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APPENDIX. ground allotted for fugar, to provifions; as thefe feed his negroes better than any dry or other provifions imported: but in islands fubject to droughts, I do not think the planter can, without materially lefening his crop of fugar, give up any portion of ground to provifions."-Thus far Mr. Botham.

A modificati

773. The grand principle of the foregoing plan, is the direct and immediate inon of Mr. B's tereft with which it animates every individual, concerned in it's execution. This plan. principle being frictly adhered to, the adaptation of the plan itfelf to local circumftances, indeed, must be left to thofe who are beft acquainted with thofe circumflances. This fuppofes fome little modifications which will always be found neceffary in reducing to practice any general fyftem. It is with great diffidence, that I would venture to mention any specific deviation, from a plan proposed by a gentleman who has fo fully experienced it's practical utility. But it feems worthy of confideration, Whether the colonists and the natives, at S. Leona, might not be still more interested in the produce, if they were encouraged to cultivate the sugar-cane on their own lands; and, as their property may not at first be very adequate to the erection of such expensive buildings as mills, boiling-houses, curing-houses and stillhouses; Whether the Company might not build those works in convenient situations, to take off the crops of all the little furrounding planters, they paying the Company a certain proportion of the produce*. This mode is now occafionally practifed in Barbadoes, by a few of the fmall proprietors, whofe places, as they are called, are fufficiently near to fugar-works.—I am aware, however, of some objections to the general adoption of this modification of the Batavian plan. The first is, The difficulty of fettling, among feveral independent proprietors, the quantity of canes to be planted by each; so that the whole fhall not exceed that quantity which the works are calculated to take off and manufacture, in due time; for canes are always damaged, and fometimes almost wholly loft, being left too long flanding in the field. But the quantity of canes to be planted, might be previously agreed upon by the planters themselves, in proportion to the cane-land poffeffed by each. The fecond objection is, that, as each of the planters will have a series of cane-fields, of the fame ages respectively, and which ought to be cut at or near the same time, fome differences might arife as to their turns at the mill, &c t. But all fuch equal pretenfions are very easily determined by lot. The Third, is the difficulty or trouble,

Whether cattle-mills, wind-mills, or water-mills fhall be used, will of course, depend on fituation, and other circumstances.

+ The canes in the fame tract, are planted at or about the falling of good showers of rain, which, in most of the fugar islands, are very unequal and partial. But many eftates in St. Domingo and fome in Jamaica have been watered, with very great advantage, from the neighbouring rivers'; and fuch eftates may thus be faid, in fome measure, to have the feafons at their command. Long's Hift. Vol. I. p. 454 and Vol. II. p. 156.—A gentleman lately sent out a fire-engine to his eftate, with a great length of leathern pipe, to be used in watering the cane-fields from an adjoining brook. I have not


trouble, of keeping the produce of three, four or more planters diftin&t and fepa- APPENDIX. rate. But this might, perhaps, be obviated, by marking the pots, jars and hogfheads of each individual, as the facks are at many corn-mills in Europe. If thefe objections, however, and others which may occur, fhould prove too strong for this modification of the plan described by Mr. Botham, I fhall readily give it up. My only view in propofing it is to increase the labourer's interest in the quantity and quality of the produce, the true principle of all natural and useful cultivation in every part of the world.

British modes fugar plantaof establishing tions.

774. The gradual and cautious introduction of the fugar-cane, above recom- French and mended, was fuggefted by the fuccefs with which that mode was actually attended in the French fugar islands, and the evil confequences of the contrary practice in the British. The fugar colonies of the latter were in general eftablished by large capitals, abstracted from the agriculture, manufactures and commerce of the mother country; and thus the growth of the fugar-cane in the British islands was forced, like that of exotics in a hot-bed. The French planters, on the other hand, whofe merchants could not, or, under their old Government, would not, furnish their planters with extenfive credit, were obliged to depend for fuccefs, ina great measure, on their own industry and frugality. The confequences were precisely such as might have been expected. The English planter was a great man, distinguished by the fplendor of his living, and the magnitude of his debts, as much as by the extent of his apparent property. The French planter was more like an economical husbandman, whose savings in good years not only enabled him to keep his ground in bad years, without running into debt, but also to make gradual additions to his productive property. He began with the affiftance of his wife and children, and perhaps one or two negroes, to plant provifions with his own hands. He proceeded next to coffee, cotton, &c. and, taking the utmost care of his negroes and cattle, in process of time, he found himself able to erect a small sugar-work and to plant a few canes; and fuch has been the foundation of very many of the most flourishing eftates in the French islands, and even of some in the British. It may be faid, that their Government gave them their lands gratis, and favoured them in other refpects; whereas the English planters generally bought their lands, in one fhape or another, and in fome instances at a confiderable price, and were not fo much indulged by their Government. But the compleat monopoly of the British market is alone to be confidered as an advantage more than equivalent to all the indulgences enjoyed by the French*. -From these facts it appears, that the returns of the British sugar colonies are to be viewed, in a great measure, as intereft of the capitals which, as it has turned learnt that it was much used for the direct purpose for which it was fent; but it was found so useful in watering the dung-heaps, on the fields, that, in one year, it more than faved it's price. * It is computed that, in proportion to the population, thrice as much fugar is confumed in Great Britain and Ireland as in France.- -See § 180, note.

