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upon Abd-el-Kader in person, by whom he was attacked whilst crossing the Sikhah. On this occasion, it should be remembered, to General Bugead's honor, the first successful attempt was made to prevent the native auxiliaries of the French, the Zouaves and Spahis, from decapitating the prisoners that fell within their power. General Bugeaud was quick enough to save the lives of thirty of them; and he interdicted, under no less a penalty than death to the offender, such practices in future. General Cavaignac was relieved, and Bugeaud returned to France —a lieutenantgeneral.

General Danrémont obtained the African command; and as it was deemed imperatively necessary to efface the failure before Constantina by the capture of that city, preparations, civil as well as military, were diligently set on foot, which once matured, would leave no doubt of triumph. The expeditionary army was to be composed of between 20,000 and 30,000 men; but even that amount of force might prove inadequate while Abd-el-Kader's numerous and daring, and, though frequently defeated, still formidable forces, ranged the open country. Divide et impera is a maxim seldom lost sight of by civilized ministries; and in this crisis of Algerian affairs, it was acted upon with great success by the cabinet of Paris. General Bugeaud, who had already made himself respected by Abd-el-Kader, was despatched to Africa with orders to arrange a truce with the emir-peace was the word used-upon any terms short of the surrender of the sea-line cities in the actual possession of France. This was the turning-point in the emir's career, and it argues ill for his patriotism, worse for his sagacity, that he permitted a personal repugnance to the Turkish Bey of Constantina, and a revengeful longing to punish the Arab tribes that had refused him tribute, and defied his authority, to seduce him into making peace with the French invader at the very and only moment his hostility might have been effective. General Bugeaud, escorted by 10,000 men, met the emir on the banks of the Tafna, where a treaty of peace (May 30, 1837) was speedily agreed upon between the high contracting parties. The terms, readily consented to by the French envoy, were such as could only have been dictated by the emir if a conqueror, holding the very existence of France, in Algeria, in his hands. This alone, did he possess the clear intellect imputed to him by generous natures, prone to magnify into greatness the most ordinary qualities of those who, after bravely combating, fail in a just cause, should have sufficed to reveal the artifice employed against him. He was not only reconfirmed Emir of Mascara, but created Emir of Titteri. Tlemecen and Medeyah were surrendered to him, and his boundary

was to be the ridge of the Northern Atlas! In fact, France merely affected to retain Algiers, Mostaganem, Oran, Bona, and other sea-stations, whilst preparing to march inland to Constantina! The treaty was signed; General Bugeaud returned in triumph to Paris; Abd-el-Kader commenced his prepurations for the punishment of the refractory Arabs; and General Danrémont, accompanied by the Duc de Nemours, marched with the assured step of a conqueror upon Constantina. The garrison of Turks and Kabyles again offered a stout resistance, but not with the same good-fortune as before. General Danrémont was killed by a cannon-ball whilst speaking to the Duc de Nemours; and the direction of the siege devolved upon General Vallée. Finally, the city was stormed, and after a deadly struggle, continued from the breach along the narrow streets, captured; and the Duc de Nemours took up his residence in the palace of the bey, who had escaped to Tunis.

Abd-el-Kader, on his part, was equally successful. The defection from his authority had been extensive. His uncle, Sidi Aby Ben Taleb, not only disputed his descent from the Prophet, and miraculous gifts, which, considering that he, Sidi Aby Ben Taleb, had been one of the family-council, is not so surprising, but positively refused to pay his nephew tribute, or, as our accustomed tongues would say, taxes. He thus expressed himself in a letter which subsequently fell into the hands of the French: "Thou wert nothing before the arrival of the army of the French-thou wert nothing before thou madest a peace with those unbelievers. I was greater and holier than thou; and it was in the hope of usurping my authority, O Abd-el-Kader! that thou madest a treaty with the Christians. When thou thoughtest thyself great enough, thou brokest the treaty with the French, and thou wilt that we should acknowledge thee for our sultan. But I have ever been greater and holier than thou, and never will I bow before thee; neither will I pay the tribute which thy horsemen demand in thy name.'

