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and then, from every creek along the shore, as far as the eye could reach, the black forms of the fishermen's boats shot out swift and stealthy into the shining sea.

worshipping alike to the overthrow of their worldly interests, and at the imminent peril of their lives. How brightly and tenderly the moonlight shone upon the altar and the people before it!-how solemnly and divinely the deep harmonies, as they chanted the penitential Psalms, mingled with the hoarse singing of the freshening night-breeze in the rigging of the ship!-how sweetly the still, rushing murmur of many voices, as they uttered the responses together, now died away and now rose again softly into the mysterious night!

Of all the members of the congregation — young or old there was but one over whom that impressive service exercised no influence

By the time the boats had arrived alongside of the ship, the lamp had been kindled before the altar, aud its flame was gleaming red and dull in the radiant moonlight. Two of the priests on board were clothed in their robes of office, and were waiting in their appointed places to begin the service. But there was a third, dressed only in the ordinary attire of his calling, who mingled with the congregation, and spoke a few words to each of the persons composing it, as, one by one, they mounted the sides of the ship. Those who had never seen him before knew by the famous of consolation or of peace; that one was Gabriivory crucifix in his hand that the priest who received them was Father Paul. Gabriel looked at this man, whom he now beheld for the first time, with a mixture of astonishment and awe; for he saw that the renowned chief of the Christians of Brittany was, to all appearance, but little older than himself. The expression on the pale calm face of the priest was so gentle and kind, that children just able to walk tottered up to him, and held familiarly by the skirts of his black gown, whenever his clear blue eyes rested on theirs, while he beckoned them to his side. No one would ever have guessed from the countenance of Father Paul what deadly perils he had confronted, but for the scar of a sabre-wound, as yet hardly healed, which ran across his forehead. That wound had been dealt while he was kneeling before the altar, in the last church in Brittany which had escaped spoliation. He would have died where he knelt, but for the peasants who were praying with him, and who, unarmed as they were, threw themselves like tigers on the soldiery, and at awful sacrifice of their own lives saved the life of their priest. There was not a man now on board the ship who would have hesitated, had the occasion called for it again, to have rescued him in the same way.

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el. Often, throughout the day, his reproaching conscience had spoken within him again and again. Often, when he joined the little assembly on the beach, he turned away his face in secret shame and apprehension from Rose and her father. Vainly, after gaining the deck of the ship, did he try to meet the eye of Father Paul as frankly, as readily, and as affectionately as others met it. The burden of concealment seemed too heavy to be borne in the presence of the priest and yet, torment as it was, he still bore it! But when he knelt with the rest of the congregation and saw Rose kneeling by his side when he felt the calmness of the solemn night and the still sea filling his heart when the sounds of the first prayers spoke with a dread spiritual language of their own to his soul-then, the remembrance of the confession which he had neglected, and the terror of receiving unprepared the sacrament which he knew would be offered to him- -grew too vivid to be endured; the sense that he merited no longer, though once worthy of it, the confidence in his perfect truth and candor placed in him by the woman with whom he was soon to stand before the altar, overwhelmed him with shame; the mere act of kneeling among that congregation, the passive accomplice by his The service began. Since the days when silence and secresy, for aught he knew to the the primitive Christians worshipped amid the contrary, of a crime which it was his bounden caverns of the earth, can any service be duty to denounce, appalled him as if he had imagined nobler in itself, or sublimer in the already committed sacrilege that could never circumstances surrounding it, than that which be forgiven. Tears flowed down his cheeks, was now offered up? Here was no artificial though he strove to repress them; sobs burst pomp, no gaudy profusion of ornament, no from him, though he tried to stifle them. He attendant grandeur of man's creation. All knew that others besides Rose were looking around this church spread the hushed and at him in astonishinent and alarm; but he awful majesty of the tranquil sea. The roof could neither control himself, nor move to of this cathedral was the immeasurable leave his place, nor raise his eyes even -until heaven, the pure moon its one great light, the suddenly he felt a hand laid on his shoulder. countless glories of the stars its only adorn- That touch, slight as it was, ran through him ment. Here were no hired singers or rich instantly. He looked up, and saw Father priest-princes; no curious sight-seers, or care-Paul standing by his side. less lovers or sweet sounds. This congrega- Beckoning to him to follow, and signing to tion and they who had gathered it together, the congregation not to suspend their devowere all poor alike, all persecuted alike, alltions, he led Gabriel out of the assembly —

then paused for a moment, reflecting then beckoning again, took him into the cabin of the ship, and closed the door carefully.

