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Suppose thee return'd to thy country and home;
Suppose thee to meet, in the days yet to come,
The child whose existence is dated from thee,
And whom, in the wreck of the things which now be,
Thou fondly wouldst clasp in a Father's embrace;
But see her recede! with a blush on her face;
While, deep at her heart, a too sharply felt pain,
Proclaims thee her Parent! and quick thrills again,


Drury Lane.-Mr. Elliston has engaged Madame Catalani to sing three or four songs each night, and he is reaping a good harvest from it. So far as he is concerned, we see no objection to the thing; but, is it not a little infra dig. for the lady?

Mr. Macready made his last appearance for this season, on Wednesday night, in Cardinal Wolsey. He displayed a better conception of the character than we could have ex pected. It was occasionally faulty, where his physical distinguished by a much larger grasp of intellect than impartial judges usually award to him. We were glad to see him escape from the abrupt breaks and transitions of voice which are common to his acting, and which he mistakes the simplest. One might as well jump down stairs, and for simplicity, just as if the shortest way were necessarily call it nature, because stairs are a work of art. Mr. Kean brought these trickeries into fashion; they are bad enough in him, but they are intolerable in his imitators. The concluding scenes-bating a little too much of feebleness si sic omnia! in physical depor ment-were very beautiful and affecting. Mrs. Bunn, in the Queen, was very handsome and queen-like; and Mr. Pope, in the King, very unkingly. This gentleman's voice is very much like that of Botton; he " roars you gently, an' it were a sucking pig."

This is not in the very loftiest style of poetry, but it is in very excellent feeling. Mrs. Mott's religion is a little too predominant for a poet, but it is without bi-requisites were imperfect; but the whole performance was gotry or moroseness. Her admonitions are firm, yet temperate; severe, though friendly. We have hitherto refrained from expressing any opinions upon the death of Lord Byron, unwilling to swell the tribe of canting adulators, and still more unwilling to join that smaller and less amiable band of harsh revilers of his fame. We look upon his death as a great public calamity, and regard him, with all his faults, as the most remarkable and splendid poet of our day. There was time enough for him to abandon whatever of foolish, vain, perverted and perverting, had entered into his habits, and characterized his productions, and we had hoped to see from him some noble and enduring creation of genius. It was in his power, and we believed it was also in his will. But that hope and that belief are both violently destroyed, and we are left to grieve over his-in every respect-so untimely death.

The rest of Mrs. Mott's volume is made up of Sacred Melodies, adapted to the music of Nathan. Some of them are extremely well done—as will appear from the ensuing :

"Prophetic visions swell'd each string,
And mystic thoughts in concord flow'd;
The Minstrel Warrior-Israel's king-
Sung not himself-His verses glow'd
With that bright star, that Lord of Lords! who bore the

Of guilt and sin from Adam's fall:
Who gives the heart to virtue flam'd,
And adds the lip of pray'r to all
Who, after him, are children named;
Bought dear by curse endur'd-by purchase claim'd.
And still he strikes the tuneful string,
Wherever gospel news is heard;
Ascribing glory to its King,

Its risen, bright, incarnate Lord!

Eternal Father! Prince of Peace! and God ador'd!
Let Europe catch the bursting sound!
To Asia, gladsome tidings bear!
Let pagan Afric's utmost bound
Rejoice, the joyful news to hear;

And nations, yet unborn, to him repair."

Mrs. Mott has ushered her book into the world in so modest and unpretending a way, that it would be absolute cruelty to point out any of the little deficiencies and errors we have noticed. She has at least one consolation, that nothing has fallen from her pen respecting Lord Byron while living, which she has any cause to regret now that he is dead. Let some others say the same thing if they can.


WERE we, although as it might seem in duty bound almost so to do, to attend all the public exhibitions and curious sights to which we ex officio are invited, we might fly from post to pillar by day, and not repose ourselves upon the pillow by night: or who would do the writing? It is idle to murmur at the dispensations of the Fates, yet being at heart mere idlers, could our will be their will, we should gad about like our betters, and see all that is to be seen. We have perpetual cards for self and friend laying by, unsoiled, which might have made us familiar with the great brute bonassus, and others that would have afforded us a little friendly gossip, with the littlest human thing lately extant. We saw the first however, and not the last, which we shall ever regret-although we aspired not to a rivalry with the worthy Editor of the Literary, in the affections of the fairy heart; such a wonder, who shall behold again!

