercise of truth. Various straits and hardships hath the spirit, which seemed so strange and wonderLord, my Redeemer, brought me through, ful, that I could not believe the Lord would which when I look back and consider, I am require such a service of me, who was so weak filled with admiration, in remembering how and contemptible, so unfit and unlikely, my my soul hath escaped to this very day. But this saying of Christ Jesus often comes before me, "Greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world ;" and he said to his disciples, "Be of good cheer, I have overcome the world;" this hath been a comfort to me many times. I often remember a saying of a faithful servant and minister of Jesus Christ, whose name was Miles Halhead, when I was under

understanding but shallow, and my capacity but mean and very low in my own eyes. Looking so much at my insufficiency, made me strive hard against it; crying often-times within myself, "Surely this is something to ensnare me, for the Lord does not require such things of me, seeing there are so many wise and good men, who are more honourable and fit for such service than I. Oh Lord,

remove it far from me, and require anything else of me, that I can better perform."

Thus did I reason and strive against it, till my sorrow was so great, that I knew not whether ever the Lord would accept of me again. Then I cried unto the Lord again and again, "Lord, if thou hast found me worthy, make my way plain before me, and I will follow thee; for thou knowest that I would not willingly offend thee." But knowing myself to be of a weak capacity, I did not think the Lord would make choice of such a contemptible instrument as I, to leave my habitation and tender children, who were young, to go to King Charles, an hundred miles off, and with such a plain testimony as the Lord did require of me; which made me go bowed down many months under the exercise of it; and oftentimes strove against it. I could get no rest, but in giving up to obey the Lord in all things that he required of me; and though it seemed hard and strange to me, yet the Lord made hard things easy, according to his promise to me, when I was going from my children, and knew not but my life might be required for my testimony, it was so plain; and when I looked upon my children, my heart yearned towards them. These words ran through me, "If thou canst believe, thou shalt see all things accomplished, and thou shalt return in peace, and thy reward shall be with thee." For ever blessed be the name and power of the Lord, he sustained me in my journey, gave me strength to do his will, and afforded me his living presence to accompany me, which is the greatest comfort that can be enjoyed. This was my testimony to King Charles II., in the eleventh month, of the year 1670.

"This is unto thee, O king: Hear what the Lord hath committed unto my charge concerning thee. As thou hast been the cause of making many desolate, so will the Lord lay thee desolate; and as many as have been the cause of persecuting and shedding the blood of my dear children, in the day when I call all to an account, I will plead with them, saith the Lord. Therefore hear and fear the Lord God of heaven and earth, for of his righteous judgments all shall be made partakers; from the king that sitteth upon the throne, to the beggar upon the dunghill."

This testimony I delivered into his hands, with these words, "Hear, oh king, and fear the Lord God of heaven and earth." I can truly say, that the dread of the most high God was upon me, which made me tremble, and great agony was over my spirit; insomuch that paleness came in his face, and with a mournful voice he said, "I thank you good woman." My soul honoureth and magnifieth

the name and power of the Lord my God, for keeping me faithful to his testimony, and giv ing me strength to do his will, and he made good his promise, that "If I could believe, I should return in peace, and my reward should be with me." So the Lord blessed my going forth, his presence was with me in my journey; preserved my family well, and my coming home was with joy and peace in my bosom: everlasting praises, glory and honour be given unto Him that sits on the throne, and to the Lamb for evermore.

May you remember the goodness of the Lord to his children, who faithfully follow and obey him with their whole hearts, though they may be attended with many weaknesses, and are at times crying to the Lord, "Oh my weakness, I am not able to go through this great work, neither indeed am I worthy. There are many honourable wise men whom thou hast prepared for thy service, that are fitter than I am; and there seem so many mountains and difficulties in my view, that it appeareth too wonderful for me to go through." I gave way to the reasoner many times, till my sorrow hath been so great, that I have not known which way to turn, and it dimned my sight, and hurt my life, and plunged my soul into trouble. But it pleased the Lord to appear in a needful hour, and turn back the enemy of my soul's peace, and show me, that he would choose the weak, and them who were nothing in their own eyes, and could do nothing; no, not so much as utter a word but what the Lord giveth them; I mean, in testimony for the living God, that the Scriptures of truth may be fulfilled in this our day, as it was in times past, that no flesh should glory in his presence. Then did I freely give up to obey the requirings of the Lord with peace and comfort, and received the blessed reward in my bosom, as I have already said. Our exercise continued by our persecutors; but blessed be the name and power of the Lord for his infinite mercies, according to the day, so was our strength.