APPENDIX. Out, have been unprofitably vefted in them*; and that a great part of the French re turns are fo much fair gain to that nation. From the fame causes, the French planters were enabled to underfell the British, by no lefs than 25 per cent at the European market. Hence alfo the French negroes were not fo hard pushed, were more civilized, and in all respects better treated than the British; a circumftance, however, to be partly afcribed to the vigour and vigilance of the old French Government. But what I chiefly with the reader to obferve, is the ftriking fimiliarity between the fyftem unfortunately adopted by the English, in the establishment of their sugar colonies, and that which is now under trial (for I trust it will never be finally adopted) at S. Leona; and between the French fyftem and the natural and humane one which I have ventured to recommend +.

*Very few fugar eftates, when loaded with a very heavy debt, have been known to get rid of fuch debt, or to pay more than the intereft of 6 per cent on the money lent them, and many do not pay 4 per cent, for the money laid out. Many proprietors have been obliged to abandon their eftates, after having been at a great expenfe, in the purchase thereof, stocking it and erecting buildings thereon.” Anf. to the 53d. qu. in the Privy Council's Report by Governor Matthew of Grenada. The Jamaica planters make not more, on an average, than 4 per cent on their capital, and of course many not fo much. Id. Part V.

For the above facts, relative to the French and English fugar colonies, fee the Anf. of Gov. Matthew of Grenada and Gov. Seton of St. Vincent to the 1, 2, 3 and 4 qu. in Part V. of the Privy Council's Report; the Inspector General, Mr. Irving's Evid. before the Com. of the H. of Commons, and alfo that of Mr. Greg.

The above being merely an outline of tropical cultivation, it is hoped the reader will not pass fentence on it, till he has informed himself fully, and has carefully weighed all that he will find on the fubject, in the P. Coun. Report, Min. of Evid. Le Poivre, D'Auberteuil, Long, Beckford, Edwards, &c.-To fhow that I am not unreasonably jealous of the introduction of W. Indians and their maxims, into any African colony, I muft intreat the reader's attention, to the following proposed addition to the flave-law of Jamaica, published in the Cornwall Chronicle of that Island, of Dec. 29th, 1787.—— "Whereas the extreme cruelties and inhumanity of the MANAGERS, OVERSEERS and BOOKKEEPERS of eltates, have frequently driven llaves into the woods, and occasioned rebellions, &c. And whereas alto it frequently happens, that flaves come to their deaths by hafty and fevere blows, and other improper treatment of OVERSEERS and BOOK-KEEPERS, in the heat of paffion; and, when fuch accidents do happen, the victims are entered on the plantation-books, as having died of convulfions, fits, and other caufes not to be accounted for; and to conceal the real truth of the cause of the death of fuch flave or flaves, he or they is or are immediately put under ground." &c.-The humane and fpirited Mr. Gray of Ja maica, who introduced this claufe into the Affembly, premifed that, to his own certain knowledge, very unnatural punishments were often inflicted on negroes." (See feveral fimilar proofs in Preface to Abit. Min. Evid.)——In St. Kitt's, when tarving lives are killed and put under ground, in ftealing sugar canes and provifions, it is familiarly called "bling" them.In Barbadoes "an unlimited power of maiming or killing negroes, is frequently exercifed by WHITE SERVANTS;" and the murder of a lave "is fcarcely noticed any more than the death of a cow or horfe." Supp. to P. Coun. Rep. p. 24, 35. In Jamaica, Grenada, and Dominica, laws have been made to check fuch enormities. But under all thote mock ftatutes, framed as they are by planters, against planters, and administered by planters, the evidence of negroes and their defcendants, free or flaves, is not, in any shape, admitted against white perfons, in criminal cafes.- —At S. Leona, the rights of witneffes and jurors are exercifed by black men. (378.) But, even there, if W. Indians, inveterately prejudiced as they generally are, were to be allowed to preside as judges, I should have very great doubts as to the impartial administration of juftice, between whites and blacks. In England itself, juries have formerly been fent to prifon, till they brought in verdicts agreeable to the judges.


NOTE X. 2. See § 441 to 451 inclufive.

