Bulletin (Östasiatiska Samlingarna (Stockholm, Sweden))The Museum, 1960 - China "Bibliography of publications based upon collections made with the support of the Swedish China research committee, by Fr. E. Åhlander": Bulletin no. 1, p. 185-191. |
From inside the book
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Page 4
... nan , 1820 , individuals 47. The communist census of Ho - nan , 1982 , individuals 48. The Ch'ing census of Shan - hsi , c.1820's , individuals 49. The communist census of Shan - hsi , 1982 , individuals 50. The Ch'ing census of Shensi ...
... nan , 1820 , individuals 47. The communist census of Ho - nan , 1982 , individuals 48. The Ch'ing census of Shan - hsi , c.1820's , individuals 49. The communist census of Shan - hsi , 1982 , individuals 50. The Ch'ing census of Shensi ...
Page 92
... Ho - nan 314,785 1,891,087 6.0 330,294 2,106,991 6.4 Shan - tung 752,365 5,196,715 6.9 720,282 5,672,543 7.9 Shan - hsi 596,240 4,030,454 6.8 593,065 4,413,437 7.4 Shensi 285,355 2,155,001 7.6 294,503 2,489,805 8.5 Che - chiang ...
... Ho - nan 314,785 1,891,087 6.0 330,294 2,106,991 6.4 Shan - tung 752,365 5,196,715 6.9 720,282 5,672,543 7.9 Shan - hsi 596,240 4,030,454 6.8 593,065 4,413,437 7.4 Shensi 285,355 2,155,001 7.6 294,503 2,489,805 8.5 Che - chiang ...
Page 138
... Ho - nan , Shan - tung , Kuang - hsi , Yün - nan , and Kuei - chou are too low . These are the population figures of 1953 : 272 ) Liao - ning 18,545,147 Chi - lin 11,290,073 Hei -. Chiang - su 41,252,192 Che - chiang 22,865,747 An ...
... Ho - nan , Shan - tung , Kuang - hsi , Yün - nan , and Kuei - chou are too low . These are the population figures of 1953 : 272 ) Liao - ning 18,545,147 Chi - lin 11,290,073 Hei -. Chiang - su 41,252,192 Che - chiang 22,865,747 An ...
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5.3 Ming shih-lu An-hui Ch'ing census Ch'ing map Ch'ing yi-t'ung-chih Che-chiang Chi-lin Chiang-hsi Chiang-su Chih-li Chin Chinese Chiu T'ang shu chou chih chou is listed chüan chün Chung-kuo shih-yeh chih Commanderies Subcommanderies Prefectures communist census copying errors dittography dots dynasty emended figures missing fu chih Fu-chien gives subtotals Graph Guest Households Ho-nan Hou Han shu household figures Households Individuals Hsien-tsung Hsin T'ang shu Hsü tzu-chih t'ung-chien Hu-pei Jurchen k'ai-yüan Kan-su KM Map Kuang-hsi Kuang-tung Kuei-chou m/h value Master Households mid-Ch'ing national totals number of households population figures prefectures for 742 provincial returns records reporting Year Commanderies returns and national Shan-hsi Shan-tung Shensi shih-huo shih-yeh chih no.5 Subunits reporting Sung hui-yao Sung shih supra t'ung-chih Tang totals of individuals Tung-hua lu Tung-tien tzu-chih t'ung-chien ch'ang-pien Wang Wang Mang Wei River Wen chou wen-hsien t'ung-k'ao Wu-tsung Yellow Register archival Ying-tsung Yüan shih Yüan-feng chiu-yü chih Yüan-ho chün-hsien t'u-chih Yün-nan