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and unprejudiced men derermine. If they did, may they Vota in cou confider whati Calvins Judgment is of fich Vow, or Oath fiderate fuf Heath. Efay all unlawfubor midconceived vous they are nccepta neceff rio funt refcine thing in Cado accomplis fought we toesteem them unobliging. And denda. Id. againe Furbinconfiderately saken, not only do not oblige, but are Twedessary to be cancelled. And further more fay there can be no -Ibligacion; where God abrogates batman confirmis, Suffice this Ego nullum fuiffe vincu- to be fpoken of the first fort of perfons efficient to to beco lum dice, ubioPerfons abfolutely refolved, ere they compofed that Coquod homo venant, took it themselves, or impofed it upon others to make confirmat, deva Schilm, not only from Epifcopacy, which the Covenant abas abrogat. Id. ibid. horred, but from Presbytery, whole favourit teened to be framed, and therefore they procured the Covenant to be writwten in fuch an ambiguous style, as it might equally patronize their new fangled notions, as Presbytery. Thus the Diffenting Reply of 10 Brethren maintain against the Affembly, before the Committee diffenting rodf Lords and Commons for accomodation. And were never Brethren to that I hear of) checked by chat Committee, or by the Parliathe Affembly ment; contrariwife their papers are licensed by the Parliament before the Committee to be Imprinted. They lay, Whereas the conformity worn in the for accomada-Covenant is now urged upon this occafion, and continually upon tion. Pag 89 thedike, turned as that great Argument against us in Pulpits, Prefrofes, and ordinarp Treaties, as ifinbar we defired wer? ednivarly hèredunto This Argument zannot hold against us, without an affixing roof an interpretation upon that part of the Covenant, and that adeording to our Brethrens Principles only, who when we took this NaCational Covenant were known to be of the fame Principles me are now of. And yet this Covenant was profeffedly to attempered in the first framing of it, ansas we of different judgments might take it, both Parties being prefents ar the firft framing of it in Scotland. Ifhall not aggravate this confeffion, let the fober Reader' refolve how fart a Covenant this attempered and framed, either obligeth the Confcience, or complies with the fin fo heartily bewailed. 1oIfa. 59.12 13.5 For our tranfgreffions are multiplied before thee, and our fins teftific against af, for our tranfgrefions are with us, and as for our fins we know them. vsIn tranfgreffing and lying a3gainst the Lord, and departing away from our God, speaking oppreffion and revalt, conceiving, and uttering from the heart words of fathy bood. This hall fuffice in afwer to the fift popular Objection againfi Epifcopacy Proceed we to the in

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2. Obj.. Some will fay they are not fimply enemies to Epifcocapacy, though attended with fome fuperiority over, and di


ftinction from Presbyters. But this offends them, the formerd
Bishops were Lord Bishops; and the prefent fucceed them fing
those titles, which is most intolerable']! It being so dire&tly)
contrary to our Saviours exprefs command; Mali 20 25. 2611
But Jesus called them frris) unto him, end faids you know that ↑
the Princes of the Gentiles exercife dominion over them, and they that
are great exercife authority upon them but it shall not be fo-among you.
Kef. I answer the Relative pronounced or them, is
diligently to be obferved, which refers to bolchierten
mentioned in the foregoing verfe, whofe affectation, oralfume:
tion of any honorary title, is not recorded, but that they had
indignation against their sma fellow Apostles, or St. James and S
John .. they were paffionately diftafted against the prefami
ptuous requeft of those two Apoftless to have the chief placed,
in Chrifts Kingdom beltowed upon them whereindthough thei
two Apoftles were faulty, yet om Saviour compafoating their
frailty, blames their brethrens indignation against them, by
an illustration of the tens too nigh compliance with Gentile
tyrants, in that is their rage and paffionis! Whence we may lobi
ferve, that though the diftration fpeak of tanicalleivil pale,
yet the propofition illustrated relatesianto Chrifts condemna
rion of Spiritual tyranny or rancour, and fenforioumels of Spr
rit of fome Apoftles towards others. Neither can we bat by
enforcing more from the Illuftrations then is in the Propofitionis
(which is irreconcileable to folidrapgamentationly infer any
thing from this Text,againftithes prefent Titles of our
Bifhops. S
evlbncos2 znoi afstiera zid o porodico

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But fome will reply, and fay, St Duke repeating the fame. Hiftory, fpeaks of the Apoftles coveting a Title, or who should begreatest Luk (22.25019.4x9 197 la vision was 37190