Another wonder is announced, and all the world is running to see it, if we are to credit report. One, the more wonderful, as it appears from its being announced, of questionable gender: we mean the "Merman or Mermaid."

The last mermaid, actually a maid in chancery, was capitally cut up by an able compeer, with his literary lancet, although not permitted to dissect the non-descript. Whether this new importation of man-fish, or woman-fish, is to be anatomized, and then anathematised by the same skilful and learned doctor, is yet to be determined. Look to it Mr. Editor.*

It would appear with mer-men, as with other men, that they must become defunct, to merit the honours bestowed by the illustrious living, unless indeed they be odd fish, like George Morland, and some others we could name." On Saturday, UPWARDS OF ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY DISTINthe exhibition of the merman. GUISHED FASHIONABLES" (we quote on authority), visited

But what of this! how many more of the great went to the Haymarket theatre to behold a man get into a quart bottle, among whom were many of the illustrious progenitors of these distinguished fashionables! And all the lords and ladies in the land posted up to town to see another man perform still greater feats, at the same theatre; and who,

by way of finale, engaged to turn himself inside out, and then to jump down his own throat!

states as follows:-" This accession of fortune and rank, it is said, he ostentatiously displayed in endeavouring to purWe know that there are those who would doubt the pos-chase, in order to destroy all the pictures which he had forsibility of such a feat; yet, who shall venture to say, what merly painted, among which were many of high and demay be possible, or impossible, to the troop at the ampai- || served celebrity; this, however, he did at the cost of some theatre or Sadlers Wells, to fire-eaters and the like, who thousands, in order to enter the pictorial world as an amado these deeds for bread,-when we behold what lords, teur, &c." This absurd story originated from his destroymarquises, and dukes-ladies, marchionesses, and duchesses ing (at the time he relinquished his profession) a few picwill swallow, merely pour passer le temps ! tures then remaining, with many others in his possession; all which he had formerly painted. These few pictures he destroyed on account of their being, as he thought, very in

The Literray Gazette completely exposed the impostureship of terior to his other works, and therefore, if preserved, might

that mermaid exhibition.


A LITHOGRAPHIC print of the king of the Sandwich Islands has been recently published, from a drawing by Mr. John Hayter, which we understand is a most faithful resemblance of the illustrious stranger. This, it appears, is the only likeness for which his Majesty has sat. The print, moreover, is published "under his royal authority and patro


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hereafter injure his reputation as an artist. The fact of his destroying these few pictures being circulated abroad, was soon magnified by his enemies, jealous of his merit and good fortune, into an attempt to purchase, in order to destroy all the pictures he had formerly painted, that he might re-enter the pictorial world as an amateur.

Fama, malum quo non aliud ullum

Mobilliate viget, viresque acquirit eundo.

But such a wild attempt as this supposes him to have been out of his senses; for how, otherwise, could he believe such a project practicable, considering the great number of pictures A companion print is in preparation, of the "most au- he had painted, their very wide dispersion, and that many gust Queen consort," which will be published in a few days. persons possessing portraits of their relations and friends, We are glad to hear that their portraits have been thus ac- would not part with them for any money. What renders curately taken, for such graphic memorials gratify present this story highly improbable is, that after his good fortune, curiosity, and contribute interesting features to future his- || he made presents to his relations and friends of many of the tory. pictures he had formerly painted, which then remained in Among the collections bequeathed to the British Museum, his possession. Among these were two portraits of the late is a card, written on, by OMAI, a native of one of the Sand- King and Queen, and a portrait of the late Cipriani, an wich Isles, who was brought to England by Capt. Cook. eminent historical painter, which he gave to a relation, who This curious relic of the improved habits of a civilized sa- after the death of the Baronet, made a present of the two vage, is now become a curiosity of much interest. He had former to Lord Camden. He gave me several pictures he been confined by illness, and the card is inscribed by his || had formerly painted, which are now in my possession. He own hand." MR. OMAI presents his compliments to Sir likewise after his accession of fortune and rank, exhibited Joseph and Lady Banks, and returns thanks for the honor several pictures at the Royal Academy. Now, how is it of their obliging inquiries." Poor Omai's fate, on his re- possible he could attempt the destruction of all the picturn home, left him no cause for exultation on his superior tures he had formerly painted, in order to erase the meacquirements. mory of his having been an artist, and at the same time should be giving many of them away? And is it not a contradiction to say, he wished it to be forgot that he had ever been a painter by profession; and yet at the same time continued to exhibit his pictures at the Royal Academy? It is true, having relinquished his profession, and become independent and a Baronet, he exhibited these pictures in the name of Sir Nathaniel Holland; but at the same time he must have known, that under that name he would most certainly be recognised as the late Nathaniel Dance, R. A.

