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until the appearance of Margaret, the flower of the party. And when the maiden came forth, mounted on a snow-white Arab steed, richly caparisoned, at her brother's right hand, there was a universal murmer of admiration at her surpassing beauty. She wore a green dress, embroidered with gold, which well became her fair proportions. A slight color mantled on her cheek, and the dark drapery contrasted admirably with the lily whiteness of her complexion.

Even Charles' dark eye lighted up with pride as he looked on his lovely sister, who sate with such noble dignity on the beautiful Arabian horse; and he could not forbear exclaiming to Tavannes

"Our chase must be successful to-day, my lord, for Diana, the goddess of hunting, herself conducts


The whole party echoed the gallant speech of the king. Margaret blushed deeply. The horn now sounding, they prepared to depart. Catherine watched them from the balcony as they left the castle, and a feeling of more motherly tenderness and pride than she had experienced for some time touched her hard and worldly heart. She and her favorite son, Henry of Anjou, were the only members of the household who did not join in the day's sport.

The train was soon lost to view, and when the merry sound of the clanging horn gradually melted in the distance, Catherine left the balcony and proceeded to her apartments, where she and Henry began to discuss very mighty matters.

The seed, which Alva had so assiduously sown in Bayonne, began to spring up. She had scarcely entered her cabinet, when the ambitious prince, who already perceived, in the weak state of Charles's health, a prospect of the throne, entered and seated himself by his royal mother.

Their conversation turned immediately on the near outbreak of hostilities, and the furtherance of Henry's ambitious views.

"If," said the young man, fire darting from his eye, "if I occupied my brother's throne, not a heretic should stand upon the soil of France, and our Holy Church should reign unmolested wherever the French tongue is heard."

"Thou speakest as becomes my child," said Catherine warmly. "Too limited, too feeble, have been our efforts hitherto. Cut off the head of the serpent,' as Alva said at Bayonne, ' and the danger is over.' I have yielded too much, and to this weakness, which I acknowledge to have been ill-timed, I ascribe their present daring."

tidings of Master Acevedo's arrival from Paris, and
with a request for an immediate audience with her

"I must see him alone, Henry," observed the
queen, and the prince retired from the apartment.
He met the astrologer in the ante-room, whose res-
pectful reverence he scarcely noticed, for his eye
fell on the lovely face of Gabrielle, who, shrinking
from his earnest look, cast down her beautiful eyes
in confusion. The prince remained standing for a
few moments, boldly looking at the blushing face,
and then muttering some unintelligible words, left
the room.

Acevedo now entered the queen's apartment; his greeting was serious and reverential, and his eyes were so steadfastly fixed on Catherine, that she quailed beneath his firm gaze.

and the dark, speaking eyes, so deeply sunk in their sockets, impressed her with silent awe. A moment's silence, and again he uttered the words, "Blood! blood! the blood of peaceful citizens !" and his voice rose as he uttered each word; so that at the end of his speech, it resembled the thunder's roar.

A cold shudder ran through the queen's frame, the color forsook her cheeks, her teeth chattered, her hands trembled, her knees bent beneath her, as sinking into the arm-chair, and covering her face with her hands, she said, in a tone of entreaty, "Silence! silence! I implore thee, thou dreadful man !"

Acevedo remained in the same place; and when, after a long reverie, Catherine repeated her request, he still stood gazing on her, to her horror and con


"Go into the ante-room!" she at length said.

"Welcome, Master Acevedo," she said kindly;
'you have been too long absent for my wishes."Your presence kills me."
What detained you at Paris?"

"The weight of years presses down your servant,
and the curse of man's suffering and weariness has
visited him," he answered in a hollow tone.
The queen looked at him inquiringly.

"You are still vigorous, however,” she said.
"Can you say this of a tree whose root is dis-
eased, and its heart withered," he asked.

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Acevedo at once withdrew, without uttering a word, and left the Queen to her fearful reflections. But as he crossed the passage he folded his hands, and, raising his eyes to heaven, he exclaimed: "Lord, complete thy work!"

An hour passed away without any summons to Catherine's chamber. Meanwhile a fearful war raged within her distracted breast. It seemed as though the very powers of hell were let loose there, through the fearful words of the astrologer.

As often as she thought she was calm, her fear and trembling returned; and it was in vain that she used her accustomed arts of sophistry to silence the voice of judgment in her heart-it would not succeed.

