Records of the Geological Survey of India, Volume 118, Parts 3-8government of India., 1983 - Geology 1867- includes the "Annual report of the Geological survey of India". |
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aeolian aerial alluvial amphibolite bands basin belt Bengal Bihar biotite channel Charnockite chemical chromite chromitite clay coal field concentration Denudational hill deposits developed drainage Duasini environmental erosion F2 folds FAAS flood plain fluvial foliation forest formation gabbro Ganjam garnet Geol Geological Survey geomorphic geomorphology gneiss gold grains granite gneiss granitised amphibolite groundwater hornblende iron khondalite Kumari land landform landuse laterite Limonite lineament Manbazar Surface massive amphibolite material ment mineralised minerals mining nala ND ND Noa Dihing occur Opx cumulate Orissa oxidation parent rocks pediplain plagioclase platinum group Purulia district Quarry quartz quartzite Quaternary Rohtak district Rushikulya river Sambhar Salt Lake samples sandstone schistose schistose amphibolite sediments shear zone sillimanite slopes soil sq km sqkm structures Survey of India Taptapani terraces terrain Tetla thickness tion Tirap district trend ultramafic valley varies