"You have something on your mind," he said simply and quietly, taking the young man by the hand. may be able to relieve you, if you tell me what it is.."


As Gabriel heard these gentle words, and saw, by the light of a lamp which burnt before a cross fixed against the wall, the sad kindness of expression with which the priest was regarding him, the oppression that had lain so long on his heart seemed to leave it in an instant. The haunting fear of ever divulging his fatal suspicions and his fatal secret had vanished, as it were, at the touch of Father Paul's hand. For the first time, he now repeated to another ear the sounds of prayer and praise rising grandly the while from the congregation above his grandfather's death-bed confession, word for word almost as he heard it in the cottage on the night of the storm.

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and pointed to a scar which was now plainly visible on one side of his throat. He said something, at the same time; but the bell above tolled while he spoke. It was the signal of the elevation of the Host. Gabriel felt an arm passed round him, guiding him to his knees, and sustaining him from sinking to the floor. For one moment longer he was conscious that the bell had stopped, that there was dead silence, that Father Paul was kneeling by him beneath the cross, with bowed head. then all objects around vanished; and he saw and knew nothing more.

When he recovered his senses, he was still in the cabin-the man whose life his father had attempted was bending over him, and sprinkling water on his face-and the clear voices of the women and children of the con

gregation were joining the voices of the men in singing the Agnus Dei.

"Look up at me without fear, Gabriel,” said the priest. "I desire not to avenge injuries; visit not the sins of the father on the child. Look up, and listen! I have strange things to speak of; and I have a sacred mission to fulfil before the morning, in which you must be my guide."

Gabriel obeyed: Father Paul then proceeded thus:

Once, and once only, did Father Paul interrupt the narrative, which in whispers was addressed to him. Gabriel had hardly repeated the first two or three sentences of his grandfather's confession, when the priest, in Gabriel attempted to kneel and kiss his quick altered tones, abruptly asked him his hand, but Father Paul stopped him, and name and place of abode. As the question said, pointing to the cross: "Kneel to thatwas answered, Father Paul's calm face became not to me; not to your fellow-mortal, and suddenly agitated; but the next moment, your friend for I will be your friend, resolutely resuming his self-possession, he Gabriel; believing that God's mercy has bowed his head, as a sign that Gabriel was to ordered it so. And now listen to me," he continue; clasped his trembling hands, and proceeded, with a brotherly tenderness in his raising them as if in silent prayer, fixed his manner which went to Gabriel's heart. The eyes intently on the cross. He never looked service is nearly ended. What I have to tell away from it while the terrible narrative pro- you must be told at once; the errand on ceeded. But when Gabriel described his which you will guide me must be performed search at the Merchant's Table; and, refer- before to-morrow dawns. Sit here near me; ring to his father's behavior since that time, and attend to what I now say." appealed to the priest to know whether he might, even yet, in defiance of appearances, be still filially justified in doubting whether "I believe the confession made to you by the crime had really been perpetrated then your grandfather to have been true in every Father Paul moved near to him once more, particular. On the evening to which he reand spoke again. ferred you, I approached your cottage, as he "Compose yourself, and look at me," he said, for the purpose of asking shelter for the said, with all and more than all his former night. At that period, I had been studying sad kindness of voice and manner. "I can hard to qualify myself for the holy calling end your doubts forever. Gabriel, your which I now pursue; and, on the completion father was guilty in intention and in act; of my studies, had indulged in the recreation but the victim of his crime still lives. I can of a tour on foot through Brittany, by way of prove it." innocently and agreeably occupying the leisure time then at my disposal, before I entered the priesthood. When I accosted your father, I had lost my way, had been walking for many hours, and was glad of any rest that I could get for the night. It is unnecessary to pain you now, by reference to the events which followed my entrance under your father's roof. I remember nothing that happened from the time when I laid down to sleep before the fire, until the time when I re

Gabriel's heart beat wildly; a deadly coldness crept over him, as he saw Father Paul loosen the fastening of his cassock round the throat. At that instant the chanting of the congregation above ceased; and then, the sudden and awful stillness was deepened rather than interrupted by the faint sound of one voice praying. Slowly and with trembling fingers the priest removed the band round his neck-paused a little sighed heavily