A little time after, the officers came and demanded money for the king for our meeting together. My husband answered them, "If I owed the king any, I would surely pay him ; but seeing I owe him no money, I will pay him none." They asked leave to distrain his goods; to which he said, "If you will take my goods, I cannot hinder you, but I will not give you leave to take them; neither will I be accessary to your taking them." The officers seeing our innocency, for we were in our shop at our lawful calling, with our hands to our labour, and our children with us, the constable leaned his head down upon his hand, with a heavy heart, and said, "It is against my

conscience to take their goods from them." called to the man of the house to take me Then I said, "John, have a care of wrong- away, solemnly protesting never to come to ing thy conscience; for what could the Lord his house again, if he would not take me do more for thee than to place his good spirit away. But the man had not power to touch in thy heart, to teach thee what thou shouldest me, but full of trouble, said, "Sir, I cannot do, and what thou shouldest leave undone." lay hands on her, for she is my honest neigh He said, "I know not what to do in this mat- bour:" and turning him towards me, said, ter; if paying the money once would do, I "Pray neighbour Stirredge, if you have anywould do it, but it will not end so; it will be thing to say, speak, that you may be gone." thus, whilst you keep going to meeting; for One of the justices in great rage and fury, the rulers have made such laws, that never solemnly protested he would never sit with was the like in any age." I said, "John, them any more, if they did not take me away; when thou hast wronged thy conscience, and oftentimes wondering at their folly, for letting brought a burthen upon thy spirit, it is not the me alone. Then he opened the back door, rulers who can remove it from thee. If thou and went out, as though he would be gone, shouldest go to the rulers, and say, I have but in a little time came in again, saying, done that which was against my conscience" What! is she here yet? I wonder at your to do, they may say as the rulers did to Judas, What is that to us, see thou to that." The officers who were with him, came and pulled down our goods; and the power of the Lord smote them, insomuch that paleness was in their faces and their lips quivered. and their hands did so shake, that they could not hold it long. Then they would force a poor man to take them, but he refused, until they forced him, and laid them upon his arms and shoulders; but he, looking much like a dead man, replied, “You force me to do that which you cannot do yourselves, neither can I." He trembled very much, though we had nothing farther to say to them, after they came in, but could rejoice that the Lord had found us worthy to suffer for his blessed truth and testimony.


folly !" Then the power of the Lord fell upon and filled my heart with a warning to them; telling them, "That it was in vain to be found striving against the Lord and his people; their work would not prosper; for the great God of heaven and earth would be too strong for them. Therefore I warned them to repent, and amend their lives before it be too late; for the Lord will smite you at unawares, and in an hour not expected by you; therefore remember that the Lord hath afforded you a day of warning, before destruction comes upon you." This, and much more ran through me at that time; and the Lord was pleased in a very short time to fulfil that testimony on them. For in a few weeks, as they were making merry at a feast, two of them died on a sudden, after dinner, and the rest very hardly escaped. This was about the year 1674.

I write not this to rejoice at the fall of our enemies, but for you to consider the goodness and mercies, and dealing of the Lord with his people in all ages; and to keep in remembrance his loving kindness and forbearance to the very wicked, who are provoking him to pour down his vengeance upon their heads. Yet so great is his mercy, that he always warns the wicked, and gives them time to repent, and space to amend their lives, that the Lord may be clear in the day of account; which day will surely come upon all.

A little time after, they had a meeting to appraise the goods taken from us and other Friends; where there met together seven men called justices, and the officers and sheriffs, bailiff, and many more of their confederates, a great room full of them. I was at work in our shop; and seeing the constable carrying some of the goods to be appraised, it immediately came into my heart to go after them, not knowing one word that I should have to say; which made me a little consider for what I should go; but it more and more rested with me to go. When I came within the door, I sat down like one that was a fool, and had not one word to say, as near as I can count Therefore, my dear children, remember the time, for half or three quarters of an hour. your latter end, and the day of account, and But when I came in, they were greatly dis- keep a bridle to your tongues; for he that quieted in their minds, and hurried in their knows not a bridle to his tongue, his religion business. They said, "they could do nothing is vain. And keep to the daily cross, which whilst I was with them;" the justices calling is the power of God to salvation. If you will one to another to cause me to be taken away be heirs of the kingdom of heaven, and of the many times; saying, "We shall not do any crown immortal, you must take up the daily business this day, but spend our time in vain, cross, for "No cross, no crown." The cross if this woman sit here." They often tempted will keep your minds in subjection to the liv me to speak what I had to say, and be gone; ing God; and being in subjection, and standbut could not prevail with me. Then theying in awe that you sin not, will keep you VOL. II.-No. 5.


near to the Lord, in a living acquaintance and many times past hope of ever seeing a with him; then he will take delight to bless you more and more, to instruct you, and to counsel you in his way, which is pure and holy, and will not adinit of any unholiness nor uncleanness.