I am like the night owl," answered Acevedo"night is my time for labor; and more, as the cry of the screech owl only forebodes évil, so with my voice. Ask no further, gracious lady.” At length, as by a violent effort, she aroused herThe queen trembled violently; Acevedo's words self; and, stepping to the mirror, endeavored to had excited her curiosity to the utmost.

"Do the stars prophecy of evil? Alas! alas! speak, Acevedo! I am a woman, but my soul is strong; I have seen and heard of many horrors, and I can yet hear-speak on!"


"Be it so,” replied the astrologer, as he fixed his dark eyes steadily on the queen. His position was imposing; an unwonted glow was on his face, and his right hand was raised. "Hear what the stars declare, Queen of France!" he continued, with prophetic fire, and his voice appeared to proceed from the grave. Thou, O Queen, art surrounded by blood-blood-blood! The blood of citizens gushes by thee in a stream, and cries for vengeance from God, the Avenger. Blood flows over the land of France; but no seed springs up where guiltless blood flows. Mother! thy race shall be extinct; fearful truth! but it is even so! The Angel of Death shall brandish his sword over thousands, and his sword art thou! Darkness and desolation shall be where once bloomed joy and beauty-wailing The queen laughed ironically as she said, "That sorrow shall be heard where once stood the peaceful was Alva's intent, my son." The stream rises in the south, and thou guidest it-Thou, thou!-Woe! woe!"

Henry clenched his fist, and replied"To destroy them at a blow, my mother, is our only safety, for seven new heads would start up if only one fall."

"But remember," interrupted the prince, "that whilst the Chancellor L'Hôpital exists, his influence over the beretics will, although indirectly, work against us."

"L'Hôpital !" she said, and the same bitter smile played about her mouth,-"L'Hôpital! Who shall say nay, if thy mother command his destruction?"

The conversation was here interrupted by the entrance of one of Catherine s dies, who came with


impart a little color to her white lips, when she again recalled the astrologer; but his appearance destroyed her equanimity, and she trembled, as before.

"You must remark signs of a weakness for which I blush," she said.

Acevedo looked at her sharply, as he said, within himself, "Thou wilt not deceive me, deceiver."

"Let us," she continued, "resume our conversation, Acevedo. Tell me what you know of the approaching future?"

"Little," returned he, "but little can I tell you. One thing, however, I may say: you are threatened with a near danger."

"What, and from whence?" she asked, in a faltering voice, which plainly showed the tumult within.

"That I may not tell you; my knowledge goes not so far; but let me to-day and to-morrow study the heavens, and perhaps I may then be able to enlighten you."


Good, said Catherine, "do so."

She now called for her attendants, and directed the

astrologer to a small apartment which communi

Acevedo left her presence; and, accompanied by

Catherine had hitherto stood before him, leaning against an arm chair. Her whole being seemed ab-cated with her own. sorbed, and her eyes were riveted on the speaker. She hung, as it were, on his lip; and every power Gabrielle, they entered the room that was indicated of her soul seemed concentrated in that of hearing. The appearance of the man who addressed her, with his long mantle hung loosely around his thin form, the snow-white beard which flowed over his breast,


Catherine was, however, in no condition to enjoy solitude. The past conversation had terrified her; fury and anxiety raged within, and it was in vain

that she sought, by light conversation with her quit. The quiet thoughtfulness of the youth was lifted the powerless girl on to it. Her throat was ladies, to forget the danger that threatened.

Leaving her to her unhappy thoughts, we will return to the hunting party, who were scattered over the noble forest in pursuit of game, at about a mile's distance from Monceaux. The high road to Picardy skirted the southern border of the wood. On one side alone was the forest open to the road, the other was bordered by a thicket, beyond which fruitful fields and smiling pastures formed a lovely landscape.

now changed to eager attention. From time to time
he cast rapid glances in the direction of the forest,
still urging on his horse with energy. He listened
attentively to the sound of the bugle, which every
now and then broke on his ear, when suddenly he
reined in his steed, for a shrill cry mingled with
that of the huntsman.

"What could that be?" he asked of the ser-
vant, who, with his mouth open, had also checked

his horse.

"It is the cry of some one in distress," replied the man; "and, if my ears do not deceive me, it is the voice of a woman."

slightly wounded by a thorn, and binding it with her veil, he whistled for his servant. He was close at hand, and it was the work of a few moments to bring water from a neighboring spring, and apply it to the temples of the lovely woman.