775. The statement of the original condition and fubfequent viciffitudes of the Nova Scotians, and the reafonings upon them, appear to me to place the candour and abilities of the Directors in a very amiable and refpectable point of view. Several eminent philofophers have indeed reasoned admirably on the moral and focial effects of flavery; while others might be named, who, I will venture to say, have failed egregiously on that difficult fubje&t*. But I know of no author who has had occafion to estimate the combined effects of slavery, irregular warfare, an emigration, fcarcely distinguishable from exile, and a second emigration attended with great fickness and hardships, on the general character of a body of predial flaves, who had emancipated themselves. This fingular and complicated case was reserved for the Directors of the S. Leona Company; and, in my opinion, they have treated it in a manner which would do credit to the first philofophers of the age.


Character of fairly stated.

the N. Scotians

But their fhould be in

claims, &c.

776. It appears to me, however, that the reports now in general circulation, respecting the diffatisfaction of the N. Scotians, from not having yet obtained thofe lots of cultivable land which were promised them, and which would have changed veftigated. the principle of their exertions from lifeless, drowsy day-labour, to the improvement of their own property, in order to procure neceffaries and luxuries-these reports, I fay, appear, in my humble opinion, to deserve, in every point of view, a very ferious confideration. And, as the accounts of the local and actual condition of the colony, feem to have come to the knowledge of the Directors chiefly through the medium of servants appointed by themselves, and to the knowledge of the subfcribers only through the medium of the Directors, it appears to me that this truly delicate fubject should be investigated by a certain number of commiffioners, one half chosen and sent out by the subscribers at large, to be joined on the spot, by the other half fairly chofen by the N. Scotians themselves. Thefe commiffioners haying chofen a prefident and agreed upon their rules, fhould have power to enquire fully into the conduct of the Company's fervants, on the one hand, and the con-duct and claims of the N. Scotians, on the other, and to establish fuch temporary or permanent regulations, as they should find expedient.

777. The conveying a body of people to the colony, without having framed

In the Elem. of Moral Science, lately published, (in 2 large Vols. 8vo.) but which I have not yet had an opportunity of perufing, I am told, the worthy, ingenious and learned author, Dr. Beattie, hath obliged the world with a pretty full abstract of the doctrines refpecting flavery and it's effects, which he has, for thirty years, been teaching in the clafs of Moral Philofophy, in the Marischal College of Aberdeen.

Mr. Dickfon has given a few hints refpecting the fervitude of the Ifraelites in Egypt, and their glorious emancipation, which, on several important accounts, feem to deferve to be profecuted by fome perfon of learning and leisure. Letters on Slavery p. 139, 158, 178.

[blocks in formation]

APPENDIX. houses on the spot, ready to be fet up, the moment they landed, appears to me to have been an error of the fame kind, as fending out an apparatus for the manufacture of fugar before houses had been built, lands had been cleared, or provifions had been raised, either for man or beaft.

Canvas houfes foon decayed.

merit and fer


NOTE Y. 1. See 430.

778. Four patent houses, or rather tents, covered with oil-cloth, made at Knightsbridge, were fent out to the colony. But, though well adapted for temporary shelter in Europe, they neither flood the fun nor the rains at S. Leona; and went fo foon to deftruction, that the Directors very properly refolved to fend out no more of thofe tabernacles.-The best house, hitherto erected in the colony, is, or rather was, that of the governor, the structure of which, I have been told, approached nearly to that represented in Plate I. Fig. B. This and all the other principal houses, the Company and the colony owed to the ingenuity and exertion Mr. Dubois's of Mr. Dubois.-Having mentioned this gentleman's name, I cannot but add, that this was far from being the only fervice which he rendered to the colony. He had spent the greater part of his life in hot and unhealthful climates, and had acquired every kind of knowledge and experience, neceffary to preferve health and life in fimilar fituations. In particular, such had been his attention to medicine, that he brought 500 of the colonifts through the country fever, with the lofs of only one patient a degree of fuccefs which few profeffional men can boaft, and which, I will venture to say, never distinguished the commencement of the practise of any European physician, in a tropical climate. Having been born and bred in the fame part of America with most of the Nova Scotians, and having perfonally known. feveral of them from his infancy, having accompanied them in their warfare, and in their emigration to N. Scotia, and thence to S. Leona, it cannot appear wonderful that he fhould poffefs confiderable influence among them. As he does not appear to have used this influence with any private or perfonal views, it is to be regretted, that the colony has been deprived of the fervices of a man who fo entirely poffeffed the refpect and confidence of the greater part of the inhabitants, and was fo well qualified and disposed to promote their happiness.

Oracle near
C. Palmas.

NOTE Y. 2. §510.

779. The late Capt. R. Norris, of Liverpool, among other curious particulars inferted in this Appendix, told me, that at Cavally, not far from C. Palmas, there is an oracle in which the fuperftitious natives implicitly confide. It returns anfwers in all the languages of the country, and attracts many negroes to the coaft from different

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