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covered my senses at the place which you sacred vocation to which I was destined. But call The Merchant's Table. My first sensa- my miraculous escape from death made an tion was that of being moved into the cold impression on my mind, which gave me air; when I opened my eyes I saw the great another and an infinitely higher view of this Druid stones rising close above me, and two vocation- the view which I have since strivmen on either side of me rifling my pockets. en, and shall always strive for the future, to They found nothing valuable there, and were maintain. As I lay, during the first days of about to leave me where I lay, when I gathered my recovery, examining my own heart, and strength enough to appeal to their mercy considering in what manner it would be my through their cupidity. Money was not duty to act towards your father, when I was scarce with me then, and I was able to offer restored to health, a thought came into my them a rich reward (which they ultimately mind which calmed, comforted, and resolved received as I had promised) if they would all my doubts. I said within myself In a take me to any place where I could get shel- few months more I shall be called to be one ter and medical help. I suppose they in- of the chosen ministers of God. If I am ferred by my language and accent-perhaps worthy of my vocation, my first desire towards also by the linen I wore, which they exam- this man, who has attempted to take my life, ined closely that I belonged to the higher should be, not to know that human justice ranks of the community, in spite of the plain- has overtaken him, but to know that he has ness of my outer garments; and might there- truly and religiously repented and made fore be in a position to make good my promise atonement for his guilt. To such repentance to them. I heard one say to the other, Let and atonement let it be my duty to call him; us risk it; and then they took me in their if he reject that appeal, and be hardened only arms, carried me down to a boat on the beach, the more against me because I have forgiven and rowed to a vessel in the offing. The him my injuries, then it will be time enough next day they disembarked me at Paimboeuf, to denounce him for his crimes to his fellowwhere I got the assistance which I so much men. Surely it must be well for me, here needed. I learnt through the confidence they and hereafter, if I begin my career in the were obliged to place in me, in order to give me the means of sending them their promised reward, that these men were smugglers, and that they were in the habit of using the cavity in which I had been laid, as a place of concealment for goods, and for letters of advice to their accomplices. This accounted for their finding me. As to my wound, I was informed by the surgeon who attended me, that it had missed being inflicted in a mortal part by less than a quarter of an inch, and that, as it was, nothing but the action of the night air in coagulating the blood over the place had, in the first instance, saved my life. To be brief, I recovered after a long illness, returned to Paris, and was called to the priesthood. The will of my superiors obliged me to perform the first duties of my vocation in the great city; but my own wish was to be appointed to a cure of souls in your province, Gabriel. Can you imagine why?"

The answer to this question was in Gabriel's heart; but he was still too deeply awed and affected by what he had heard to give it utterance.

holy priesthood by helping to save from hell the soul of the man who, of all others, has most cruelly wronged me.' It was for this reason, Gabriel - it was because I desired to go straightway to your father's cottage and reclaim him after he had believed me to be dead—that I kept the secret and entreated of my superiors that I might be sent to Brittany. But this, as I have said, was not to be at first, and when my desire was granted, my place was assigned me in a far district. The persecution under which we still suffer broke out; the designs of my life were changed; my own will became no longer mine to guide me. But, through sorrow and suffering, and danger and bloodshed, I am now led after many days to the execution of that first purpose which I formed on entering the priesthood. Gabriel! when the service is over, and the congregation are dispersed, you must guide me to the door your father's cottage.


He held up his hand, in sign of silence, as Gabriel was about to answer. Just then, the officiating priests above were pronouncing the final benediction. When it was over, Father "I must tell you then what my motive Paul opened the cabin-door. As he ascended was," said Father Paul. "You must know, the steps, followed by Gabriel, Père Bonan first, that I uniformly abstained from dis-met them. The old man looked doubtfully closing to any one where and by whom my life and searchingly on his future son-in-law, as had been attempted. I kept this a secret he respectfully whispered a few words in the from the men who rescued me from the sur-ear of the priest. Father Paul listened attengeon from my own friends even. My reason for such a proceeding was, I would fain believe, a Christian reason. I hope I had always felt a sincere and humble desire to prove myself, by the help of God, worthy of the