She was, indeed, surpassingly beautiful, and her beauty was enhanced by the disorder of her luxuriant hair, which, having escaped from confinement, floated gracefully over her shoulders. The means used for her restoration were successful, and, opening her eyes, she exclaimed—


'Blessed Heaven! where am I?"

"Safe, and under good protection," answered Gui; "be at rest, lady. A kind Providence has conducted

Scarcely had he spoken when a rustle from the adjoining thicket was heard, and then a loud snort-me hither at the moment when my aid has probably ing. The love of the chase was strong in the saved you from the sad consequences of your acciyouth, as, seizing his loaded pistols, he said, "It is dent. I tremble to think what you might have sufa stag!" fered with no one near to relieve you from your perilous condition."

The autumn day was warm and genial, and the
sky almost cloudless. At a distance, the sound of
mirth and the shouts of the hunter were heard
breaking in strangely on the wonted stillness of the
spot. A youth, well mounted, on a fine horse, was
seen hastily riding in the direction of Picardy,
and not far behind his serving man was following.
His appearance was indicative of high birth, but
was far removed from any display of foppery, or
that affectation of gentility so common with the
young nobility of the Court in that age. No mili-
tary signs discovered whether he belonged to the
party of Chatillon or Guise. His armor was simple
and his clothing plain; but his whole bearing was
noble and imposing. His figure was manly, well-
formed, and that of a young man; yet notwith-mane flowing in the breeze."
standing the hue of youth, there was an expression
of seriousness, and a trace of past suffering, on his
countenance, which made a melancholy impression.
He seemed so wholly absorbed with his own
thoughts that he was disinclined to enter into any
conversation with his attendant; and letting the
bridle fall carelessly on his horse's neck, he seemed
very indifferent as to the road he was pursuing.

He looked with breathless expectation towards
the spot whence the noise came, and, whatever it
might be, the animal was approaching nearer.
"No stag, however," replied the servant, but a
wild runaway horse."

The servant, who was more alive to surrounding objects, had heard the sounds that proceeded from the hunting-party in the forest, and impatiently waited for an opportunity to direct his master's attention to them, for he had not appeared to hear them. At last, he could no longer restrain himself, and called out,

"You don't appear to take notice of anything today, sir!"

At the same moment a snow-white Arabian steed

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"I can trust you," she replied faintly. "But now," continued Gui, tell me, above all things, if you are in any pain. You have had a fall, as I imagined from seeing your runaway horse." "I am in no pain," she replied, with a faint

darted out of the forest at full speed, his beautiful smile, "except in my hand, which I think I sprained in my fall, and my throat smarts a little; but this is all."

"Some accident must have happened," said Gui, "for the horse is without a rider; and it was doubtless from him that the shrill cry came."

"You had better say from her," returned the man," for the beautiful creature has got a sidesaddle."*

"Go after

"It is all the same," observed Gui.
the horse, and try to bring it back, whilst I will
seek for the person in distress."

"You have given me no very easy task," muttered
the servant, as he commenced the pursuit of the

Gui now turned his horse's head in the direction from whence the white Arabian had sprung. He soon found that he must pursue his search on foot, for the thicket was perfectly impassable on horse


"You have a slight wound there, Madam," returned Gui; "and I thought it better to bind it with your veil."

A blush suffused the pale face of the maiden, and she looked embarrassed.

"Permit me," he said, "to examine the sprain." The white and beautifully-formed hand was timidly extended, but the injury was found to be slight.

The maiden saw, with the natural tact of woman, that she had made an impression on the youth, and she could not fail to remark that he was one of no common order, and that his fine figure and noble bearing denoted high birth. After a short pause Gui said

“Are you able to mount your horse, Madam! If so, I am at your service, to conduct you wherever you may command, for I am sure you require rest.”

"I must go home to Monçcaux," she replied, and leaning on his arm, the fair stranger prepared to mount the steed which Viole's servant held.

He sought the traces of the animal's feet His master looked for an explanation, but did not with the greatest care, but his search was fruitless; speak. for so rapid had been its flight, that its hoofs had "Grand doings there," said the man significantly, scarcely left an impression on the mossy ground. pointing to the forest; "King Charles has a fine But the greater the difficulties he had to encounter, hunt to-day." the stronger were the efforts which he put forth, "And where might you learn this?" asked his prompted, as they were, by his benevolent heart. Wisely cutting his way through the branches, not only that he might find his way back, but that his man-servant might not miss him, he persevered in his resolution. Before he had discovered any traces 'Then we cannot be far from Monceaux ?" of the accident, however, he heard the self-gratula- CHAPTER XIII. AN INTERVIEW WITH ROYALTY—A "At most not more than a league; and, if you tions of the servant, who, accustomed to think



They told me at the inn just now," continued the servant, "that there was to be the finest hunt to-day that the forest had ever seen."

please, we might just as well take the forest path that you see before you, which will lead you safely there."