Beware of the world and the people thereof; be not in too much familiarity with them, nor let in their spirit to mix with yours; which has been the hurt of many who have made a good beginning and been going on their way, yet have erred for want of watchfulness, and keeping to the guide of their youth, the light of Christ Jesus, who is the way to salvation; and whoever comes in any other way, is a thief and a robber. The way you know; you have been trained up in it; and the concern of my spirit is, that you may keep in it, and be concerned for your children, as your father and I have been for you. Train them up in the way of truth, and keep them out of the beggarly rudiments of this world, that they may grow up in plainness; and keep to the plain language, both you and they; which is become a very indifferent thing amongst many of the professors of truth. But in the beginning we went through great exercise for that very word, thee and thou to one person. For my part, I had a concern upon my spirit, because I shifted many times from that word. I would have said any word, rather than thee or thou, that would have answered the matter I was concerned in, but still I was condemned, guilt following me. I was not clear in the sight of God; my way was hedged up with thorns; I could go no further, until I had yielded obedience unto the little things. Then I walked alone, as I frequently used to do, when things came as a weight upon me, where I might be private from all except my soul's concern. Oh! that desolate place where I used to retire alone, how many times hath my soul met with my beloved there, who hath sweetly comforted me, when my soul hath been sick of love; and full of doubts, for fear He had forsaken me. But blessed be his name who liveth forever, he still appeared in a needful time, when my soul was distressed for him, and then was the time I truly prized him. This is the way of the Lord's dealing with his people, that he may teach them to be humble, and train them up as children, that they may learn obedience in all things to do his will. And this is his end in chastening, to make them fit for his service. I little thought that the Lord would have spared me so many years, to bear a faithful testimony to his blessed truth, and powerful appearance in the breaking forth of his glorious light and life unto many thousands who sat in darkness, whose state was miserable

good day, and at their wits-end; horror, dread and anguish was in their hearts. Oh! these were they that would receive and prize the blessed offers of God's everlasting love and appearance, though it was in the way of his judgments. I can truly say, that my heart and soul delighted in judgment; though one woe was poured out after another; yet blessed be the day in which the everlasting truth was first sounded in my ears, which was in the nineteenth year of my age; let it never be forgotten by me, is my soul's desire. But more blessed be the name of the Lord our God, and the right arin of his power, that hath been made bare from day to day, and from year to year, for the carrying on of his work, and the preservation of his children.

The greatest exercise that ever I met with, was concerning the separating spirit that first began to appear in John Story and John Wilkinson, about the year 1670. I find a concern upon my spirit to leave a short relation of my exercises in the service for the Lord, his blessed truth and testimony, that he, in the riches of his love had made my heart and soul a partaker of: praises be given to his holy name forever.

In the year 1670, which was a time of great suffering amongst Friends, and from that time forward, as it is well known, we went to our meetings at the peril of our lives, and our goods were taken for a prey. In this time of great exercise did this dividing spirit begin to appear, and in a very crafty manner ensnared the hearts of the simple. There were many whom the Lord had reached unto in the breaking forth of his wonderful power, and whom he had enriched both inwardly and outwardly, but who had forgotten the days of their distress, where the Lord first found them out, and had caused the offence of the cross to cease, and had gone into ease and liberty. Oh! how did such fall in with them, to the grief of the souls of the faithful.

Our sorrow for the loss of our brethren, was greater than for all our persecutions, or loss of goods, or all other abuses of what kind soever; indeed, great was our sorrow on every hand, and my soul was mostly concerned for the Lord, and his blessed truth and testimony. How did my heart pant after the Lord, and my soul travailed night and day before him, for strength to stand a faithful witness for the living God, with whom I had made covenant, where the Lord first met with me when I was bewailing myself, saying in my heart, "Oh, that I could find out a cave in the earth, wherein I might mourn out my days in sorrow, and see man no more; or that the Lord would be pleased to accept me

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