He was generally courted and caressed during his sojournment in England. Among other compliments which were paid him, the celebrated DE LOUTHERBOURG composed a pantomime, entitled Queen Obera, or Harlequin Omai, for which he painted the scenery, and produced such a stage spectacle as had never been seen before, nor may ever be beheld again. The studies for the scenery prepared for a stage on a scale of an inch to a foot, exquisitely finished by this inimitable scene painter, were sold by Mr. Peter Coxe, after the decease of the artist. Some of these were purchased by Mr. Ackermann of the Strand; and we believe are now in his very extensive and interesting collection of original works of art.

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To the Editor of the Somerset House Gazette.

THE Monthly Magazine for June last, contains an interesting account of the celebrated Cassinis the astronomer and mathematicians during whose time, and principally under whose direction was executed a very splendid map of France, comprehending a square of thirty-six feet. This account naturally brought to my recollection the surveys and maps that have been made, and are still in progress, of Great Britain, and their style of execution. A trigonometrical survey of Great Britain was commenced in 1787, by the late General Roy; on whose data, the geometrical survey has been carried on, and about two-thirds of that of England completed. The map is engraving on a scale of one inch to an English mile; but on so large a scale, the usual style of map engraving is quite inadequate to represent the varied surface of this or almost any other country. The Map of the Isle of Wight is, I believe, looked upon by the

Board of Ordnance and all map engravers, as a remarkably fine specimen of map engraving; but in my opinion, it appears to want nearly all the qualifications of a good map, excepting trigonometrical accuracy. Landscape engraving is much better suited to the delineation of hilly countries, particularly on a large scale, than the style of the Ordnance


such splendid encouragement to the Fine Arts; when every class of the people are daily becoming more interested in their cultivation; when new societies for their encouragement are being established, and those already in existence are increasing; a Dictionary exclusively devoted to the | Literature of the Fine Arts is peculiarly necessary.

Such a work has never yet appeared in the English lanI am informed that a Committee of the House of Com- guage; and, although there are treatises in the French, mons is now sitting, to arrange a plan for making a land Italian, and other modern languages, yet they are inapplisurvey and general map of Ireland, and it is to be hoped, cable in many requisites to the English student, professor, that so great a national work, will be executed conformably || and patron of the British School of Art. to the improved state of science and art. We have maps of all the Irish counties, and some of them are pretty well executed; but I wish more particularly to call your attention to a very beautiful map of Mayo, which I remember to have seen in London in 1815. It occupied a square of about 18 feet, and the mountains, hills, rising grounds, bogs, &c. were distinguished with judgment and delicacy. The elevation of the mountains, hills and passes, were also laid down, and a section of the whole country from West to East, illustrated its geological structure. It excelled any thing of the kind which I have seen, and was executed by Mr. William Bald, civil engineer, by order of the Grand Jury of Mayo, who raised a considerable sum for the purpose of having it engraved, avowedly in the best manner. Nine years have elapsed since this intention was expressed, and no one, either of the map or landscape engravers of London, have been engaged to undertake it. To my surprise, and I think to the astonishment of all who hear of it, this | beautiful map was sent to France a few years since, and Tardicu employed to engrave a part at least of it. His specimens however, failed to give that satisfaction to the Grand Jury which they expected, and they have ordered it back to London, where, I should think, many map engravers might be found better qualified for the purpose, than the French ones; to say nothing of Mr. J. Pye, Messrs. Cooke, Mr. Lowry more particnlarly, and other landscape engravers, who appear to me to be the most proper persons to undertake such a work, or the national disgrace of sending such a survey to a rival country. For it should be remembered, that in 1798, it was on the shores of Mayo that General Hoche landed with the French army, and his head quarters were at Castlebar, the capital of the county. I have, indeed, been informed, that a copy of this map has actually been made by the military engineers of the Depot of War in Paris; who, of course, are now just as well acquainted with the distances, roads, depths of water in the harbours, &c. as the natives of the country.