"I have not the smallest desire to do so," replied Gui. "And had I desired it ever so much, your information that the road led to Monçeaux would be quite sufficient to deter me."

This very decided answer discomfited the servant, who relapsed into silence. The young man now seized the bridle, and setting spurs to the horse urged it to a more rapid pace. It appeared that the vicinity of Monceaux was one that he would gladly

"Let us remain for a moment," she said, "for it strikes me that the hunters are approaching to seek for me."


aloud, was praising himself for having captured the AS the fair stranger, whom, in our last chapter,
beautiful horse. At the same moment Gui per- we left with Gui, spoke, a hunter broke
ceived something light-colored among the under- through the thicket, and stood before them. He
wood, and clearing away the bushes, discerned a was a richly-clad, young, and slender man. His
prostrate female form clad in a richly-embroidered figure was considerably bent, his eyes were sharp,
green hunting dress. Her white veil was covered
with blood-her face he could not discern. In an
instant he was by her side, and, unloosening his
cloak, he spread it on the damp moss, and gently

black, and piercing, his face pale and sallow, and his whole appearance was anything but prepossessing. No sooner did he discover the persons of the youth and maiden, than he threw himself from his horse, and leaving it under the care of his attendant, he • Side-saddles were first introduced into France by Ca- approached his sister, asking eagerly if she were at therine de Medicis.

all hurt.

"Thank God, no," she answered; "with the exception of a slight sprain, I have escaped injury." "And thou art not wounded at all?" he inquired. "Not in the least, so far as I know," said Margaret; "but to this my deliverer can speak better than I."

You will thank him, surely, for all he has done for your child?”

the King, the anger which Gui's presence had to my rescue.
created having somewhat abated.

"Perfectly; twice have I seen him fighting
bravely at Rouen and Dreux. At Dreux he took
my sword from my hand, and he was not unworthy
Vof it, I assure you.”

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Catherine's feelings, as Margaret pronounced the hateful name, were of a mingled description. Could it be that the trusty friend of Coligny was really in her power? Even so. Her resolution was quickly taken; but, as usual, dissembling, she mastered her feelings sufficiently to express her gratitude; and, cordially inviting him to ascend the stairs with her, she bade him be seated at her side. Margaret's face beamed with joy, for she antici"Your Majesty's command is law!" he replied, pated only the most happy results from the urbanity repressing his bitter feeling. of her mother, and discerned in it neither treachery nor art.

The King now turned to Viole, and after a stead- Truly," said the King, awaking from a reverie, fast gaze at him, he said-" Who may you be," he who can compliment an enemy deserves a young man?" laurel crown!" and turning to Gui, he said, “Come, young man, forgive the past, and accompany us to

"Your Majesty's loyal subject, Gui de St. Flore." "De Viole ?" asked Charles, and his mouth as-Monceaux." sumed an appearance of unmistakable hatred.

"Your Majesty appears to know my family


"Which does not appear to me to be extremely important, however," replied the King, sarcastically.

Gui colored with indignation, as proudly raising his head, and fixing his fine eyes on Charles, he said with emphasis—

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'It was once so, my Lord the King, and the service it rendered to my sovereign and country were not then thought insignificant, nor unworthy to be named with those of Montmorency, Montesquieu, Croi, and Rohan."

The King glanced angrily at the young speaker, and his eye gleamed with fury; but at a look from Margaret, who drew near, and laid her soft hand on his arm in an entreating manner, he restrained himself.

"If you are a true son of your father," said Charles, sharply, “it appears to me a great want of respect and loyalty to reproach your King." And, turning away contemptuously, he addressed one of his attendants.

Margaret's color fled. She could not but experience the deepest mortification that her deliverer met with no more generous return for his services; and she gave Gui a look, which was not lost upon him, and consoled him for the stormy reception of his sovereign. All eyes were fixed on Charles; and Margaret, stepping to the side of Viole, said, kindly,

"Forgive his manner, sir. He is not really ungrateful. Come, you shall accompany us to Monçeaux."