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Bravely as these words sounded, Sidi Aby Ben Taleb was compelled to pay his nephew tribute, and was very glad to be let off with no worse punishment for his contumacy; and after a protracted struggle, the emir succeeded in overcoming all his domestic foes. His chief adversaries were Sidi-el-Aulid, Mustapha Ben Ismäel, and Moressa Ben Kaoui. The first was early slain, the second perished in battle, and Moressa Ben Kaoui was driven into the Desert. This home-campaign employed the emir upwards of a twelvemonth; and it was not till January, 1839, that the Arab and the Frenchman, disembarrassed of other foes, again confronted each other-both with the flush of victory upon their brows, mutually-courteous

words upon their lips, and hate and scorn in | Khami, who, moreover, were furnished with their hearts, ready to leap forth, like their two pieces of cannon-8-pounders. At the swords, at the first favorable opportunity, and first shock, fourteen standards were planted upon the slightest provocation. The emir sent on the wall of the devoted fortress, and, but General Vallée the journal of his recent tri- for the close, rapid, murderous fire of the 10th umphs, compiled by Léon Roche, a young Company, it must have been carried at once. Frenchman, who had acted as his secretary As it was, the fierce billowy sea of Arabs was during the war; and the French general sent hurled back, scattered into spray as from a in return some handsome presents to the emir. rock; and the same fate attended their efforts, The first overt provocation to a renewal of which were incessant during the rest of the hostilities was no doubt given on this occasion night, the following day, and night again. by the French. In May, 1839, the Duke of Colonel Dubuessil, who commanded at MosOrleans arrived in Algeria, visited Constantina taganem, continued not only unaccountably surrounded by a brilliant cortége, and after blind to the near presence of 15,000 cavalry, distributing a profusion of decorations amongst but to the incessant roar of the cannon, and the leading Moors, marched with ostentatious the interminable flashes of musketry; whilst triumph through the Biban and the Iron Gates the continuity of the attack, as well as how — a remarkable and lofty pass in the central thoroughly the post was encircled, is made Atlas chain — and, disdainful alike of license evident by the fact, that it was impossible to or apology, through the territory of the Emir send a messenger to Mostaganem, to warn the of Titteri and the Col de Teneah, back to supine French commander of the peril of his Algiers. Abd-el-Kader's preparations were countrymen. One apprehension alone dis not yet complete, and he simply protested quieted Captain Le Lièvre - would his ammuagainst the violation of his territory by his nition last till either the garrison were relieved, highness of Orleans. This was laughed at- or the Arabs driven off! During a brief innot so the second holy war proclaimed by terval of quiet, the cartridges that remained Abd-el-Kader in the following October, the were counted, and Captain Le Lièvre addressed first huge wave of which, as in 1833, swept his soldiers in the following words: the open country with resistless violence. The "Frenchmen, comrades, friends! there are unfortunate cultivators of the Metidjah were only ten thousand cartridges left. I propose sabred, and their dwellings given to the flames, continuing the defence till they are exhausted. and many isolated detachments of French I shall then fire the barrel of gunpowder in troops were overwhelmed and destroyed; but, the magazine, too happy to die for our counas at the former period, steady bravery and try. Vive la France!" discipline gradually prevailed against the fluctuating impulses of fanatical enthusiasm; and the Kabyles and Arabs were driven back to the fastnesses of the Atlas, where, during three years, a war of razzias and guerilla adventure raged with varying fortune but equal ferocity on both sides.

"Vive la France!" echoed the excited soldiers, with wild enthusiasm, and, rushing back to the walls, reopened their terrific fire upon the astounded assailants, scarcely a bullet sent amongst whom, from their crowded numbers, failing of its aim; the slaughter amongst them may therefore be approximately estimated by the number of used-up cartridges. Two more days and nights the desperate contest continued, when, and not an hour too soon, for the cartridges were almost exhausted, Dubuessil heard in some way of what was going on at Mazagran, marched to its relief, and the surviving Arabs fled!