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tively, answered in a whisper, and then turned to Gabriel, first telling the few people near them to withdraw a little. I have been asked whether there is any impediment to your marriage," he said, "and have answered

that there is none. What you have said to me has been said in confession, and is a secret between us two. Remember that; and forget not, at the same time, the service which I shall require of you to-night, after the marriage ceremony is over. Where is Rose Bonan?" he added aloud, looking round him. Rose came forward. Father Paul took her hand, and placed it in Gabriel's. "Lead her to the altar steps," he said, "and wait there for me."

but without quivering; his eyes glared, but without moving in their orbits. The lovely moonlight itself looked ghastly and horrible, shining on the supernatural panic-deformity of that face! Gabriel turned away his head in terror. He heard the voice of Father Paul saying to him: "Wait here till I come back ;" then there was an instant of silence again - then a low groaning sound, that seemed to articulate the name of God; a sound unlike his father's voice, unlike any human voice he had ever heard and then the noise of a closing door. He looked up, and saw that he was standing alone before the cottage. Once, after an interval, he approached the window. He just saw through it the hand of the priest holding on high the ivory crucifix; but stopped not to see more, for he heard such words, such sounds, as drove him back

It was more than an hour later; the boats had left the ship's side; the congregation had dispersed over the face of the country- but still the vessel remained at anchor. Those who were left in her watched the land more anxiously than usual; for they knew that Father Paul had risked meeting the soldiers of the republic by trusting himself on shore. A boat was awaiting his return on the to his former place. There he stayed, until beach; half of the crew, armed, being posted as scouts in various directions on the high land of the heath. They would have followed and guarded the priest to the place of his destination; but he forbade it, and, leaving them abruptly, walked swiftly onward with one young man only for his companion.

Gabriel had committed his brother and his sisters to the charge of Rose. They were to go to the farm-house that night with his newly-married wife and her father and mother. Father Paul had desired that this might be done. When Gabriel and he were left alone to follow the path which led to the fisherman's cottage, the priest never spoke while they walked on- never looked aside either to the right or the left-always held his ivory crucifix clasped to his breast. They arrived at the door. 66 Knock," whispered Father Paul to Gabriel," and then wait here with me."

the noise of something falling heavily within
the cottage, struck on his ear. Again he
advanced towards the door; heard Father
Paul praying; listened for several minutes;
then heard a moaning voice, now joining
itself to the voice of the priest, now choked
in sobs and bitter wailing. Once more he
went back out of hearing, and stirred not
again from his place. He waited a long and
a weary time there so long that one of the
scouts on the look-out came towards him,
evidently suspicious of the delay in the
priest's return. He waved the man back,
and then looked again towards the door.
last, he saw it open -saw Father Paul ap-
proach him, leading François Sarzeau by the



The fisherman never raised his downcast eyes to his son's face; tears trickled silently over his cheeks; he followed the hand that lep him, as a little child might have followed The door was opened. On a lovely moon- it, listening anxiously and humbly at the light night François Sarzeau had stood on priest's side to every word that he spoke. that threshold, years since, with a bleeding Gabriel," said Father Paul, in a voice body in his arms; on a lovely moonlight which trembled a little, for the first time that night, he now stood here again, confronting night- Gabriel, it has pleased God to the very man whose life he had attempted, grant the perfect fulfilment of the purpose and knowing him not. which brought me to this place; I tell you this, as all that you need- -as all, I believe, that you would wish- to know of what has passed while you have been left waiting for me here. Such words as I have now to speak to you are spoken by your father's earnest desire. It is his own wish that I should communicate to you his confession of having secretly followed you to The Merchant's Table, and of having discovered (as you discovered) that no evidence of his guilt remained there. This admission he thinks will be enough to account for his conduct towards yourself from that time to this. I have next to tell you (also at your father's desire) that he has promised in my presence, and now promises again in yours, sincerity of repentance in this

Father Paul advanced a few spaces, so that the moonlight fell fuller on his features, and removed his hat. François Sarzeau looked, started, moved one step back, then stood motionless and perfectly silent while all traces of expression of any kind suddenly vanished from his face. Then the calm, clear tones of the priest stole gently on the dead silence. "I bring a message of peace and forgiveness from a guest of former years," he said; and pointed, as he spoke, to the place where he had been wounded in the neck. For one moment, Gabriel saw his father trembling violently from head to foot then his limbs steadied again-stiffened suddenly, as if struck by catalepsy. His lips parted,