Gui was irresolute; but he was not proof against the flattering manner of the royal lady; and bowing low, he said

Gui's servant now bringing up Margaret's horse, she sprang lightly into the saddle, and smiling at Gui, said pleasantly to the King,-

"You will permit my deliverer to ride by my side, my brother?"


Certainly; he deserves the honor," replied
Charles; and beckoning to Gui, who leaped nimbly
on his horse, the cavalcade proceeded.

"You will remain a few days in Monçeaux," said
Margaret, as they approached their journey's end.
"I am indeed sorry to refuse so gracious an invi-
tation," replied Gui, "but I must not do so."
"And is your journey, then, so pressing that you
must deny me this request," she asked, with a winning

Gui looked at the lovely blue eyes of the Princess,
and felt that he stood in a magic circle. A sigh
broke from his breast, and his cheeks were suffused;
he felt the temptation offered to be powerful, but
important duties devolved on him, and he was
obliged to prevaricate.

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Catherine was determined to sound Gui's purposes to the utmost, and by degrees she discovered his destination. In vain did he endeavor to blind her, as he had succeeded in blinding the Princess as to his errand. Catherine was too shrewd not to detect the falsehood. She knew that Du Plessis Mornay lived in Picardy; and soon, by connecting different circumstances, her suspicions were so awakened that she determined, by some means, to discover the contents of the dispatches, which she did not doubt he bore concealed on his person.

It was with great regret that Margaret, in consideration of her late fatigue, withdrew to her chamber, for the handsome stranger had made a powerful impression on her young heart; and before leaving him for the night, she blushingly entreated that if it were really necessary for him to take his departure on the morrow, that he would at least defer it until a later hour than he had proposed. Gui made the promise so winningly requested, and the young Princess sought her pillow to think on the exciting occurrences of the past day; but for some time she was unable to sleep. Gui's image was continually before her, and when at length, overpowered by fatigue, she sank to rest, his voice was heard in

"I must not urge my claim again," said Margaret, her dreams. tenderly. "But is your father ill?"

"Would to God that I knew he lived!" said Gui: "but of this I am uncertain. Mine is a sorrowful and lonely lot!"

"Do not say so," murmured the Princess, softly; and as she spoke, Gui experienced a satisfastion scarcely compatible with his old love to Gabrielle. By this time they had arrived at the tent.

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"Our chase has been most prosperous," said
Charles, but for the accident that befel the
Princess; and now we will at once return to

The sun cast its setting rays on the old turrets of Monceaux, when the hunting party neared the Castle. The bugle announced their arrival from afar, and already summoned Catherine to the balcony.

Before the evening meal was served, the Queen withdrew for a short time, leaving Gui in conversation with the Constable, on whom he made an increasingly favorable impression, Scarcely had the Queen reached her cabinet than she took out of a secret chest a white powder, and summoning one of her most confidential ladies—the Lady of Martignac -she commanded her to hold herself in readiness for a plot, if she (the Queen) should deem it advisable.

"You know, undoubtedly," she said, "what has taken place between that young Viole and Margaret?"

Madame Martignac assented.


"Know also," continued she, "that this youth is the confidential secretary of Coligny, and that he doubtless is the bearer of some secret papers, which it is absolutely necessary that I should see. this powder in his flask of wine. It is narcotic, but not poisonous in its effects. It will produce the most profound sleep, which will render the abstraction of the papers easy."

"Who could refuse your request, madam ?" Margaret blushed; accustomed though she was to flattery, the compliment from his lips was of double value. The whole party had by this time rejoined them; and all pressed eagerly round the Princess to congratulate her on her escape. Gui stood apart. The old Constable Montmorency, who, contrary to his inclinations, had suffered Charles to persuade him to join in the diversion of the chase, and who had heard Margaret's words, now approached Gui, saying, "To this noble youth I owe my safety at Dreux;" and, heartily grasping his hand, he continuedHer mother anxiously inquired if she were hurt. "God bless you, youngster! I rejoice that we She gaily replied in the negative, and pointed out Madame Martignac was perfectly content to perhave met." the young man who had exerted himself so gallantly form the wicked mission; and, taking the powder, her behalf. quickly departed to watch for a favorable oppor"My Lord de Viole!" she said aloud, and Gui tunity of obeying the Queen's command. drew near.

"I have had a narrow escape, mother," said Margaret, lightly. "Would you believe it ?-my Arab threw me."

