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" And therefore will the LORD wait, that he may be gracious unto you, and therefore will he be exalted, that he may have mercy upon you: for the LORD is a God of judgment: blessed are all they that wait for him. "
Lectures on the Prophecies of Isaiah - Page 676
by Robert MacCulloch - 1794
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Knowledge & Practice: Or, a Plain Discourse of the Chief Things Necessary to ...

Samuel Cradock - Christian life - 1659 - 722 pages
...Father of mercies, and the God ef all Comforts. Ïfa.3o.i8. And there fore will the Lord wait that be may be gracious unto you, and therefore will he be exalted, that he may have mercy upo» you, for the Lor dis a God of judgement are л\1 the') that wait for him. РГа.78.з8. But...
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An Essay on the Revelation of Saint John: So Far as Concerns the Past and ...

William Whiston - Bible - 1706 - 406 pages
...dead. CHAP. xxx. 18 — гб. i8. -And therefore will the Lord watt, that he may be gracious «nto you, and therefore will he be exalted, that he may have mercy upon y ou : for the Lord is a God of judgment ; blejjedare all they that wait for him. \ 9. For the people...
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A Commentary on the Prophet Isaiah: Wherein the Literal Sense of His ...

Samuel White - Bible - 1709 - 550 pages
...Standard erefted on XXX. fome eminent Place. 3j _ ;. Ver. 18. jind therefore mil die Jj>vd wait tfjaf he may be gracious unto you^ and therefore will- he be exalted, thttt he may have mercy upon you : for the Lord i$ A God, of judgment \ bleffed are all they that wait...
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Dr. Burnet's appendix to the ninth chapter of the State of the dead, tr. by ...

Thomas Burnet - Eschatology - 1729 - 142 pages
...intermediate Affliction hinder ; God will in the End be gracious to Ifrael. (c. xxx. 1 8, I5>, 20.) Therefore will the Lord wait that he may be gracious...that he may have Mercy upon you ; for the Lord is a Cod of Judgment : blejfed are all they that wait for him. For the People fiall -dwell at Sion in Jerufalem...
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Theron and Aspasio: Or, a Series of Dialogues and Letters, Upon the Most ...

James Hervey - Justification - 1755 - 486 pages
...reconciled to GOD by the Death of his SON*. Let Us cordially credit, what the Prophet repeatedly t declares; Therefore "will the LORD 'wait, that He may be gracious...therefore will He be exalted^ that He may have Mercy upon Tou -f-. Then We fhall feek his Face with Alacrity. Our Affections will be on the Wing to falute their...
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Of Communion with God the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost: (each Person ...

John Owen - Communion of saints - 1763 - 452 pages
...kindnefs for the moft eminent endearing of a foul unto himfelf, Ifa. xxx. 1 8. Therefore will the Lard wait, that he may be gracious unto you, and therefore..."will he be exalted, that he may have mercy upon you. Neither is there any revelation of God, that the foul finds more fweetnefs in, than this. When it is...
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Theron and Aspasio: Or, A Series of Dialogues and Letters, Upon ..., Volume 3

James Hervey - Justification - 1767 - 566 pages to GOD by the Death of his SON*. Let Us cordially credit, what the Prophet repeatedly declares ; Therefore will the LORD wait that He may be gracious...therefore will He be exalted^ that He may have Mercy upm JTau f- Then We fhall feek his D d 4 Face * Rom. v. 10. f Ifia. xxx. if. That admirable Commentator...
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The Whole Works: Of the Reverend Mr. John Flavel, ... In Eight ..., Volume 7

John Flavel - Presbyterian Church - 1770 - 520 pages
...inftru&ion is, that God is a fit obje£t of our truft, dependance, and refignatieftT Ifa. xxx. 18. And therefore will the Lord wait, that he may be gracious...mercy upon you : for the Lord is a God of judgment; blefled are all they that wait for him. 0^8. What is the fecond inftruftion from hente ? A. The fecond...
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Observations Upon the Prophecies Relating to the Restoration of the Jews ...

Joseph Eyre - Bible - 1771 - 194 pages
...kingdoms of this world are to become the kingdoms cf our Lord, and of his Chrift. X. IsA. xxx. 18. Therefore will the Lord wait that he may be exalted, that he may have mercy upon you : for JEHOVAH is a God of judgment; blefled 19 are all they that wait for him. For. the people fhall dwell...
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A Collection of Sermons and Tracts ...: To which are Prefixed ..., Volume 1

John Gill - Baptists - 1773 - 678 pages
...worft of times. Accordingly it is faid in the context; And therefore will the Lord wait, that <*., may be gracious unto you ; and therefore will he be exalted, that he may have mercy upon you c ; he will defer the execution of his judgments; he will not ftir up all his wrath ; but when the...
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