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Troubadours, contenant leurs vies, les extraits de leurs pieces, et plusieurs particularités, sur les moeurs, les usages, et l'histoire du douzième et treizième siecles. Paris, 1774, 3 vols. 12mo.

The materials of this curious work were collected at a great expense, by M. Palaye, who did not live to prepare them for the press this task devolved on the Abbé Millot, who has executed it with great judgment, and prefixed a preliminary discourse on the Troubadours. An abridged translation was published by Mrs. Dobson some years since, intituled "The Literary History of the Troubadours, containing their lives, extracts from their works, and many particulars relative to the customs, morals, and history of the twelfth and thirteenth centuries." The last edition was in 12mo, 1807.

NEGRI. Istoria degli scrittori Fiorentini, da Giulio Negri. Ferrara, 1722, fol.

"This work," says Peignot," is valuable; it contains a notice of upwards of two thousand Florentine authors, who wrote in the five preceding centuries: all their works are cited, whether printed or in manuscript, as well as the language and subject in which they are composed."

PALISSOT.-Memoires pour servir à l'histoire de notre Littérature, depuis François 1er jusqu'à nos jours, par Charles Palissot. Paris, 1803, 2 vols. 8vo.

POCCIANTII (MICH.) Catalogus scriptorum Florentinorum omnis generis, quorum et memoria extat, atque lucubrationes in litteras relatæ sunt ad nostra usque tempora 1589; cum additionibus fere 200 scriptorum Lucæ Ferrinii. Florentiæ, Ph. Junctæ, 1589, 4to. A valuable work, which preserves the memory of several old writers, who at present are almost unknown; though many of them are not without merit.

ROSCOE.-The Life of Lorenzo de' Medici, called

the Magnificent. By William Roscoe. London, 4to, 2 vols. 1796; also in 3 vols. 8vo.

ROSCOE.-The Life and Pontificate of Leo the Tenth. By William Roscoe. London, 1806, 6 vols. 8vo; also in 4 vols. 4to.

Rossi. Dizionario storico degli autori ebrei e delle loro opere, disteso dal dottore G. B. De Rossi. Parma, dalla reale stamperia, 1802, 2 vols. 8vo.

M. de Rossi is perhaps the only person among modern literati who could engage in such a work; as his knowledge of Hebrew literature is uncommon and extensive, and he possesses a valuable collection of Hebrew books and MSS. The Hebrew text is printed in Roman characters, according to the Italian pronunciation. (Critical Review, Third Series, vol. I. p. 588.)

ROUJOUX.-Essai d'une Histoire des Révolutions arrivées dans les Sciences et les Beaux Arts, depuis les temps héroiques jusqu'à nos jours. Par P. G. de Roujoux. Paris, 1811, 3 vols. 8vo.

This is a pleasing sketch of the Revolutions which have taken place in the sciences and fine arts.

SALVERTE.-Tableau de la Littérature de la France, au dix-huitième siècle, par Eusèbe Salverte. 8vo. Paris, 1809.

SCHOELL.-Histoire Abrégée de la Littérature Grecque, depuis son origine jusqu'à la prise de Constantinople par les Turcs. Par F. Schoell. Paris, 1813, 2 vols. 8vo. This work is among the most recent that have arrived from France; and presents an able sketch of the literary history of Greece during the period above noticed. The first volume is appropriated to profane literature; in the second sacred and ecclesiastical literature is discussed. The principal edi


tions of the Greek Septuagint and other New Testaments are briefly noticed, with their translations into French and to these succeed the fathers of the church and other Greek ecclesiastical writers, to the fifteenth century. The value of. this useful work would have been increased, if M. Schoell had briefly indicated, in his first volume, the principal editions of the Greek classic writers. He announces an "Histoire Abrégée de la Littérature Latine," upon the same plan. To this gentleman, who unites in his person the double character of author and bookseller, we are indebted for a useful Repertoire de la Littérature ancienne, ou Choix d'Auteurs clas siques Grecs et Latins, d'ouvrages de critique, d'archéologie, d'antiquité, de mythologie, d'histoire, et de geographie anci ennes, imprimés en France et en Allemagne." Paris, 1808, 2 vols. 8vo.

SENEBIER.-Histoire Litteraire de Genève, par Jean Senebier. Genève, 1786, 3 vols. 8vo.