It was soon after the commencement of this second holy war, that the brilliant affair of Mazagran occurred, which, in the language of the Paris papers, flashed like a gleam of lightning (coup d'éclair) athwart the deep gloom of the African war, and covered Captain Le Lièvre and his heroic companions with imperishable glory. According to the The foregoing is really a cold, weak summary published reports, to which it almost seemed of the details of the extraordinary affair, as there would be no end, Captain Le Lièvre, published in the Moniteur and the noncommanding the 10th Company of the Battal-official Paris papers. Captain Le Lièvre was ion of Africa, numbering 123 young soldiers, made a commandant, and had the cross of the was posted on the 1st of February, 1840, at Legion of Honor conferred upon him. Nothing the small military post of Mazagran, distant else was talked of for many weeks; a huge somewhat less than two leagues by the road mimic Mazagran was got up in the Champs -much less in a direct line - from the gar- Elysées-it was stamped upon paper-hangrison-town of Mostaganem, on the coast. ings, pocket handkerchiefs, painted upon the Mazagran mounted one piece of artillery, a scenes of theatres, engraved in every variety 4-pounder; and, besides a barrel of gunpow- of style; and Mazagran pantaloons, hats, der in the magazine, the garrison had a sup- gloves, shawls, &c., became instantly and ply of 30,000 ball-cartridges. Towards even-universally the vogue. At length it began to ing, on the 1st of February, the post was sud-be whispered, that the officer commanding at denly attacked by 15,000 horsemen under Ben Mostaganem had demanded a court-martial


till he had taken measures for encircling the plain of the Metidjah with a wall, ditch, and chain of block-houses, for the much-needed protection of its still sparsely scattered cultivators nearly one-half of whom, by the way, are Spaniards and Germans.

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either upon himself or Captain Lièvre, no- come to with Great Britain, by which the body knew exactly which, for the Paris retention of Algeria by France was acquiesced papers, like the Moniteur Algérien from the in, upon the agreed condition that the French first, had suddenly become religiously silent dominion should not be extended either east upon the subject. Next it was said, that the or west in other words, that the indepensubscription raised for the widows and or- dence of Morocco and Tunis should be respectphans of the fallen heroes was to be returned ed. The governor-general returned to Paris -not a single soldier of the 10th battalion of soon after his victory of Isly, which made Africa having been either slain or wounded him a peer and marshal of France, but not in the terrible defence of Mazagran! Finally, the London Morning Chronicle boldly proclaimed and challenged the French government, day after day, to contradict its statethat the Mazagran story was a flam, an invention from end to end! Only one Paris newspaper, Le National, reprinted the The star of Abd-el-Kader's military life Chronicle's exposure, evidently derived from had not yet finally set, though obscured by unquestionable authority, and demanded expla- clouds, and rapidly nearing the western nation of the government. The government horizon. The struggle amidst the hills was answered not a word - all allusion to the maintained by his partisans with scarcely subject was dropped by general consent, and abated vigor, even whilst he himself still has not since been revived; Captain La Lièvre lingered at the half-friendly, half-hostile court the while keeping the step in rank he had of Morocco; and it was nothing doubted acquired, his cross, and a handsome sword that the emir would make yet another trial of presented to him by the merchants of Mar- his fortune before abandoning the unequal seille. Who the hoax originated in, it would struggle in despair. There is only one incibe idle to inquire-possibly the government, desirous of relieving the public anxiety relative to the renewed and formidable outbreak in Algeria by a well got-up if somewhat extravagant popular fiction; but whoever its author may be, it offers only a more flagrant proof than others, of the bold impunity with which African army news has been ha bitually got up and seasoned to the palate of the French people. Real fighting, however, if not of the super-humanly heroic Mazagran kind, had begun in serious earnest.

