The War of the Rebellion: A Compilation of the Official Records of the Union and Confederate ArmiesSeries I: Contains the formal reports, both Union and Confederate, of the first seizures of United States property in the Southern States, and of all military operations in the field, with the correspondence, orders, and returns relating specially thereto, and, as proposed is to be accompanied by an Atlas. In this series the reports will be arranged according to the campaigns and several theaters of operations (in the chronological order of the events), and the Union reports of any event will, as a rule, be immediately followed by the Confederate accounts. The correspondence, etc., not embraced in the "reports" proper will follow (first Union and next Confederate) in chronological order. Volume XIV. 1885. (Vol. 14, Chap. 26) Chapter XXVI - Operations on the coasts of South Carolina, Georgia, and Middle and East Florida. Apr 12, 1862-Jun 11, 1863. |
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Abbeville Arkansas ARMY CORPS artillery Assignments to command Assistant Adjutant-General attack Battery boats Bolivar Bragg BRAXTON BRAGG bridge Brig Brigadier-General C. S. HAMILTON camp Capt Captain cavalry Colonel Columbus companies Confederate Corinth DANIEL RUGGLES Davis December December 23 dispatch division duty EARL VAN DORN enemy expedition General-in-Chief Grand Junction Grange Grenada guard gunboats guns H. W. HALLECK Hatchie HDQRS HEADQUARTERS ARMY HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT Helena Holly Springs Illinois Troops Infantry Iuka J. C. PEMBERTON Jackson January John July June La Grange Lieut Major-General GRANT MCCLERNAND MCPHERSON Memphis Mentioned miles Miss Mississippi Missouri morning move movement November obedient servant Ohio order of Maj pickets quartermaster Quinby railroad RAWLINS re-enforce rebels received Regiment respectfully River road ROSECRANS scouts Second Brigade sent SPECIAL ORDERS STERLING PRICE SULLIVAN Tallahatchie telegraph Tenn to-morrow Tupelo U. S. GRANT Vicksburg W. S. ROSECRANS W. T. SHERMAN wagons West Tennessee Yazoo yesterday