Bulletin (Östasiatiska Samlingarna (Stockholm, Sweden))The Museum, 1960 - China "Bibliography of publications based upon collections made with the support of the Swedish China research committee, by Fr. E. Åhlander": Bulletin no. 1, p. 185-191. |
Six Poems on a Painting of Peonies | 4 |
Some Chinese Carved Lacquer of the Yüan and Ming Periods | 10 |
Manchu Printed Books in the Royal Library in Stockholm | 133 |
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15th century black lacquer border box and cover Carl Kempe carved red lacquer ch'eng ch'i ch'ou ch'u Chao chê chen chï Chia-ching Chinese Chou chung diaper dynasty Emperor fang feng flowers ground Gustaf VI Adolf Hanlin Academy Heaven hien HM King Gustaf huai huan huang huei Hung fan ibid jung K'ang k'in k'iu k'ung kiang kiao kien King of Sweden kuan küe kuei laque burgautée LELAND LELAND STANFORD Li cheng Li Gl LIBRARIES lo-tien Lü hing Manchu ming Ming dynasty P'an Keng p'ei peonies poem prince shang shell sheng shï shou Siang straight sides Süan sutra T'an Kung T'ang t'ien text version tray Ts'i tsai tsê Tsin Tsiu Tso Gl UNIVERSITY wang Wu yi Yao mo Yao tien Yüe ling