GARRICK IN THE CHARACTER OF RICHARD THE THIRD. HOGARTH. "Give me another horse! bind up my wounds! THIS exclamation of Richard furnished the painter with the subject of the present picture. In character and expression of countenance, Hogarth has been peculiarly happy; but in resemblance he has failed. "The features," says Ireland, " have no likeness to the features of Mr. Garrick, and the figure gives an idea of a larger and more muscular man." The accompaniments are no less appropriate than judicious: the lamp shedding a religious light, the crucifix placed at his head, the crown, sword, and armour before him, exhibit the descriptive powers of this celebrated genius. The figures and tents in the back ground are likewise introduced with great propriety, and contribute to the interest of the scene. Hogarth in his Analysis of Beauty observes, "The robes of state are always made large and full, because they give a grandeur of appearance suitable to offices of the greatest distinction," a precept which the drapery is seen to illustrate. This composition is simple, and the figures accurately drawn. In painting Mr. Garrick in this character, Hogarth evinced considerable judgment. It was the first he appeared in, on the 19th of October, 1741, at Goodman's Fields, and his performance gave proof of those extraordinary talents which secured to him the celebrity he afterwards attained. The paper adjoining the helmet, on which the following distich is written: Jockey of Norfolk be not so bold, For Dickon thy master is bought and sold, not being brought to Richard until after the time represented in this scene, can only be reconciled by that licence which poets and painters exclusively possess. |