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Ianfwery First, probably Se Luke doth not cite one and the fame History, or refer to one and the fame time, which St. Mathew for St. Mark Mari ro. 41, 42. afwell as St. Mathem afligns the indignation of the ren, for the occafion of Chrifts itjunction, whereas St. Luke faith it was the contenti n of the twelve, however more particularly to explain St. Lukes teftimony, we faye (shit To

Secondly, Chrifts condemning the affectation of greatnefs in the Apoftles, either condenms all affumption of honorifick Titles, and exercife of authority and dominion fimply and abflutely or limitedly, and under fome qualification. If it be affirmed that he doth intend the former, I demand whither this 3A

B 2

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beropartiçularlprecepte condesalg nbthbeamtesnakeun poitrosylobaɔgchmalorableɖally 2qndeshing them; and fond Barding Miguesunuli hembergris has maayaaf ColriftsMexhousaning? vinoff h foton alihitajch repfefeineens ellen Allowa thekorrekticidalged holdisprove the pletene Titlesds ahoChrmak-officer;lie being particular cale, and not to be s daamerintao prefide the preplatens of any persons, whom it doch not nomine, Glandekesised pœnib asma Theros Apiofago Minifteriiguiomed autoga powders exercifela Authority on naleta de cept any me on title, opgivethamby Chrifty during the time of hisdegillation forfoondiiance upon each whereas ficel thinglis naoo plain, thenbochon exerciledo Althority and I Pole, read the ten of the postleri Epide the Coriniui anising into Tinthyaik sehremacceptation of newtitles Athe wordare and all const tailing honoiwable titlesy commonto Church-officers, bandi ein vilMagiftrates do as plainly syidences they being never ufedy of them in the Grofpelstockbefareicbrifts aftension,bat's freast quently in the Epistles, orsafterwards: fonany fay the hobby Ghaft impofed thofe names, which iscallone as if Chrift hadis given them ere the Afcenfions I anfwergothis will not removė the inconvenience and contradiction, fordifiche former Saig ture had abfolutely excluded Honotifiek Titles, the holy) Ghost could not have admitted them afterwards withouting confiftency his manifeftations. Secondly, fo far as it conta cerns the generality of Chriftians, it refcinds the tyes of all civil Authority, and prohibits the Chriftia: Magiftrare föreit ceive any honorary Titles, not exprefly allowed him by thed axe mouth of Chrish while upon the earth, then both which ndi.e. the beft, thing is more contrary to Scripture for Governmenty fee Rom the most po- 13. I. Let every foul be subject to the higher power, for there is na^ tent Theophi- power but of God,the powers that be the power which theri wat, was s b To Cobust, cruel, and perfecuting New) are ordained of God, Persi Submit your felves to every Ordinance vefimantfor the Lords fale whither it be to the King, as fuprem. For Titles fee Luki g rable, or to be there St Luke calls Theophilus ( a) muft, excellent i Theophilus!A&. worshiped. The fame 25. 21. Nero is called Annus, (b) or fored. Act. 261 25the eni word which is St. Paul calls Feftus(9), most noble vi We conclude therefore thatT Chrifts words, whither recorded bySt. Mulberry budy. Stivl Luke of The. Luke, are not to be takienis mpyandeindefnistyi dtob gil bedt bec ophilus.


i. e. the di

vine, vene

nfed by St.

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cation they co

Are they then to be taken limitedly, and under fome qualità they To, are for but to find out and affign their bound, would cost much, and difficult inquiry. Did not other Scrictures tell us the Apostles aimed at Chrifts temporal Kingdom in this world, and the of the prefent Jewith Policy. Luk. 24. 21. But that it had been he who should have redeemed frael, &c. Act. 1.6. When they therefore were come toFracle Allysing gether they as ed of him, Jaging, Lord, wilt thou at this time restore the Kingdom unto "Ifrael? This no doubt was in their eye

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Christi regno

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Vid Zanch. Confe fidei orca. 25. Apho28.

