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CLAUD-ADRIAN HELVETIUS was born at Paris, in the year 1715. His grandfather, a Dutch physician, had quitted his country to seek an establishment in France, and was ennobled by Louis XIV. His father, first physician to the Queen, a counsellor of state, and member of the Academy of Sciences, died in 1755, regretted by the poor, and author of several esteemed works. Helvetius announced, from his earliest youth, the most happy disposition, and the most lively taste for literature. In his first successes he was indebted to the celebrated Father Porée-an excellent master, who perfectly understood the art of discovering the genius and character of his pupils, and the mode of displaying them to advantage. Destined by his family for the employment of a financier, Helvetius obtained, at the age of 23, the situation of Farmer-General. He exercised the functions of his place during fifteen years, and resigned, in order to marry Mademoiselle de Ligneville, a lady of high birth, but of no fortune. He then devoted himself entirely to the calm pleasures of domestic life, to the exercise of the most active benevolence, the society of men of letters, and the study of philosophy. He died, of the gout, on the 26th of December, 1771-his widow survived him nearly thirty years. " Few men," says St. Lambert, " have been more favourably treated by nature. From her he received beauty, health, and genius. His features were noble and regular. His eyes expressed the ruling qualities of his character, which were sweetness and benevolence."

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