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in the Name Λατεινος. And this I And this I say because of the Cardinal's attachment to the LATIN or Roman Church, and that HE has been proved not to be so good a Grammarian or Antiquarian as IRENÆUS.

Professor Lee's observations on the Number xs', or 616, were, I presume, induced by his Theory concerning the Completion of the whole Prophecy of the Book of Revelation, thus given in the Title Page to his Dissertations on Prophecy.'

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The second (DISSERTATION) on the interpretation of Prophecy Generally, with an Original Exposition of THE BOOK of REVELATION; shewing that the WHOLE of that remarkable Prophecy has LONG AGO been FULFILLED.' Now, with deference to the Professor, I would remark, that the ROMAN or LATIN PAPAL CHURCH, which is a Principal Subject of that Prophecy is still in existence, as also the MOHAMMEDAN CHURCH, or Imposture, which is another subject of the same Prophecy, that is, The Beast,' and The false Prophet,' and while these two great Antichristian Churches continue, it cannot be literally or figuratively said, that "BABYLON is fallen, is fallen, that GREAT CITY." And the Reason why it cannot be so said is, that the predicted Antecedent to the EVENT has not yet fully come to pass, namely, 2" I saw another Angel fly in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting Gospel to Preach unto them that dwell on the EARTH, and to EVERY NATION, and

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KINDRED, and TONGUE, and PEOPLE." And as the everlasting Gospel had been in the first instance preached in all the world for the obedience of Faith," BEFORE the Time that St. John's Revelation was generally known, we may conclude that these grand Events belong NOT to the things which ARE;" (or happened in St. John's time;) but to that epoch of his Vision which relates to "the things which shall be HEREAFTER. Besides which the Jews have not been nationally converted to Christianity; neither has 2" Ethiopia stretched forth her hands unto God; " nor is the 3" EARTH filled with the Knowledge of the glory of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea." And, therefore, the WHOLE of that remarkable prophecy CANNOT, in its fullest extent, have been FULFilled. See Rom. xi. 12, 15, 23, 25, 26, &c.


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As Irenæus himself has set forth three several Names, viz. Ευανθας, Λατινος, and Ταταν, each of which contains the precise Number xs', 666, nothing can be advanced from the writings of this ancient Greek Father, in favour of the Number xis', or 616, so as to make it worthy of the least credence; because Irenæus wrote professedly against all Heresies,and was contemporary with Polycarp, who was the Disciple of St. John. It would therefore be folly to allow this Christian Father, after the unequivocal declaration he has made, 4 Sed scientes FIRMUM NUMERUM qui à SCRIPTURA annunciatus est, id est,

2 Psalm lxviii. 31.

1 Rev. i. 19. 3 Hab. ii. 14. Isaiah xi. 9. 4 IRENÆUS, Lib. V. cap. xxx. p. 448. edit. Grabe.

SEXCENTORUM SEXAGINTA SEX,' &c., to be deemed ignorant of the true Number 666. And yet Professor Lee has ventured (upon his own ipse dixit, and that of Archbishop Laud, and the Codex of Petavius, the French Jesuit,) to set aside such ancient authority, by bringing forward the spurious Number xis', or 616, and thereby has left the learned world in complete ambiguity concerning the Number xs', or 666. We have already shewn that Dr. Adam Clarke, the Rev. George Stanley Faber, Cardinal Bellarmine, Grotius, and others, affirm that the orthography of Irenæus is incorrect, and thus the NAME Aatêivos, as well as the NUMBER XES', 666, of ST. JOHN have BOTH been seemingly invalidated. Who then will venture to become Umpire among such discordant Theologians? Who will play the man, in raising Irenæus from the dust of such theological controversialists? Nay, behold! Irenæus lives again! for, "he, being dead, yet speaketh" to us in his writings! Yes, he shall come forth from his shrouded mantle of obscurity to confront these learned men, and as their senior, in point of time, in accuracy of investigation, in fidelity of orthography, and in soundness of argument, shall settle the point at issue; that is to say, without a figure, succeeding events have become the literal Interpreters of the NAME of the MAN, which has been so long veiled under an enigma; hence we KNOW that what IRENEUS only CONJECTURED in the SECOND CENTURY of the Christian Era, is most manifestly fulfilled in the NINETEENTH, and that no

1 Heb. xi. 4.

further doubt can remain on the subject in the minds of those who will undertake the easy task of comparing his conjectures with matters of Fact.

Let us therefore take good heed to the words of Father IRENEUS, whose ancient, learned, and pious testimony is invaluable; for he has given to Protestants the Master Key to Popery, and has thereby constructed for the Christian world, a Bulwark of Defence against the innovations and usurpations of the LATIN PAPAL MAN, whose Latin titles are

Pontifex Maximus,' 'Sanctissimus Pater,' &c. and especially to the following FIVE POINTS the moral certainty of which Irenæus has established beyond refutation.




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I. THAT the "wisdom" and " understanding" of which St. John spake concerning the solution of the enigmatical Number xs', 666, was, that "The NUMBER of a MAN," must necessarily imply the NAME of A MAN; i. e, Numerus Hominis," being put for " Numerus Nominis Hominis; " and therefore Irenæus, in explaining the words of St. John, has, without hesitation, supplied the manifest Ellipsis, and given us THREE several examples of proper Names written in Greek Letters, viz. Evarbas, Λατινος, and Τᾶταν.

II. Irenæus has established the correctness of the

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