dent in this intermediate, desultory warfare which it is essential to reproduce in these pages, but that one is of so terribly significant a character, that it cannot be omitted in a paper designed to give the reader a true impression of the character of the war in Algeria. We will endeavor to state it without prejudice or exaggeration. On the night of the 12th June, 1845, about three months before Marshal Bugeaud left Algeria, Colonels Pelissier and St. Arnaud, at the head of a considerable force, attempted a razzia upon the General Bugeaud, who had replaced Mar tribe of Ben-Ouled-Riah, numbering, in men, shal Vallée, organized a plan of campaign women, and children, about 700 persons. by movable columns, radiating from Algiers, This was in the Dahrah. The Arabs escaped Oran, and Constantina; and, having 100,000 the first clutch of their pursuers, and when excellent soldiers at his disposal, the results, hard-pressed, as they soon were, took refuge as against the emir, were slowly but surely in the cave of Khartani, which had some effective. General Négrier at Constantina, odor of sanctity about it; some holy man or Changarnier amongst the Hadjouts about maraboot had lived and died there, we beMedeyah and Milianah, Cavaignac and Lamo- lieve. The French troops came up quickly to ricière in Oran, carried out the commander- the entrance, and the Arabs were summoned in-chief's instructions with untiring energy to surrender. They made no reply; possibly and perseverance; and, in the spring of 1843, they did not hear the summons, or perhaps the Duc d'Aumale, in company with General the courage of despair had steeled them to Changarnier, surprised the emir's camp, in await the attack of their foes, however nuthe absence of the greater part of his force, and merous and sure of ultimate victory those it was with difficulty that he himself escaped. foes might be, and endeavor to sell their lives Not long afterwards, he took refuge in as dearly as possible in the holy and vantage Morocco, excited the fanatical passions of the ground they had happily reached. Colonels populace of that empire, and thereby forced Pelissier and St. Arnaud would certainly not its ruler, Mulei-Abd-er-Haman, much against have been justified in sacrificing the lives of his own inclination, into a war with France the soldiers under their command by attempt-a war very speedily terminated by General ing to force a passage through windings and Bugeaud's victory of Isly, with some slight intricacies thronged with armed and desperate assistance from the bombardment of Tangier men; but, as there was no other outlet from and Mogador by the Prince de Joinville. the cave than that by which the Arabs entered, Upon this occasion, an understanding was a few hours' patience must have been re

having seen both the orator and his applauding audience seized and hurried to prison by soldiers whose habits had been contracted in Algeria, acting under the orders of colonel, by that time General, St. Arnaud, and minister of war! A more luminous commentary upon the dangerous unsoundness of Marshal Soult's geographical ethics, and the folly of supposing that, to decorate men for outraging humanity in Africa, is to train them to respect law and right in Europe, could hardly be imagined. We now turn the last page as yet written of Abd-el-Kader's public life. Driven, at the

warded by the unconditional surrender of the imprisoned tribe. Colonels Pelissier and St. Arnaud were desirous of a speedier result; and, by their order, an immense fire was kindled at the mouth of the cave, and fed sedulously during the summer night with wood, grass, reeds, anything that would help to keep up the volume of smoke and flame which the wind drove in roaring, whirling eddies into the mouth of the cavern. It was too late now for the unfortunate Arabs to offer to surrender. The discharge of a cannon would not have been heard in the roar of that huge blast-furnace, much less smoke-instance of France, from the cities of Morocco, strangled cries of human agony. The fire was kept well up throughout the night; and when the day had fully dawned, the then expiring embers were kicked aside, and as soon as a sufficient time had elapsed to render the air of the silent cave breathable, some soldiers were directed to ascertain how matters were within. They were gone but a few minutes, and they came back, we are told, pale, trembling, terrified, hardly daring, it seemed, to confront the light of day. No wonder they trembled and looked pale. They had found all the Arabs dead-men, women, children, all dead! had beheld them lying just as death had found and left them; the old man grasping his gray beard; the younger one, grim, rigid, stern as iron with fanatic hatred and despair; the dead mother clasping her dead child with the steel gripe of the last struggle, when all gave way but her strong love!

