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ART. II. Archaeologia: or, Mifcellaneous Tracts relative to Antiquity, &c. Vol. V. Concluded. See Review for February.


HE Dune, or Tower of Dornadilla, is defcribed by the Rev. Mr. Pope, minifter of Reay. It is fituated in the parish of Duirnes, on Lord Reay's eftate. The height of its prefent ruins is 25 feet on one fide; on the other, it is only 9. The door, 3 feet fquare, fronts the north-caft, as we are told is the cafe in all round buildings in the north. The walls. are very thick, and within is an opening or paffage, divided into galleries, which run horizontally round about the building; each gallery is 5 feet high; the floor is laid with large flat ftones, which gird and bind the whole building compactly together. The common conjecture is, that thefe galleries were for fleeping-rooms, or barracks, in the hunting feafon. Befide thefe, there are other openings, full of fhelves, formed of large flat ftones, the use of which feems to have been to give light and fresh air to those who flept in the galleries, to hold their quivers or baggage, and perhaps, the lower fhelves were cup-boards, and preffes for their victuals. What conveniency they had at the bottom is not known, nine feet being filled with ftones. Three of the galleries are entire, and goats take fhelter in them in fnowy weather. The building was at firft much higher, and would make, it is faid, a grand figure in a forelt. The mafonry, we are told, is extremely well done, but without either lime or clay. Some maintain, that this Dune of Dornadilla was a druidical temple; but that, Mr. Pope obferves, cannot be the cafe, as the Druids made no ufe of roofed, or covered buildings, and it appears, that this building was roofed like the round Pictish houfes; befide, he adds, in that age, there were no inhabitants in these parts to worship in any temple. It does not, however, appear improbable, but that this Dune may have been erected by the Danes, as there are two buildings, faid to be exactly the fame in other refpects, only of larger dimenfions, in Glenbeg, which are afcribed to that people. But Mr. Pope informs us, that there is a fragment of a very old poem ftill preferved, which mentions Dornadilla as the chieftain or prince, for whofe fake this building was erected. Concerning this Dornadilla, little more has reached the prefent day, than that he spent his time in hunting, and was the first who enacted foreft laws. Mr. Pope does not mention the age in which Dornadilla lived. The print confifts of the elevation of the tower, and a fection of it.

Stone coffins have been frequently found in different parts of England. Mr. Pegge, in a letter to Guftavus Brander, Efq; offers a few obfervations relative to fome lately discovered at Chrift-Church, Twynham. The kift vaen of the Britons,


he apprehends, were of this kind, fome of which rude fepulchral receptacles, he fays, he has feen in Derbyfhire. Thefe at Chrift-Church are fomewhat more artificial than those of the ancient Britons, but as they are formed of ten or eleven pieces (a print of which is exhibited), and there does not appear to have been any stone underneath for the body interred to lie on, Mr. Pegge concludes, that they are very ancient, the production of a rude and barbarous age [perhaps the fourth century], and affording a strong proof that Twynham was very anciently settled.

Mr. King prefents the Society with two fmall fragments of antiquity; the one a brick of a very fingular form, and ornamented with the representation of fome flower, which was found with feveral others, in clearing away the foundation of an old malting-houfe, in 1776, in Mersey Island: its texture leads him to fuppofe, that it is not of fo high antiquity as the times of the Romans. The other fragment was dug up in the fame year, near Colchester, by a labourer, who, at the time, difcovered about thirty of the fame fort, but began immediately to dafh them all to pieces, with a view, as he faid, "to fave himself the plague and trouble of anfwering the enquiries that would be made about them." It was merely by accident that three of them were preferved. This veffel (of which, and the other, is a little print) Mr. King fuppofes to be a kind of lachrymatory; made of course red earth. His article is but fhort, and he apologizes for defcanting on what may be thought trivial, by obferving, that many things which appear of little importance when seen separately, have been found very useful means of illuftrating curious facts, when viewed with others collectively.

