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we read, That he indeed by divine infpiration did perfwade unto this Ipfum qui- Service, but the undertakers, either out of pride, or lasciviousnes not dem fpiritu obferving wholfome Councils, defervedly fuffered the lofs of their lives Dei aflatum, and fortunes, or being thus purged from their fins by manifold tribuexpeditionem lations, God took them out of this life, leaft continuing any longer illam fuafifle, therein they might trespass a new, and more grievously to the utter deeam fufcepe- ftruction of their fouls.

rant, ob fuper

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biam, lafciviamq; fuam, falutaria mandata non obfervantes merito rerum, & perfonarum difpendium tuliffe vel fic variis tribulationibus a peccatis purgatos, opportune a Deo ereptos effe, ex hac vita, ne diutius in ea permanentes, pejora forte prioribus fcelera, in fuam pernici em animarum perpetrarent. Baron. ad Ann. Chrifti. 119


rant exiis qui

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This John Abbot of Cafemary not only promoted, but withal nem Angelo proteftaged to St. Bernard himself: that St. Paul, and St. John, rum qui cecide did Sæpius vifitare, or very often vifit their Covent, of whom it bein expeditione ing demanded what became of the fouls of thofe flaughtered bodies, mortui erant, they answered (he calls it certiffima revelatio, or a moft undoubtreftauratam ed Revelation) that they were tranflated into heaven, to supply the effe. Baron. ubi fupra, & vacancy left there by the Apoftacy of the fallen Angels. Hereupon

Bernardi. E- St-Bernard is abfolved from all blame, and Baronius obferves pift.Epift.333. in the fame place and year, that Henry, King Lewes his brother

not. 12.

(St. Bernard having before hand prophefied of his converfion) was fhorn a Monk of the Ciftercian order. And undoubtedly this laid a foundation for the willingness of the next fucceeding Generation to adventure again upon the fame expedition, with worfe fuccefs under St. Lewes.

If all this be not fufficient to convince a Papift, how juftly what we have reproved in fome Reformifts, is chargeable upon his Faction, let him caft his eye upon the ftollen feathers wherewith Bellarmin tricks, and imps forth the train of the prea Bell, de fent Church of Rome, particularly thefe two; namely (a) the Ecclef. militant. not. 11. glory of her Miracles, and (b) Prophetick light yet continuing. b Id. ibid Thefe he calls Church-marks, but to my obfervation they point out nothing,except the diffidence of the Church of Rome to adventure a tryal of her verity by the doctrine of the Scriptures: However, were they not a back of Steel to the weak bow of her caufe, fhe had long fince brake with the violent draughts of Wil-worship and Superftition. Neither could the innumerable swarms of religious Sects (all whofe thighs are laden, either with fomewhat contrary unto truth, or one unto another) have ever been hived, or cloistered without the tinkling of fuch pretended Prophefies, and extraordinary Miracles.

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I call them extraordinary, because they are fo divers in their caufes, and effects from the true Miracles. They proceeded from, and were wrought by the power of God to confirm true` Doctrine: These are bafe brats of mens deluded imaginations, or Sathanical fleights purpofely excogitated to infirm true Doarine, and establish the contrary. But let us not wander from our path. The fore-observed use of these pretended Revelations, and pious deceipts was providently foreseen by Bellarmine; when in proof of Prophetick light yet continuing, he Et quidem inftanceth in the Prophefies of St. Benedict, and St. Bernard. monachi & And when anfwering to. Luther, objecting that the Church of Romano PonRome hath received a bill of divorce from God; he faith, There have tifici addicti been true Prophets in every age, who were Monks, and farn men Bell. not. Ecto the Pope. This might fuffice in proof of the guiltinefs of the clef. not. 12. Papifts, in fupporting the worst part of their Abominations, with extraordinary Revelations, and Ordinations of men to Office. But we have fomewhat more to add, which we defire our Reader seriously to confider: It is, The whole foundation of the Papacy ftreffeth upon this distinction betwixt ordinary, and extraordinary Officers. This will appear in feveral inftances.

Refpondeo Pontificatum fummum efle

Firft, Calvin objecting, Ephef. 4. 11. to exclude the Pope from his arrogated power in the Church, because the Text doth not mention him, or his Office, is anfwered by Bellarmine; The Pontificate is exprefly placed in the word Apoftles; Indeed the highest Ecclefiaftical power is not only given to Peter, but alfo to the other Apoftles; for all of them could fay, that of Paul, 2 diferte pofiCor. 11. that which cometh upon me daily, the care of all tum in illis the Churches, but it was given unto Peter, as unto the or- verbis, & podinary Paftor, who should perpetually have fucceffors, to the other A-fuit alios quipostles it was given as to Delegates, who could have no fuccef- fiquidem fumdem Apoftolos, fors.

ma ecclefiaftica poteftas

non folum data eft Petro fed etiam aliis Apoftolis, omnes enim poterant dicere illud Pauli. 2 Cor. 11.inftantia mea quotidiana cura omnium ecclefiarum, fed Petro data eft ut ordinario paftori, cui perpetuo fuccederetur; aliis vero tanquam delegatis, quibus non fuccederetur. Bell de Rom. Pontif. lib. 1. ca. 9.