in the objected Text, neither am I the fift, or fingre perlon, De terreno wlio so conjectureth." Learned Whitaker faith. In this their Jonniabant. demanding they of Chrifts Kingd m upon earth. This was it Whitak.conwhich Christ condemned in his Apoftle, but this is not con- trov. to. 2. deninable in the Tides of our Bifhof, the Apostles fought a i cont. 4. quasy arbitrary power, and ambitious Titles, in the deftillation of the then Civil Government: Our Bishops receive a limited and legal Title, and authority, for the support and maintenance of the now Civil Government. Such props whereunto they are, as our late and never to be forgotten experience fufficient ly learns us, that they cannot be removed, but the other im mediatly tumbles with them." Their Titles then of Lords, are not reverseable by this Text, no more then an extreme prejudicetha mean, no mor neither to deal plainly are fuch their Titles proveable, or di proveable by Scripture, becaufe they are of another natire, and triable at another bart, which whether it give entence for, or against them, let the objector confider That Church-officers, and Church-members, where the ftate is Chriftian, are confiderabiein a'uolible capacity. Firft, in a Sacred or ftrictly Ecclellaftica', wherefï no trufts not conceded, no Titles no impofed by Scripture, are affime able by them.1


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Secondly, I a Civil and Political, In which refpect,



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* Ev ftri&tly écclefiaftical,


what belongs to a Minister, by rea on of his order, not

what belongs to him by reafon of his de

we will introdtice Papal exemption, or quaking Anarchy, grce digChurch-officers must do those duties, aid di charge those nity, or jurif trufts which the Laws or cuffoms of tffe Nfio is where they diction, or what belongs live, expect, and requife from pero of their Efta es, Inte- to him in the to refts, or Qualities. That Chriftifa Bihops may where the Church, not eftate is Chrifian lawfully concertem elves in Civil matters, what he! ngs akt have done it failed feafy a funder the to him in the 144 antiorley of resume by entert/Commonin the Spid filly X tee by Mealsh.

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all men in the world, (hardly the Pope, excepted) the most highly and notoriously guilty: Fan be content to inclit any just cenfure from the worlt of Readers. That Bfelled Saviour did refufe to divide the inheritance betwixt the diffenting brethren, Hlowed from a Political, not Moral incapacity as A appears by his own quary. Luk. 12. 14.2 TSIC• das or man who made me a Judge whereas had fuch civil ? actions been morally inconfiftent with his office," he shoulderather have uted a pofitive negation, that he could by no means meddle with fuch concernments, then a quary, which puts his refufal upon a civil defect, or his not being appointed to be a Judge, which fully imports, that it he had been legally constituted, and placed in that office, no bar in his facred funtion could have hindred him from deciding their afferente. St. Paul and Sylas are called Lords at Thyetyra. Act. 16.30. Sirs what shall I do to be faved, the word rendred Siris Ke Lords, and is the moft fignificant name in the New Teftament to Preis the power, and the authority of the most high God. It God."It originally denoting a Lord from felfe proceeding authority, and effentiality. In both which telrects, nore but Jebodak, is eminently, and tranfcendently a Lord. And therefore he is called, 1 Tin. 6. 15. μόνος δυνατής, της οι βασιλους των βασιλευον των και κύριοι των κυριεύτλων, or the only Potentate, and King of Kings, and Lord of and Lords. But derivatively, it is a title elsewhere in Scripthregiven to Magistrates. Act. 25. 26. 71 Hapas fewer on the τι γράψαι α ving nothing to write to my Lord ('tis there used of the Roman Concerning Eniperour) & to Minifters,as to St. Paul and Silas in this Text. titles of ho- And in the Old Teftament of the Tranflation of the seventy, nour given to tis given to Eli by Hannah, Sam Jon, blow Por not omy Chrift an BiLard, And to Elijah by Obadiah, Thing. 18. 7. Figu fhops before Hriks, or art thou my Lird Elijah, who incolti e tly owls APapal parab, 762 Fe tion, read Bp. Fab, by that title V. 8. To us? 12 wei, or go tell By Lord &c. Downhams But waying thefe and all other, both Old and New Tetament defence, lib. inftances, we fhall cor fine our obferva Thall cor fine our obferva jon frictly to this title 6. Lon- given by the Goaler to St. Paul, and Silat ; which'fhough it had proceeded from the cultom of the place or the urbanity of have or at least St Luke fhould have entered their differt, or his centre of their confent to receive it, if fuch Honorick tiles Fad been fimply, and abfolutely inconfiftent with their Minifterial vocation. But none of thefe are done, the title ftands fair upon the holy Record, as due unto, and deferved by the Apoftles.

don. 1611.


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the Speaker;,the Apoftles ought to for the urlanir of

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