Among the eminent men who have dignified the republic of Geneva by their residence in it, the illustrious reformer, John Calvin, stands conspicuous. M. Senebier has given an ample account of his virtues and his faults, in his public ministry and in his private life. "Never have we seen judgment, candour, impartiality and careful inquiry more eminently displayed in any piece of biographical painting, than they are here in the portrait of this eminent man." Monthly Review, Old Series, vol. lxxv. p. 561.

SISMONDI. De la Littérature du midi de l'Europe, par J. C. L. Sismonde de Sismondi. 8vo, vols. i. and ii. Paris, 1813.

Two other volumes are designed to complete this very interesting work: an English translation has been announced, which has not yet made its appearance.

TABLEAU de la Littérature Françoise pendant le dixhuitième siècle. 8vo, London, 1813.

De la Littérature Françoise, pendant le dix-huitième siècle. D'après la seconde edition de Paris. 8vo, London, 1813.

These publications are reprints of a most able essay on the state of literature in France during the eighteenth century, which was published at Paris in 1812. The principles of the philosophists are well and clearly exposed.

TABLETTES Biographiques des Ecrivains François, depuis la renaissance de Lettres, jusqu'à ce jour; le lieu, l'epoque de leur naissance, et de leur mort; le genre dans lequel ils se sont distingués, leurs productions manquantes, les éditions estimées et recherchées de leurs oeuvres; par N. A. G. D. B. (De Bray?) 8vo, Paris, 1810, second edition.

This useful work is divided into two parts; the first of which comprises the deceased writers; the second, those living at the time of publication. The various particulars indicated in the title are briefly given to the first part is prefixed an " Avis de l'Editeur," containing a list of the best bibliographical works in the French language; and to the second is annexed a list of the principal authors, classed according to the faculties in which they wrote.

THURA (ALBERTI, LAURENTII FIL.) Idea Historiæ Litterariæ Danorum, in duas partes divisa; quarum prior Danorum linguam, scholas, gymnasia, academias, collegia academica, honores academicos, professores studiosos, bibliothecas, bibliothecarios, typographia et bibliopolia breviter recenset; posterior studiorum in Dania per duo ferè secula posteriora originem, progressum et fata complectitur. 8vo. Hamburgh, 1723.

A copy of this very rare little work is marked in Mr. Priestley's catalogue for 1814, (No. 6347) at £1 11s. 6d.

TIRABOSCHI.-Storia della Letteratura Italiana del

cavaliere abate Girolamo Tiraboschi. Seconda edizione Modenese. Modena, 1787-1794, 9 tom. in 16 vols. quarto.

This work has long held a distinguished rank among the histories of literature. An abridged translation of it was published in French at Berne, intituled "Histoire de la Littérature d'Italie, tirée de Tiraboschi, et abrégée par Ant. Landi," in 1785, 5 vols. 8vo. That part of Tiraboschi's work, which relates to Italian poetry, has been selected and published by Mr. Mathias, under the following title: "Storia della Poesia Italiana, scritta da Girolamo Tiraboschi, tratta della sua grand' opera intitolata Storia Generale della Letteratura Italiana," London, 1803, in four very elegant crown octavo volumes. Mr. Mathias's work presents a general view of the Italian poets, with an account of their works, and some memoirs of their lives, and divided into centuries, from the rise of the Provençal poetry to the year 1700.

TODERINI.-Della Letteratura Turchesca, dell' Abate Giambattista Toderini. Venezia, 1787, 3 tom. 8vo.

De la Littérature des Turcs, par l'Abbé Toderini; traduite de l'Italien en François, par l'Abbé de Cournand. Paris, 1789, 3 vols. 8vo.. The Abate Toderini resided at Constantinople in the family of the Venetian Ambassador (to whose son he was preceptor,) from 1781 to 1786, and availed himself of the opportunity thus afforded to him, to make extensive researches into the literature of the Turks. His work is divided into three general parts; the first of which treats of the studies of the Turks; the second, of their libraries and academies; and the third, of their typography. The last volume concludes with a chronological table of the Sultans of the Osman race, from the year of the Hegira 657 (1258) until the year of the same Hegira 1187 (1774) when the Sultan Abd'ul Hamed was elected. Both the French and the Italian editions of this work are scarce and dear in this country.

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