he still lingered on its half-desert frontiers, and gradually drew together a considerable force. If the Emperor of Morocco did not wish to involve himself in another war with France, it was imperatively necessary that he should at once take decisive measures against the obstinate and impracticable emir. He resolved to do so, and without delay. An army, chiefly composed of the Kabyles of Moroccowho, especially if considerable booty, as in this case, was likely to be obtained, were nothing loath to do battle with Arabs- was hastily assembled, and sent against Abd-elKader, with orders to drive him out of the Morocco territory, whatever expenditure of life might be necessary to effect that object. The emir, finding he could not avoid the contest, boldly assumed the offensive, and in an attack on the night of the 20th December, 1845, obtained a momentary triumph, by an expedient as extraordinary as it was cruel. This is no fancy picture; it is the plain General Lamoricière thus describes the emir's record of an indisputable, undisputed fact, strange ruse: "Abd-el-Kader plastered four justified on the elastic plea of necessity. The camels all over with pitch, loaded them with French ministry of the day, moreover, in immense heaps of dried grass, mixed up with order to mark, it seemed, their contempt for pitch, and had them conducted in the dead the indignant clamor which the recital of the of night to the edge of the Morocco camp by dreadful deed excited in France, as well as in four soldiers, who had been previously paid other civilized communities, actually re- 100 douros each for the service, and there set warded, with an air of courageous defiance of on fire." The plunging and tearing about of public opinion, which but thinly masked the the maddened, flaming animals, produced, as real pusillanimity of their conduct - the favor was expected, much consternation and conof the army being in issue - Messieurs Pelis-fusion amongst the Morocco troops, greatly sier and St. Arnaud with a step in their pro- increased by the impetuous charge of Abd-elfession ! It was in reference to this tragedy | Kader's horsemen, led by the emir in person, that Marshal Soult used the words we have and for some time the advantage was greatly before quoted-" that what would be a crime on the side of the assailants; but the hour of against civilization in Europe, might be a dawn, showing the Morocco Kabyles the fewjustifiable necessity in Africa." In a subse-ness in number comparatively with themselves quent debate upon the affairs of Algeria, an of the Arabs, and the camel-meteors having eminent French statesman observed, amidst long since burnt themselves out, was that of the loud cheering of the National Assembly, hopeless, irretrievable defeat. The emir's "that he was reconciled to the enormous sacrifices required of France by the exigencies of the African colony, by the value he attached to the warlike experience and habits the French army had acquired there." It is seldom that eloquent sentences are so speedily and strikingly illustrated as in this instance, the morning of the 2d of December, 1851,

entire force was either destroyed or dispersed ; and the only alternative left him, was either to surrender upon terms to General Lamoricière, who had been anxiously awaiting the issue of the struggle between Abd-el-Kader and Abd-er-Haman, or to endeavor to escape by the eastern mountains. The French general, upon hearing of his defeat, despatched

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to one of the two places named in the deed of surrender - he undertaking not to return without the permission of France to Algeria. There lingered, it is plain, in the Duc d'Aumale's mind, a harassing doubt of the good


