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I AM a devout believer in God and in the Bible as the word of God, and infallibly true, with the exception of a few errors in translation and some unimportant errors of the copyist, and possible interlineation by the same writers.

The Evangelical churches and their individual members accept the Bible as the supreme law concerning religion and morals.

With these prefatory remarks as a "pou sto," foundation, let us now proceed to examine the Biblical account of the Creation of Man, and the design of God herein as further developed in the Old and New Testaments. From this account we deduce the following principles:

Man has the faculty for distinguishing between right and wrong; and his responsibility to do the one and not to do the other. He is absolutely independent of all powers of the universe in his choice and actions. But he is personally, directly and supremely responsible to God for his choices and their results. Hence it follows that no man has the right or power to shift his responsibilities to any person or organization. Conversely, no man or organization has the right or power to assume the responsibility of any other person whomsoever.

Further, because so many of the best people of the earth have suffered wrong, torture and death. Every man has the right to demand of his Creator a personal and eternal judgment according to his

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