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Jacobites, 337*, 448*, 543 ff.

Jamshyd, 633, 6541.

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small]

Janus, 2861. From this two-faced deity is de- Lilly, William, 260*.

rived the name January.

Jeffrey, Francis, 449*, 6614.

Jerboa, 6103.

Jerome's Bible, 15218.

"Joe Miller," 4502.

John the Baptist, 41, 6115, 61915, 6212.

Joseph of Arimathea, 101*.

jotun, eoten, giant, 5 line 421.

Jousts, 9710.

Jubal, 2832.

Jubilates, 5231.

Judas Maccabee, 937.

Juno, 18415, 5704.

Jupiter, Temple of, 5143.

Jura, 459 st. 92, 6741.

Justinian, 15215.

Kaikhosru. I. e., King Khosrú, or Khusrau, one
of the legendary heroes of the Persian Shah
Nameh. 634, stanza x; 647 line 223. Cp.

Kanaka, 731*, 7346.

Keats, 622*, 623†.

Kempenfelt, Admiral, 392*.
kenn, head, mountain, 50410.
Kennings, 1*.

Kidron, 613*.

Killarney, 583t.

kind, nature, 18332.

King at Arms, 2732.

Limitour, 4541, 35418.

Lincoln's Inn Fields, 5406.

Lingua Franca, 3364.

Lion of St. Mark, 4603.

list or lust, wish, please (both present and pret-

erit, usually impersonal), 123.

Liver, the seat of passion, 1849.

Lochiel. See Cameron.

Locke, John, 725.

Locusts as food, 411, 6115.

London Bridge, 3852, 5403.

London streets, 113*, 385, 539 ff.

Louvre, 6312.

Love-days, 4629.

Lovelace, 221*.

Lucifer, 154†, 22412.

Lucy, Poems upon, 418*.

Lunardi (a balloon bonnet), 40724
lust. See list.

Lyceum of Athens, 26112, 548.
Lydia, 3045.

Lydian laughter, 5966*.

Lydian measures, 2847. See Greek Music.

Lyonesse, 5742.

Lyrical Ballads of Wordsworth and Coleridge.
415t, 428t, 45120.

Mab, Faery, 2282.

Mabinogion, 659.

Macgibbon, Wm., 39918.

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passion, suffering, 17068. The passion of Christ, | Ram (zodiac), 4312, 1931.

91a line 603, 10116.

Patch, 18014.

Paternoster, 331.

"Patriotism," 532§.

Patronage, Literary, 357*.

Pegasus, 258†, 3087.

Pelion, Mt., 305*.

Pelles, 1004.

Pelorus, 23727.

Ratel, 6962.

rathe, early, 23244.

Ratisbon, 6005.

Rebecks, 22718.

Recorder, 24067.

rede, advise, advice, 10915
Reeve, 4943.

Regent Street, 5404.

Relic Sunday, 483,

Peneus. A river of Thessaly, which flowed through Renaissance, Italian, 600*, 616*, 6:2018.

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Reynolds, Sir Joshua, 381 lines 137 ff.; 56113.
Rhodope, 3072.

Rialto, The, 460°, 6782.

Ring, The, 311, 31710.

Roarers, 164†.

Robin Goodfellow, 22821.
Romulus, 3196..
Roncesvalles, 2417+.

rood, cross, 7029, 435o.

Rosamond, Fair, 301*, 7215.

Roundel, 7196*.

Round Table, The, 99b.

rout, gay party, 3805.

Rowley forgeries, 352*.

"Rules of Charles I.," 375s.
Runes, 24†.

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Prose style, Elizabethan, 206*; Milton's 262t; De Sangreal.

Provence, 4881.

Ptolemaic Astronomy, 158*, 235*, 255*.

Punch, 5535, 6221.

Punning, Word-play, 140, 241*.

Pygmies. See Pigmies.

Pyrrhus, 46612.

Pythagoras's doctrine of transmigration, 1638.

Quintessence, 263t.

Quixote, Don, 30910, 6631.

Quorum, 293*.

Sansloy, 133b.

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Scylding, 1*.

Scylla, 251*. Another Scylla, 3188.

"Sweetness and light," 659*.
Switzerland, Invasion of, 440*.

secular, marking or completing a century, 286b. Sword of King David, 103t.

Sedge, 23127.

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that pleonastic (when that when, because that
= because, etc.), 431.


silly (German selig, blessed), innocent, simple, that serving to repeat a preceding connective,
22417, 4338.

Sion, 2347.

Sinai, Mt., 22524, 2344, 5351.

sith, sithens, since, 1038.

Sizar, 5617.


Theatre, Customs of Elizabethan, 197*.

Thebes, Walls of, 157b line 26, 17310, 5308. Cp.

Theocritus, 23120, 6321.

skills, (impersonal), matters, avails, 11311, 6251. Third Estate, 535*. See Estates.

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Titan, 240 line 510; the sun, 221t.
Titans, 236†.

sop, soupe, sup, small portion of a liquid, 1628, to intensive: to-burst, burst to pieces, 93b line

Sophocles, 642*.

Souls, Pictorial representation of, 61913.

Spairges, 404t.

speir, ask, 40213.

Spheres, Music of, 255*, 22522, 3218, 53010.

Ptolemaic Astronomy.

Sphinx, Théban, 482a line 23.

Stang, 3361.

Stella, 36216

stole, robe, 22910, 577 line 197.

Storied, 3482, 23042.

Stothard, Thomas, 6842.

Strappado, 2995.

Straw, Jack, 5925.

Stratford atte Bowe, 44*.

style name, 24718.

sublime = uplifted, 24939, 3505.

Summoner, 49, 5244.

Sunium, 46718, 549b.
Swan-song, 31.

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