a man asleep. He was honored with a magnificent funeral, and a tomb was raised to his memory, upon which was placed a dog in marble, as emblematic of the sect he embraced. A selection of his witticisms will throw considerable light on his mind and character. A man born at Minda, asked him what he thought of the city. " I would advise the inhabitants," he replied, " to shut their gates, lest it should run away. Some one speaking to him of astronomy, he said, How long is it since you left the skies? Passing by Megara he beheld, at the same moment, the children quite naked, and the sheep covered with a rich fleece. "It is here better," said he, "to be a sheep than a child." A tyrant, whose name is not mentioned, asked him one day what metal was the most proper for statues : "That," he replied, " in which Harmodius and Aristogiton were cast." On being asked why he eat in the public streets, and in the market places: "Because hunger attacks me there as in other situations." An unskilful archer, adjusting an arrow to his bow, Diogenes ran to place himself before the target. "Why do you stand there," said they to him." "Lest I should be shot," was his reply. A philosopher, denying in his presence the power of motion, he rose up, and began to walk.-" It is thus I refute your argument." But Diogenes did not confine himself to these sarcasms and ingenious sallies; he disclosed, at times, maxims replete with good sense and true philosophy. The wisdom he displayed in some of his discourses, and the eccentricity of his conduct, fully justify the remark of Plato-Diogenes is a Socrates deranged. |