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Regained". Loyalty to Truth has cost the world an awful price. The great army of the martyrs died for Truth. It is estimated that Pagan Rome destroyed several millions of Christians for no crime but loyalty to Christ and His Truth. It is also estimated that the Roman Church has caused the death of fifty to seventy millions of the best people on earth, men, women, and children, for no crime except refusal to adopt her Apostasies.

Mr. Lecky, a prominent English writer, says: "That the Roman Catholic Church has slaughtered more innocent people than any other organization that ever existed upon the earth, no one who has a competent knowledge of History will deny". These died for the Truth as they understood it. They were among the purest and best of our human race. They were thrown to the lions in the Arena and torn to pieces. They were tarred all over and set on fire. And what was still worse sometimes tortured over a slow fire until nature succumbed. Thousands were slaughtered in midnight and daylight assassinations. For the St. Bartholomew Massacre the pope, cardinal, and principal clergy of Rome, went in solemn procession to the church of St. Peter and St. Paul and sang a te Deum; and then ordered medals struck off to adorn the vile perpetrators of this foul massacre. Even a prom

inent Archbishop of France wrote a letter to Charles IX of France congratulating him upon the success of his treachery and wholesale slaughter, saying, "it was more complete than he had ever dared to hope". This cool, premeditated rejoicing in hypo

crisy, treachery, and murder is, if possible, more contemptible and fiendish than the slaughter itself.

There is something sublime in the spectacle of a man or woman saying: "What you ask is not right or true". "It is contrary to the Word of God. It is sin. I cannot subscribe to it." Well we will burn you. "I cannot go against my conscience." "I must be loyal to Christ and His Truth." "I defy your fires!" "All the powers of earth and hell are powerless to force me to do what I believe is wrong." "I obey God rather than man!" Ana the stake is planted and the fires lighted and the martyr for Jesus dies a victor. "I stand on the Eternal Truth of God's Word." "I live or die on this platform". "I defy your tortures!" "I defy your bloody axes!" "I defy your stakes and flames!" I am an independent sovereign. I do what I believe is right and dare all consequences. My only Lord and Master Jesus Christ set me the example. He died for the Truth; and he commands me "to fear not them who can kill the body and after that have no more that they can do. Rather fear Him who can destroy both soul and body in hell." The noble army of the martyrs! both men and women! There was St. Paul, and Savonarola, John Huss and Jerome of Prague, Archbishop Cranmer, Ridley, and Latimer, and millions of others. The awful dignity of human nature at its best, "made but a little lower than the angels, crowned with glory and honor." The glorious image of God in man. "These are they who have washed their robes white in the blood of the Lamb". And in their own blood also,

"They shall stand before God as Kings and Priests for ever and ever.'

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What a fearful price has been paid for our liberties! Millions are indifferent to their awful cost and their inestimable value. God grant they may not have a fearful and bloody awakening from their indifference!


WHEN He was led bound before Pilate's judg

ment seat they accused Him of rebellion against Cæsar claiming that He was a King. Pilate asked Him art Thou a King then? Yes, He answered, “I am a King but my Kingdom is not of this world. To this end was I born and for this cause came I into the world that I should bear witness to the Truth." Our glorious Redeemer set the example, Dying for the Truth! How many millions of earth's Kings and Queens have since died for the Truth! The price paid to maintain or regain man's Constitutional liberties, his God given and inalienable rights! His sufferings in imprisonment in foul dungeons, in awful torture and violent death, no integral or differential calculus can estimate or express. The record is before the Throne of God. In the last great day it shall be revealed and there will be weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth among those who inflicted fiendish torture and violent death in the name of the Christ.



WHILE we pay various prices for different forms of good yet there are some things no money can buy. They are the most precious things of life beyond all price. One of the most common blessings of life is sunshine. And the sun shines equally "upon the evil and the good"-the common heritage of all. Without it life would be impossible; yet it comes without any care or labor of ours. The sun is the most fitting and powerful emblem of the Sun of Righteousness without whom spiritual death would pervade the universe.

Another blessing is friendship and love. The ancients understood this. One maxim is "Vera Amicitia est sempiterna" (true friendship is everlasting). It is a sentiment founded upon real or supposed virtue or excellence. A love and loyalty that no sorrow or sickness, no misfortunes or calamities can destroy and that no money can buy. A flame to light the dark shadows of Hades. Eternal!

The friendship of Damon and Pythias, also of David and Jonathan are historic. Thousands of others not so well known are similar. It is interesting to note in this connection that one of our latest and most noted scientists has stated that affection or love is inextinguishable even by death; and that this is capable of demonstration.

One of the saddest sights is an old man or an old

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