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When the persecution of our re- | single cross. No one ever heard him complain, ligion has ceased -as cease it will, and that ever saw him impatient, ever detected him in speedily, be assured of it!he solemnly faltering at his task. The shelter in an outpledges himself henceforth to devote his life, house, the crust of bread and drink of water, his strength, and what worldly possessions he which he could always get from the peasantry, may have, or may acquire, to the task of re- seemed to suffice him. Among the people erecting and restoring the roadside crosses who watched his perseverance, a belief began which have been sacrilegiously overthrown to gain ground that his life would be miracuand destroyed in his native province, and to lously prolonged until he had completed his doing good, good where he may. I have undertaking from one end of Brittany to the now said all that is required of me, and may other. But this was not to be. He was seen bid you farewell-bearing with me the one cold autumn evening, silently and steadily happy remembrance that I have left a father at work as usual, setting up a new cross on and son reconciled and restored to each other. the site of one which had been shattered to May God bless and prosper you, and those splinters in the troubled times. In the morndear to you, Gabriel! May God accept your ing he was found lying dead beneath the sacred father's repentance, and bless him also symbol which his own hands had completed throughout his future life!" and erected in its place during the night. They buried him where he lay; and the priest who consecrated the ground allowed Gabriel to engrave his father's epitaph in the wood of the cross. It was simply the initial letters of the dead man's name, followed by this inscription -"Pray for the repose of his soul; he died penitent, and the doer of good works."

He took their hands pressed them long and warmly, then turned and walked quickly down the path which led to the beach. Gabriel dared not trust himself yet to speak; but he raised his arm, and put it gently round his father's neck. The two stood together so, looking out dimly through the tears that filled their eyes, to the sea. They saw the boat put off in the bright track of the moonlight, and reach the vessel's side; they watched the spreading of the sails, and followed the slow course of the ship till she disappeared past a distant headland from sight. After that, they went into the cottage together. They knew it not then; but they had seen the last, in this world, of Father Paul.

Once, and once only, did Gabriel hear anything of Father Paul. The good priest showed, by writing to the farm-house, that he had not forgotten the family so largely indebted to him for their happiness. The letter was dated


Father Paul said, that such services as he had been permitted to render to the Church in Brittany, had obtained for him a new and a far more glorious trust than any he had yet held. He had been recalled from The events foretold by the good priest hap- his curacy, and appointed to be at the head pened sooner than even he had anticipated. of a mission which was shortly to be deA new government ruled the destinies of spatched to convert the inhabitants of a savage France, and the persecution ceased in Brittany. and a far distant land to the Christian faith. Among other propositions which were then He now wrote, as his brethren with him were submitted to the parliament, was one advocat-writing, to take leave of all friends forever in ing the restoration of the roadside crosses throughout the province. It was found, however, on inquiry, that these crosses were to be counted by thousands, and that the mere cost of the wood required to reerect them necessitated an expenditure of money which the bankrupt nation could ill afford to spare. While this project was under discussion, and before it was finally rejected, one man had undertaken the task which the government shrank from attempting. When Gabriel left the cottage, taking his brother and sisters to live with his wife and himself at the farm-house, François Sarzeau left it also, to perform in highway and byway his promise to Father Paul. For months and months he labored without intermission at his task; still, always doing good, and rendering help and kindness and true charity to all whom he could serve. He walked many a weary mile, toiled through many a hard day's work, humbled himself even to beg of others, to get wood enough to restore a

this world, before setting out for it was well known to the chosen persons entrusted with the new mission, that they could only hope to advance its object by cheerfully risking their own lives for the sake of their religion. He gave his blessing to François Sarzeau, to Gabriel, and to his family; and bade them affectionately farewell for the last time. There was a postscript in the letter, which was addressed to Rose, and which she often read afterwards with tearful eyes. The writer begged that, if she should have any children, she would show her friendly and Christian remembrance of him by teaching them to pray (as he hoped she herself would pray) that a blessing might attend Father Paul's labors in the distant land. The priest's loving petition was never forgotten. When Rose taught its first prayer to her first child, the little creature was instructed to end the few simple words pronounced at its mother's knees, with :- God bless Father Paul!''

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