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In the 23d article, written by Mr. Brooke, of the Herald's college, we have a defcription of the great feal of Catherine Parr, the fixth wife of Henry VIII. It is taken from an impreffion in the collection of Mr. Guftavus Brander. Henry, fays Mr. Brooke, was exceeding kind in granting arms to his wives, though he deprived them of their heads. This feal, the fculpture of which appears to have been very elegant, gives an opportunity for many obfervations on the family and connections of Catherine Parr; to which is added, a curious account of this great lady's funeral, taken from a book in the Cotton library, and never before made public.

The defcription of an ancient fortification near ChriftChurch, Hampshire, is written by Francis Grofe, Efq. It is accompanied with drawings of the entrenchment on Hengiftbury-head, and the camp on St. Catherine's-hill. Mr. Grofe apprehends, that these are the remains of Roman works. The name of Hengift seems to direct us to another origin; but that name may have been given after the times of the Romans, though the works were raised by their skill and industry.

An account of ancient monuments and fortifications in the Highlands of Scotland, forms a long article, in a letter from Mr. James Anderfon to George Wilfon, Efq. Mr. Anderfon reduces the remains of antiquities in Scotland to fix claffes. I. Mounds of earth thrown into a fort of hemifpherical form, which are sometimes found in the fouth of Scotland, and ufually diftinguished by the name of mote or meat, which, he fuppofes, from the name, and other circumftances, to have been erected as theatres of juftice by our Saxon ancestors. II. The Cairns, which are evidently fepulchral monuments, to be met with in every part of the country. II. The long ftones fet on end in the earth, which are known to be monuments, intended to perpetuate the memory of fome fignal event in war. These, he supposes, to be of later date than the cairns, as there is hardly one of them whofe traditional hiftory is not preferved by the country people in the neighbourhood; and it is not difficult to reconcile these traditional narratives with the records of hiftory. Mr. Anderson conjectures, that this kind of monument was first introduced into Britain by the Danes. IV. Large stones placed in an erect pofition and circular form, which, being lefs known than the former, and confined to a narrower diftrict, are more particularly described. Their fituation and form are faid to intimate, that they have been places deftined for fome kind of religious worship. Mr. Anderfon has examined a great number of them, and finds, that by restoring the parts which have been demolished, they would all coincide very exactly with a plan here given, and drawn from one ftill very entire, at a place called Hill of Fiddefs. Thefe, without doubt, are druidical temples. V. Circular buildings, confifting of walls composed of ftones, firmly bedded on one another, without any cement, and usually diftinguished by the word Dun. A particular account, with a print annexed, is given of the remains of one of thefe buildings, called Dun-Agglefag, in Rofs-fhire. Anderfon concludes, that these have been places of religious worship, and obferves, that though every erection of this kind has the fyllable Dun prefixed to the name of the place in which it ftands, yet the particular building itself is always called the Druid's house, as the Druid's houfe of Dun-Beath, of DunAgglefag, &c. This remark feems rather to militate against Mr. Pope's opinion, as expreffed above, concerning the Dune of Dornadilla; though it must be acknowledged, this latter Tower or Dun, seems to differ in fome refpects from those here mentioned. VI. The moft remarkable of all the Scottish antiquities are the vitrified walls; which confift of ftones piled rudely on one another, and firmly cemented together by a matter that has been vitrified by means of fire, which forms a kind of artificial rock, that refifts the viciffitudes of the weather, perREV. April, 1780.




haps better than any other artificial cement that has ever yet been difcovered. In the northern parts of Scotland, a particular kind of earthy iron ore, of a vitrefcible nature, much abounds. Mr. Anderfon fuppofes, that these walls were raised of dry ftones, piled one above another, the interftices between them being filled with this vitrefcible iron ore; after which, a fire was kindled, fufficiently intense to melt the ore, and thus to cement the whole into one coherent mafs, as far as the influence of that heat extended. A particular defcription, attended with a print, is given of a fortification of this kind at Knockferrel, in Rofs-fhire, and feveral ingenious remarks are added, for which we must refer the reader to the article itself, only obferving, that the writer inclines to confider these walls as entirely a British invention.

