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Justice, their own hearts condemning them

In all the Roman Catholic world the "Queen of Heaven" is worshiped today. Even in our own country and City (Denver) this worship is constantly advertised and practiced. It is scarcely less hateful to God and degrading to man than in the days of Jeremiah. The Roman Church demands implicit, unquestioned, servile, obedience in this matter as in all others. It enslaves and brutalizes manhood. It declares that to think and choose and act individually and independently is a "damnable heresy". It makes a man a slave, a mere tool, a thing, instead of a man. "It is a crime against manhood and a rebellion against God."

Mobs and Murder Peculiar Romanist Weapons

We have had a large number of mobs and several murders in the United States in the late years. What kind of mobs were they? Jewish mobs, or Protestant mobs? No, they were Romanist mobs. And who were the murderers, Jews or Protestants? No! they were Catholics; except that one in Georgia. All the others were intended to violently suppress free speech. To prevent the Truth being told about Rome. A Catholic mob kidnapped Spurgeon and beat him almost to death. A Catholic mob 2000 to 2500 people according to the public press mobbed Pastor Salmon-etti and the Protestant Italian Mission in North

Denver about a year ago. If Bishop McConnell and some other prominent citizens had not in

tervened and interceded for peace, there might have been more bloodshed to answer for. About a year ago a Romanist priest went unbidden into a private house in a village just outside of Denver and broke up a prayer meeting and turned the quiet law-abiding citizens out of doors to run the gauntlet of mud, bad eggs, etc., between two files of a Catholic mob.

The murderers of William Black in Texas were all Romanists and some or all of them Knights of Columbus. More than a score of mobs threatened the life of Father Chiniquy-all RomanistsDoctor Slattery, Miss Lowry and numerous others have been repeatedly mobbed in the last few years. All Romanist mobs! Does any one hear of a Protestant mob? No Protestant cares what any exProtestant can say about his church. Protestanism has nothing to hide. It rejoices in the light of the sun. Our Lord says some people, "love darkness rather than light because their deeds are evil." If there is nothing to hide, why those mobs? Why those locked doors and barred windows? Why those mobs to prevent the truth being told about Rome. They claim they are lies. If so they have a quick remedy in the Courts. But they do not dare go into the Courts except to convict some one of using obscene language when they publish an extract from their so-called "Moral Theology." What a shame! A moral Theology so obscene that our Courts forbid its publication in English under penalty of fine and imprisonment or both. See the long, bitter, legal, persecution of Thomas

Also the

Watson of Georgia for this offense. fining of Miss Anna Lowry by a Minnesota Court $35.00, for the same offense. Moral Theology! Rather a system of the vilest immorality and criminality upon the earth! We e may furnish some details and illustrations of this in another place. The whole history of Ancient Paganism cannot match it for utter vileness and arrogant criminality. How long will a decent earth suffer it? No wonder the Almighty curses every nation that adopts Romanism.

So the brutality of Rome is destroying her and will finally accomplish it-Why hide nothing? Why insist on staying in the dark? Why not come into the light and depend on reason and good deeds instead of mobs and murder?

These are crimes against our constitution and laws. They are also crimes against our liberties, bought by millions of treasure. The precious legacy of the martyrs of 1000 years of heartless, cold-blooded, persecution and murder. Crimes against manhood! Compared with these crimes, theft, robbery, adultery, and even isolated cases of murder are insignificant. These may concern a single individual or a few. Those affect the God-given liberties of a whole people; and if not checked will inevitably lead to terrible and nation-wide bloodshed. Yet when this Denver Priest was taken into Court a servile prosecuting attorney procured his acquittal while the facts were unquestioned. Neither could the assailants of Spurgeon be convicted although he was obliged to spend three or

four weeks in a hospital to heal his bruises and cuts. The murderers of Willian Black in Texas could not be convicted. The difficulty of convicting any Catholic of crime against liberty may compel Protestants to defend themselves; and depend on themselves for Justice instead of depending on the Courts. If this condition gains general currency and belief it will put a premium on violence. Mobs and murder will increase in frequency and violence; and if Protestants are compelled to defend their liberties and lives, most grave consequences may ensue; and an obsequious, cowardly, judiciary, will be largely to blame for the dire consequences. Protestants are as a rule law-abiding citizens and slow to adopt violent measures of retaliation. While it is true that Protestants in their early history were unfortunately guilty of many acts of persecution and violence; yet there is not one case to the thousand slaughtered by Rome; and these men were made desperate by the suffering of themselves, their wives, and children. Of course they imbibed this spirit from Rome; and were not at first capable of grasping the full liberty of the Gospel or the individual independence and personal responsibility of manhood-On the other hand open wars of extermination; mobs and wholesale slaughter and private assassinations have been the constant and consistent belief and practice of Rome for more than 1000 years. When we take into account her past history and present attitude; and her publicly avowed determination to make her religion the dominant

one in this country; and compel the State to become her subservient tool in forcing all others to submit to it then it is time for Protestants to awake from slumber. When we remember that the Jesuits are past masters in all the arts of Diplomacy and dissimulation, and that they publicly teach and avow the doctrine that "the end justifies the means" and that no means however cruel, and diabolical, are rejected, provided they promise success for the Church. This is the teaching of Rome's immoral Theology. Could any creed and practice be more Satanic? When we consider all these factors we are compelled to pronounce Romanism the most powerful, the most unscrupulous, and the most dangerous enemy of Protestants, Protestanism, and human liberty.

In view of the present conditions and the open sneer of Romanism that Protestantism is disintegrating and is not longer a factor worth considering according to Archbishop Ireland; it is amazing that Protestant Preachers are so silent on the subject. Probably not 10% of these dare open their mouths against this tyranny and idolatry of Rome. Five per cent. would very likely be nearer the truth. While some of these traitors to God and man, equally, have the temerity to become the public apologists of Rome! The false shepherds opening the doors of the sheepfold for the wolves to enter. Jeremiah is right, "Dumb Dogs"! Not even weak men. "Dumb Dogs!" For all the dire results of this Indifference or Cowardice these "Dumb Dogs" will be held largely responsible.

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