Vid. etiam Francifcum Suarez. in fua defenfione fidei Catholice. lib. 3. ca. 11. Se&. 12.

Again, when our Divines argue for a Parity among all the Non eodem Apoftles,because they are all called Foundations. Bellarmin an- modo quo Pefwers. They are not Foundations in the fame manner that Peter is,for trus,illi enim habebant Summam, atque amplissimam poteftatem, ut Apoftoli, feu delegati. Petrus autem ut pastor ordinarius, Id. de Rom. Pontif. lib. 1, ca. 11. Se&. tribus modis dicuntur.


Vt autem

they had the cheifest and most ample power as Apoftles, or Delegates; but Peter had it as the ordinary Paftor.


Elsewhere he tells us, that we may understand that this cheif power was committed to all the Apostles as to Delegates, not ordina-, intelligeremus ry Paftors; and that with fome fubjection unto Peter, because it is hanc fummam only faid to Peter, feed my sheep, as it was only faid to him, to thee poteftatem col- will I give the keyes,&c. for he then only received the keyes of the Latam Apoftolis omnibus, kingdome, as the principal and ordinary Governour, when he heard ut legatis, non those words, Feed my sheep.

ut paftoribus

ordinariis, & cum quadam fubje&tione ad Petrum, foli Petro dicitur, Job. 21, Pafce oves meas, quemadmodum folum illi di&um erat, Tibi dabo claves. Claves enim regni ut principalis, ordinarius præfe&tus, tunc folum accepit, cum audivit pufce oves meas. Bell. de Pontif. Roman. lib. 1. ca. 12.

Befides, when we object against the Popes Primacy; the conftant opinion of all the Antients, about the fucceffion of all duly ordained Bishops unto the Apostles, and that the Popes own Councils, congregated even fince he is gotten upon the Pinacle of the Temple; namely the Councils of Florence, and Trent have defined for the Bishops; the words of the Council of Trent, because it was the last affembly of that nature, and by the Papifts is accounted to be a general Council,I fhall tranfcribe, viz. The holy Synad declareth that Bishops (who do fucceed in the place of Sacrofan&a Synodus de- Apostles) do principally appertain to this Hierarchick Order, and are clarat epifco- placed (as the Apostle faith) by the holy Ghost to rule the Church of pos qui in God, and that they are fuperiour unto Presbyters. And that they Apoftolorum can confer the Sacrament of confirmation, ordain Ecclefiaftical Mifuccefferunt nifters, and perform many other things; the power to do which, the ad hunc, Hie- reft of the inferiour order of Ministers have not. And in their Cararchicum or- nons in corroboration of this Decree, they fay, If any shall fay, dinem preci- that there is not an Hierarchy of Divine Ordination in the Catholick pue pertinere &pofites Church, which confifteth of Bishops, Presbyters, &c. let him be (ficut Apofto- Anathema.


los ait) a fpiritu fan&o, regere ecclefiam Dei, eofq; Presbyteris fuperiores effe, ac facramentum confirmationis conferre,miniftros ecclefia ordinare, atque alia pleraque peragere ipfos poffe, quarum functionum poteftarem, reliqui inferioris ordinis nullam habent. Decret 7.feff. Cap.4. Si quis dixerit in ecclefia catholica, non effe Hierarchiam divina ordinatione inftitutam que conftat ex episcopis, Presbyteris, &c. Anathema fit. Can. 6.

And again; If any shall affirm that Bishops are not fuperiour to Si quis Presbyters, or that they have not a power of confirmation and ordinaxerit epifcodis non effe Presbyteris fuperiores, vel non habere poteftatem confirmandi, & ordinandi vel camquam habent illis effe cum Presbyteris communem, &c. Anathema fit Gan. 7.

tion, or that what power they have is common to them with Presby ters,&c. let him be Anathema.

But Bellarmine is Anathema proof, and turns them off, together with the authority of the Council with this peremptory Refpondeo anfwer, viz. I anfier, there is a vast difference betwixt the fuc- magnum esse difcrimen,inter ceffion of Peter, and of the other Apoftles, for the Roman high Priest fucceffionem doth not properly fucceed Peter as an Apoftle, but as the ordinary Petri, & aliPaftor of the whole Church. And therefore the Roman high Priest orum Apoftolo bath his jurisdiction from him, from whom Peter received it. But rum nam RoBishops do not properly fucceed Apostles, because the Apostles were not manus Pontifex proprie ordinary, but extraordinary, and as it were delegated Paftors, fuccedit Petro could have no fucceffors. non ut Apofto lo, fed ut Pa


ftori ordinario totius ecclefie, & ideo ab illo habet Romanus Pontifex Jurifdi&tionem, a quo habuit Petrus. At epifcopi proprie non fuccedunt Apoftolis, quoniam Apoftoli non fue runt ordinarii, fed extraordinarii, & quafi delegati Paftores, quibus non fucceditur. Bell. de Rom. Pontif. lib. 4. ca. 25.