With the French the Fine Arts comprise not only Painting, Sculpture, Architecture, and Engraving, but also poetry, music, and the dramatic art, which in England are separately classed among the polite arts, as well as dancing, fencing, mimetic action, and other bodily accomplishments, which we do not admit into either. The Italians are more select in their arrangement, but their disquisitions rarely extend to the English school, and are consequently defeetive in information concerning an important feature in modern art; as the time is now arrived when no treatise on the Fine Arts can be complete in which the English school, | its artists, its mode of practice, and its works are omitted. The intention, therefore, of the present work is to give in alphabetical order the essence of the best Treatises in the English, the French, and the Italian languages, on the Theory and Practice of the Fine Arts, divested of all extraneous matter, and adapted to the present state of British Art and Literature. To the various leading articles will be added, a Descriptive Catalogue of the best Books and Treatises thereon, so that the investigating student may know what authorities to refer to when he wishes or requires further information.



I ALWAYS read with much pleasure and instruction your excellent and amusing criticisms on art in the SOMERSET HOUSE GAZETTE, but pray pardon my finding fault with the epithet. "Poor Edridge.'

Was he hung? did he die in debt or wretchedness? what were the horrors that grouped round his grave? No, he was respected and respectable-honourable, cheerful, a good man, and not a poor man.

Would you say, poor Rubens, poor Sir Joshua, poor Canova. Are there not always unpleasant associations with the word poor? Then why use it where we feel respect? which I beg leave to assure you, is sincerely felt by Your most obedient servant, S. PALETTE.



In the present state of intellectual society, when the Sovereign and the Legislature of the country are giving

In saying that this work is intended to be a complete Manual of the Fine Arts, it may be necessary to name some of the works which have been consulted and amalgamated into it. They are Le Dictionnaire des Beaux Arts, par LA COMBE; Dictionnaire de Peinture et de Sculpture, par WATELET; Encyclopedie Methodique; Theorie generale des Beaux Arts, par SULZER; Le Dictionnaire des Beaux Arts, par MILLIN; Abecedario Pittorico; Principi de Architettura civili; Manuale de Pittore per il anno 1792; Memorie per le Belle Arti. The Biographical Works of Blankenburg, Sulzer, &c. the Catalogues of Paiznon Dijonval; Count Strogonoff, &c. &c. &c.; the Works of Mengs. Lairesse, Hagedorn, Da Vinci, De Piles, Alberti, Winckleman, Richardson, Reynolds, Barry, Pilkington, Opie, West, Fuseli, &c. &c.; in short, every Work in the libraries of the British Museum, the Royal Academy, and other public and private libraries, to which the author has had access, have been and will be consulted to render The Dictionary of the Fine Arts as useful and as complete as possible.-For Advertisement see last page.


OUR readers we know were pleased with certain old maxims which we selected for their amusement, amongst our former miscelianen. For variety's sake, we this week offer them a specimen of certain new ones, which for originality, observation, wit, and that species of grave drolling, above all, so delectable, and the best test of good taste on such points, deserve to be printed in every periodical work, for the edification of the present generation, and that which is to come. maxims are broad and liberal. They are witty as Swift, and spotless from that dirt with which his pages were splashed. They are more moral than Rochefoucault,


as they inspire sociality. They are full of life and fun, and therefore suited to the age.

We need not doubt then that they will be acceptable to our readers, particularly as they are from the pen of that most social moralist,

saying or muttering something savage about your want of taste or politeness; for that, of course, you will not care press him to go on, you are safe, for he will then decidedly three straws, having extinguished him. If the company grow restive to shew his importance, and you will escape his songs for the rest of the evening.

MORGAN OʻDOHERTY, ESQ. of the people at table, stretch across to him, and say-You Or-after he has really done, and is sucking in the bravo


Ir you intend to drink much after dinner, never drink much at dinner, and particularly avoid mixing wines. If you begin with Sauterne for example, stick to Sauterne, though, on the whole, red wines are best. Avoid malt liquor most cautiously, for nothing is so apt to get into the head unawares, or, what is almost as bad, to fill the stomach with wind. Champagne, on the latter account, is bad. Port. three glasses at dinner-claret, three bottles after-behold the fair proportion, and the most excellent wines.


It is laid down in fashionable life, that you must drink champagne after white cheeses-water after red. This is mere nonsense. The best thing to be drunk after cheese is strong ale, for the taste is more coherent. We should always take our ideas of these things from the most constant practitioners. Now, you never hear of a drayman, who lives almost entirely on bread and cheese, thinking of washing it down with water, far less with champagne. He knows what is better. As for champagne, there is a reason against drinking it after cheese, which I could give if it were cleanly. It is not so, and therefore I am silent concerning

it. but it is true.

N. B. According to apophthegm the first, ale is to be avoided in case a wet night is expected-as should cheese also. I recommend ale only when there is no chance of a man's getting a skinful.