With a heart beating with pleasure Viole reve-in rently acknowledged the courtesy of the old man, who looked on him with a tender interest. "You know that young man, apparently," said

The meal began. Gui, to his astonishment, found "See, dearest mother, the gallant youth who came himself far more at ease in the royal circle than he

"Where may your Majesty have learned this better wait until morning, when it will be easy to news?" he asked. I call in the aid of the Swiss Guards, under Colonel Pfeiffer, who will give you safe conduct to Paris." "But that cannot be for some days," said the Queen.

could have believed possible, for religious and political subjects were scrupulously avoided; and the conversation being of a light and general character, "Have you not heard of the accident which befell the time passed pleasantly. Towards the conclusion the Princess Margaret of Valois to-day in the forest? of the meal, however, Gui felt himself so overcome How a young nobleman stopped the horse, and with drowsiness that he could scarcely keep himself went to her assistance? And who, guess you, that awake until the board was removed. Catherine (this youth may be?" gloried in her success; and her victim, pleading fatigue, retired early to his room, which he had only time to reach, before, throwing himself in his clothes on the bed, he fell into a profound stupor.

He might have slept thus an hour, when a secret door, concealed by tapestry, opened, and a man glided stealthily into the room. He approached the sleeper. The

taper was still burning, for Gui had no power to extinguish it. The man looked all around, but found nothing to excite suspicion, until he perceived a cord encircling the neck of the youth. To this cord a small bag was attached, which contained the precious documents. He took them out, and replacing the dispatches with blank paper, closed the bag; then, re-arranging the sleeper's dress, he left the apartment, and, carrying the papers to Catherine, was richly rewarded.

She could scarcely wait for the man's departure before opening the letter, and at every word her

eyes lighted more

"You say that St. Flore is in your hands, however, so that no communication can take place with "My acquaintance with this country is not ex- Du Plessis; and it is certain that without his astensive, returned Acevedo. "I cannot say." sistance nothing can be effected"

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Coligny's secretary!" said Catherine, triumphantly. "Gui de Viole de St. Flore, the son of the accursed heretic De Viole."

Acevedo changed countenance, and a thrill of horror ran through his veins. Happily for him, he


furiously, her countenance became paler, and her | stood under the shadow of the screen, and she was breathing more labored. too much absorbed in her own thoughts to heed his appearance.

At length, no longer able to restrain herself, she flung the paper violently on the table, and paced up and down the apartment with rapid strides.

Her equanimity, however, soon returned. "And you laid a net for me!" she said triumphantly. "But your purpose has failed. What baseness! what villainy !"

"Send me Acevedo," she said, as, in answer to her summons, her favorite lady appeared; "and send a lord also to his Majesty, with the information that I would speak with him to-night."

Acevedo hastily answered the call. "You told truly, master," said Catherine, "that danger threatened the King and myself. The Huguenots have planned our capture."

"I suspected," she continued, "that he was on his way to Picardy with a mission to Plessis Mornay, and that his dispatches might be of importance. My Lady Martignac drugged his wine, and we have contrived to abstract the papers. They are veritable letters from Coligny and Condé, unfolding their vile purposes to Du Plessis, which are to invade our privacy at Monceaux, and to carry out their treacherous schemes to the utmost."

Acevedo folded his hands solemnly, and said, with a tremulous voice, for he thought only of Gui, "Impossible! Does the King know of this?" "Not yet; I wished to consult you first." 'My opinion," said Acevedo, "is, that you had

"Good!" said the Queen, stepping to the window. "Now carry on your observations, for the sky is bright and starlight."

"You have disturbed me in the midst of my studies," replied the astrologer; and he left the


apartment, ceiving from Catherine the promise that she would not again interrupt his researches.

Acevedo saw that there was not a moment to lose; he at once proceeded to the lower part of the castle, where Gui's servant was sleeping over a flask of wine.

He roused him hastily. "Wake," said he, "a great peril threatens thy master. Canst thou find the horses, and, without noise, take them about 3 hundred steps from the Castle, and prepare for flight?"

The man looked bewildered. " I can," he said, " do what you require, for the stables are some way off, and the servants all drunk."


"But remember not a sound must be heard. How will you contrive that?"

"Leave that to me. I will pad their hoofs-that is the plan."

"Go, then, and in half an hour I will bring thy master.

The place was agreed upon, and Acevedo returned to his apartment.