This is Bellarmines opinion, and generally received, and maintained by all the modern Champions of the Papacy, now let who will be Judge, whether in the overthrow of the diftin&tion betwixt ordinary, and extraordinary Officers, I do gratifie the Papifts, or rather at once decry both Papal, and Presbyterial ufurpations upon Epifcopacy, neither let any wonder why I couple these two feeming oppofite Factions, for as to the maintenance of this diftinction, I find them no farther disagreeing then thus, that the Papifts make St. Peter only an ordinary Paftor thereby to fecure the Papacy. Presbyters make all the Apostles a Presbytery of ordinary Pastors, thereby to fet Presbytery, or their confiftorial Government. However, least I fhould be thought fingular, let me nominate a few of many,who stand with me in the denyal of this diftinction: Unto Bellarmines firft inftance, Whitaker gives this anfwer. 'Tis a new distinction, and Belarmine is a wonderful man, who granting the fupreme power ftin&tio, Belunto all the Apostles, yet contends for the Monarchy, and Primacy of larminus bo


Nova di

mo mirus, qui cum fummam poteftatem omnibus Apoftolis concefferit, Petri tamen primatum,& monarchiam defendit .Whitak.To.2. controv. 4. quef. 1. ca. 3. Set fecundum noftrum argumentum. Amefius anfwereth. If Peter as an Apostle was the ordinary Paftor,then the extraordinary,and ordinary Paftor is the fame,yea then all ordinarius Paftor, tum extraordinarius, & ordinarius Paftor, idem fonant, wes Apoftoli, fuere ordinarii Paftores. Amef. Bell, enerv.. To. 1. p. 135.

A a

Si Petrus ur Apoftolus fuit tum etiam om


be Apostles were ordinary Paftors. Reader I beg thee carry this back, and compare it with the Affemblies Affertion, Pag. 149. viz. that the Apostles were really, and indeed Elders.

Unto Bellarmines fecond inftance, Whitaker thus anfwereth : Quod Pe- What he teacheth of the ordinary Paftorate, that none of the antients Trum Vocat taught at any time, but is a new, and Jefuitical fiction, which makes paftorem ordime the less admire that Bellarmine fhould please himself fo much with his own brat.

narium, id nullus unquam veterum docuit

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novum hoc, & Jefuiticum commentum eft, quo minime miror tantopere dele&ari Bellarminum, utpote fuo foetu. Whitak. To. 2. contro. 4. qua. 2. ca. Se&t. hoc fuit primum noftrum argumentum.

Laud against
Fisher. pag.

168. London.


Archbishop Laud against Fisher, answereth, That the highest ecclefiaftical power confessed to be given to other Apostles, as well as unto Peter, was given unto Peter only as an ordinary Paftor; whofe fucceffors fhould have that power which the others fhould not have, can never be proved out of any Scripture, nay I will give them their own latitude; It can never be proved by any Tradition of the whole Catholick Church. Thus he.

Unto Bellarmines third Inftance the fame Whitaker answer-
It is an opinion as most novel, fo moft inartificial and

Opinionem cum recentiffi- eth. mam, tum in- weak. ertiffimam,&

infirmiffimam. Whitak. To 2. controv. 4. quæf. 2. ca. Se&t. quartum nostrum argumen


Unto Bellarmines fourth, and laft Inftance, the fame perfon allo anfwereth. This distinction betwixt Peter and the other Apcftles, is fained, neither the Scripture nor any father, nor hardly any Refpondeo Papift except Bellarmine himself makes mention of it. In this hanc diftin&i- Chapter Whitaker proves against Bellarmine, that Bishops do onem inter Per fucceed the Apoftles. This truth he afferts peremptorily in all that precedes, and in what follows a little after our QuotaApoftolos effe commentitiam tion. But in the manner of their fucceffion he judgeth it fafe fcriptura, nec not to be over curious; but with fome paffion calls thofe Theoullus pater,nec logafters, who affert fuch a fucceffion as is maintained by this fere quifquam difcourfe. I reverence the learning and memory of the man,and papifta,præter Bellarminum fhould, if not have omitted altogether, yet at least have refpibuius diftinted what I fhall now add, until the publication of the Tract of

Elionis memi

nit.Whitak. To.2.contro. 4. quæft.8. ca. 3. Se&. nunc nos contra probabimus.

Ut Apoftoli claves a Chrifto acceperunt, & poteftatem docendi, & remittendi peccata, fic to epifcopi. In iis vero que Apoftoli extraordinarie babuerunt non fuccefferaut illis epifcopi, hoc eft in illa poteftate, que vere, & proprie Apoftolica eft. Id. loc. pofterius ci



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