A punster, during dinner, is a most inconvenient animal. He should, therefore, be immediately discomfitted. The art of discomfitting a punster is this: Pretend to be deaf, and after he has committed his pun, and just before he expects people to laugh at it, beg his pardon, and request him to repeat it again. After you have made him do this three times, say, O! that is a pun. I believe. I never knew a punster verture a third exhibition under similar treatment. It requires a little nicety, so as to make him repeat it in proper time. If well done, the company laugh at the punster, and then he is ruined for ever.


A fine singer, after dinner, is a still greater bore, for he stops the wine. This we pardon in a slang or drinking song, for such things serve as shoping-horns to draw on more hottles by jollifying your host, so that though the supply may be slow, it is more copious in the end; but a fine-song-singer only serves to put people in mind of tea. You, therefore, not only lose the circulation of the bottle while he is getting through his crotchets and quavers, but be actually tends to cut off the final supply. He, then, is by all means to be discouraged. These fellows are always most insufferably conceited, so that it is not very easy to keep them down-but it is possible, nevertheless. One of the best rules is, as soon as he has sung the first verse, and while he is taking breath for the second, applaud him most vociferously, as if all was over; and say to the gentleman farthest from you at table, that you admire the conclusion of this song very much. It is ten to one, but his musical pride will take affront, and he will refuse to sing any more,

sung that very well, Mr. -a-a-a, very well indeed-but did you not, (laying a most decided emphasis on the not) did you not hear Mr. Incledon, or Mr. Braham (or any body else whom you think most annoying to him) sing in some play, or pantomime, or something? When he answers, No, in a pert, snappish style; for all these people are asses,-resume your most erect posture, and say quite audibly to your next neighbour-So I thought. This twice repeated is a dose.


Brougham the politician is to be hated, but not so every Brougham. In this apophthegm, I particularly have an eye to John Waugh Brougham, Esq. wine merchant, or avowwhos, in the court of the Pnyx, Athens, and partner of Samuel Anderson, Esq.-a man for whom I have a particular regard. This Mr. Brougham has had the merit of re-introducing among the Toxoves of Attica the custom of drinking in de Bordeaux from the tap-a custom which mendation and diligent observance. One gets the tipple more especially in hot weather, is deserving of much com, much cheaper in this way, and I have found by personal experience, that the headache, of which copious potation of this potable is productive, yields at once to a dose of the Seidlitz, whereas that arising from old-bottled claret not unfrequently requires a touch of the Glauber-an offensive salt, acting harshly and ungenteelly upon the inner Adam.

A Whig is an ass.



Tap-claret tastes best out of a pewter pot. There is something solemn and affecting in these renewals of the antique observances of the symposium. I never was so pleasantly situated as the first time I saw on the board of my friend Francis Jeffrey, Esq., editor of a periodical work published in Athens, a man for whom I have a particular regard, an array of these venerable concerns, inscribed "More Majorum." Mr. Hallan furnished the classic motto to Mr. Jeffrey, who is himself as ignorant of Latin as Mr. Cobbett: for he understood the meaning to be more in the jorum,' until Mr. Pillans expounded to him the real meaning of Mr. Hallam.


A story-teller is so often a mighty pleasant fellow, that it may be deemed a difficult matter to decide whether he ought to be stopped or not. In case, however, that it be required, far the best way of doing it is this: After he has discharged his first tale, say across to some confederate, (for this method requires confederates, like some juggler's tricks,) Number one. As soon as he has told a second, in like manner, say, Number two; perhaps he may perceive it, and if so, he stops: if not, the very moment his third story is told, laugh out quite loud, and cry to your friendI trouble you for the sovereign. You see I was right when I betted that he would tell these three stories exactly in that order in the first twenty minutes after his arrival in the room! Depend on it he is mum after that.

(To be continued.)


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By the English people then, a republication from the choicest plates, designed by their ingenious countryman, of sufficient dunensions to convey the entire spirit of the originals, cannot, we presume, be received with indifference. Many of the plates of GLL RAY are become scarce, some are worn out or destroyed, and the expence of making even a selection from his best designs, amounts to a sum, which but a small proportion of the admirers of his talent and humour could conveniently spare. The work proposed, will comprise enough of the POLITICAL, to form a connecting chain of history, during the administration of the illustrious PITT, and his able compeers: and of the HUMOUROUS, suffieient to prove that to genius, every epoch affords enough of absurdity, inconsistency, and folly, to excite the laughter, pity, or contempt of mankind.

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