"Gabrielle," he said, "we have a difficult work

on hand. A Huguenot youth is in the Castle, whose doom is sealed if he cannot escape. He must be rescued, important papers have been found on him."

"What is his name?" asked the girl, anxiously "Gui Rabaud, the emissary of Coligny." Gabrielle turned pale, and trembled

"Gabrielle, what ails thee, my child?' asked the horse, and had soon after disappeared in the Queen, after her interview with Charles, had given astrologer, kindly. forest. orders to have it carefully watched from without; In the meantime the King and the Queen Mother and what was the guard's consternation at finding it were in solemn conference in the cabinet.

"He is he is," she articulated, "the son of the man who was my father's benefactor; and once, indeed, saved us from death."

"Thank God, then! he now gives thee an opportunity of proving to him thy gratitude. But hasten -prepare the dark lanthorn--wrap thyself in a cloak and come."

In another moment they were at the door of Gui's chamber. Every one was silent in the Castle-not a sound broke the entire stillness of the midnight hour. They opened the door and entered. Gui

was sleeping profoundly. Gabrielle turned the light upon the well-remembered face. "It is he ! it is he!" she whispered. "God grant that he may escape."

To arouse Gui was, however, no easy matter. Again and again did Acevedo shake him, and endeavor to awaken him to consciousness, but in vain.

"What will become of us?" said the astrologer. "The draught

must truly have been potent."

At length, with an almost supernatural effort, he lifted the young man from his bed; and, bearing him on his shoulders, conveyed him out of the apartment, the maiden following the beloved burden. They were soon over the threshold, and gained the garden,

The papers were laid before Charles, and his anger knew no bounds. He swore death and destruction to the heretics; but as yet Catherine dare not divulge to her son the horrid scheme which she had so long concealed within her bosom. She used every means within her power, however, during their midnight interview, to foment the anger and horror of the young King against his Huguenot subjects; and she succeeded. At present Charles's


Catherine was almost frantic at the intelligence. She uttered a loud exclamation, and rushed, in wild haste, to ascertain the truth of the report. The tumult was universal, and the King did not hesitate to reproach his mother, who, by her foolish delay, had caused the misfortune. The Castle was searched, but not a trace could be discovered. The grooms were examined. It was a matter of considerable astonishment to them that Gui's horses could have

where the servant was in readiness, according to appointment. But Gui still slept on. At last, by means of cold water, with which Acevedo copiously sprinkled him, he awoke to consciousness. Gabrielle wrapped her mantle around her, her heart beating violently, ard her hand scarcely holding the lanthorn.

"You are in great peril," said Acevedo, earnestly. "Flee to Chatillon, and tell Coligny that the plot is discovered. You will soon find out how that came to pass. They drugged your wine. In a few days the Court will return to Paris. Hasten hence at once.

been taken without their knowledge; but on the subject of their revels on the previous night, and the stupor induced by their bacchanalian feast, they were wisely silent.

Catherine secretly cherished suspicions of Acevedo, but, at present, would not breathe them to a creaturescarcely could she bear to admit them to her own breast.

The astrologer had become so essential to her, in her many schemes of policy and ambition, that she could not afford to lose him, but she would watch him narrowly; on this she was determined. He was summoned to her presence, and

there was not a trace of anxiety or guilt on his


thoughts were concentrated on St. Flore, and to countenance. His eye shone with a quiet lustre,
seize him at once, and load him with chains, was his and she was compelled to acknowledge to herself
that Acevedo was innocent. She asked him the
result of his observations.

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To-morrow will be time enough, my son," returned the Queen. "He is now unconscious, from the effects of a narcotic. It was by this means that I gained possession of his budget." "He shall suffer," said Charles, gloomily. "Let us now speak of our departure, my son. What dost thou think of our journey?"

"The sooner the better," he answered. Catherine then unfolded Acevedo's plan for their Drink this," he said, giving him a small protection during the journey, and departure was phial; "It will restore you." resolved upon. Early on the following morning a Gui thankfully pressed his hand, mounted his Garde de Corps entered Gui's apartment. The

"They are most favorable," was the reply. "And what information can you give for my conduct?" asked the queen.

"You will arrive safely at Paris," he answered; "but the horrors that I hinted to you yesterday have been confirmed by last night's studies; and I repeat to you"

But the queen, shuddering, would hear no more, and the astrologer was dismissed.

Gui's flight had a more serious effect on Margaret of Valois than on any other member of the house.

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