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Bou Kraii with twelve chosen Spahis, to endeavor to intercept him, if, as was likely, he should take the road through the Col de Kerbores. The completeness of the emir's defeat is strikingly shown by General Lamoricière's letter to the Duc d'Aumale, at this time gov-faith of his father's government, for he goes on ernor-general of Algeria, announcing the pre- to say: "The moment I arrived here, I raticaution he had taken to prevent Abd-el-Kader's fied the engagement made by General Lamoriescape, though doubtful that he should be cière; and I have the firm hope that the govable to do so: "Bou Kraii, with twelve ernment of the king will sanction it." And Spahis, will be stronger than the entire escort as if resolved that there shall be no excuse of him whom only yesterday Morocco strug- for unfair dealing, he insists that the emir's gled against with 38,000 men." There was surrender was entirely voluntary on his part: no opening for the services of the Spahis. "The emir had in his favor darkness, a The fallen emir determined on surrendering difficult country traversed by paths unknown himself to General Lamoricière upon certain to our guides. Flight was still easy for conditions, which were negotiated through the Cadi of Tlemecen, who, General Lamori- Steam swiftly conveyed the important news cière states, was of great service to him in the to France, and as swiftly returned with the affair. The terms were agreed upon, first reply of the Paris cabinet: Abd-el-Kader must verbally, but afterwards reduced to writing, embark immediately for that country! and subscribed by both parties. In reality, cordingly, he, his mother, three children, his there was only one essential condition, which cousin and brother-in-law, Hadj Mustapha, was thus stated in a despatch from General and suite, in all ninety-three persons, emLamoricière to the Duc d'Aumale, dated 23d barked in the steam-ship Asmodée December, at nine o'clock in the morning: unfitly named vessel-and arrived safely at "Let it suffice, that I assure you I have only Toulon, after a stormy passage, on the evenpromised and stipulated that the emir and ing of the 30th December, 1845, to find themhis family shall be conveyed to Alexandria selves close prisoners, probably for life—at or to St. Jean d'Acre; they are the places all events, for an indefinite period, the probwhich he himself indicated in the conditions able termination of which could not be even apwhich I accepted." The great news of Abd-proximately indicated by the French ministers el-Kader's surrender brought the Duc d'Au- themselves. Not long afterwards, Abd-elmale to the French camp, where General Cavaignac had previously arrived. The governor-general personally assured the emir, that he entirely approved and confirmed the engagement which he, Abd-el-Kader, had Strange, unlooked-for events knocked at entered into with the general, to whom, upon the gate of the old castle, and glanced in at the faith of that engagement, he had sur- the captive, with a promise of relief, during rendered himself, and that it would be re- the seven weary years which the unfortunate ligiously respected. The Duc d'Aumale, who, emir lingered through there; the dethronethere can be no question, acted throughout ment, exile and death of the monarch in whose the transaction with perfect good faith, and name he had been imprisoned — the setting within the limits of his official powers, an-up of a republic, whose shibboleth was freenounced the emir's surrender to the French minister of war in the following terms:"Monsieur le Ministre -a great event has just been accomplished. Abd-l-Kader is in our camp. Beaten by the Kaby les of Morocco, chased from the plains of Moolouïa by the troops of Mulei-Abd-er-Haman, abandoned by his people, who took refuge in our territory, he has confided himself to the generosity of France, and has surrendered upon condition of being conveyed either to Allexandria or to St. Jean d'Acre." There is a trifling slip here, intended, no doubt, as a rhetorical flourish. Abd-el-Kader had not confided himself to the generosity of Fiance- that is, of the government of France for he had made a bargain with her representatives, binding them, with all the power that a solemn engagement possesses, to convey him

Kader himself, his family, and such persons of his suite as he chose to name, were transferred to the Castle of Amboise, on the left bank of the Loire, between Blois and Tours.

dom! liberty! Illusive promise-breakers all! The chafed spirit of the emir still hopelessly fretted itself against the unmoving bars of his dungeon, when, like a shift of scene in a theatre, the door flew open, a mass of glittering uniforms floated in with a sudden lightburst, and the bewildered captive felt the chains put on by a king and riveted by a republic, fall off, as if by magic, at the voice of one who but the other day was a prisoner like himself, and in apparently more hopeless bondage! Whatever may have been the motives of Louis Napoleon in freeing Abd-elKader-perhaps delight in the exhibition of supreme power, a wish to obtain a reputation for chivalric generosity at the cost of a cheap, un hazardous magnanimity, the desire to contrast his own conduct towards the emir as strikingly as possible with that of the fore

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