The derivation of the word Romance, formed an article in the last volume of Archaeologia *. Mr. Warton, in his history of English poetry, had fuppofed it of French extraction. Mr. Drake derives it from the Spanish: Mr. Bowles again, in this volume, defends Mr. Warton's opinion. But it appears a very immaterial difpute, fince all agree, that the word has its derivation from the language which the Romans introduced among the French and Spaniards, which was ftyled Romanfh.

Mr. Pegge, in a differtation of feven pages, employs himself to amend and explain an historical paffage of Gildas. His criticisms are learned and ingenious, and appear to be judicious and fatisfactory; but we cannot give our readers any juft idea concerning it, without extracting a greater part of the article than our limits will allow. The paffage is to be found, Gildas, cap. 15. and begins, Itaque illis ad fua revertentibus, &c. Mr. Pegge's tranflation is, "On the departure of the Romans to their own home, a horrid crew of Scots and Picts difembarked, with the utmost hafte and eagerness, from on board the corraghs in which they had croffed the Irish fea, and being fenfible that our allies were withdrawn, with a declaration never to return, they, with more boldness than ever, feized the north-eaftern, and remote part of the country, even up to the wall, expelling thence all the natives, or former inhabitants."

The feal of Henrietta Maria, daughter of Henry IV. of France, and wife to our Charles I., affords a good plate. On the reverse is the queen, at full length, under a canopy, crowned, and in royal robes, with the fcepter in her right hand, and the globe in her left. It is of brafs, and appears to be finely cut. Mr. Brereton obferves, that the portion this queen brought with her was only 60,oco French crowns, which Charles foon difpofed of, and made grants of lands to her in lieu of it, for

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lives and years, at Chertfey, and in feveral counties in England, which accounts for her having fuch a feal. Several leafes granted by her, with this feal annexed, are still extant, and I have heard, fays this gentleman, of one which appears to have been executed fometime after her death, the feal being always kept in England.

Within the space of a few years back, fome perfons, curious in antiquities, have observed a peculiar kind of red earthen ware among the cottage furniture of the fishermen, on the Kentish coaft, within the mouth of the river Thames. The current tradition, concerning the great quantity of earthen ware of this kind, which has been found, is that fome Roman veffel, freighted with thefe wares, muft have been many ages ago caft away, fince which, from time to time, parts of its lading have been dragged up by the fishermen's nets. The place of the wreck has been fuppofed to be fomewhere about WhitstableBay. Thomas Pownal, Efq; has employed much attention and care to enquire into this fact. His brother, a commiffioner of excife, at length prevailed with an old fisherman, who had two or three of thefe Roman pans in his poffeffion for domestic use, to attend him to the spot, known by the name of Puddingpan-fand, or rock. On the firft hale of the net, along one fide of this fhoal, they brought up a large fragment of brick-work cemented together, which might be about half a hundred weight, and with it pieces of broken pans. On farther trials they brought up three entire pans. Mr. Pownal obferves, that this spot has been long known not only to our fishermen, but also to our geographers, for the long fand in the middle of the mouth of the Thames, but particularly what has been called the speck of it (perhaps from having been juft there vifible) the Pan-fand. It is fo marked in all our oldeft maps and charts. From the rocky feel of this fpeck, and from the mafs of brick-work which was brought up, he concludes, that here are the ruins of buildings; ate fame time, the quantities of earthen ware which have been discovered, indicate that there has been fome ftore or manufactory of this kind at this place. Under this idea, Mr. Pownal has examined the ancient geography, and finds, in Ptolemy's fecond book of geography, two iflands in the mouth of the Thames, Τολιαπις and Κωενος Νήσος, the former is known to be the ifle of Shepey, the fecond cannot be the isle of Thanet, on account of the latitude, which agrees with the fpot under examination. After other confiderations in fupport of this fuppofition, he confiders the ware here difcovered, which is of two forts, the one red, the Ionian, or particularly the Samian, and this is moft commonly found; the other of the dark Tufcan brown, or black. The firft is of a coarser kind; the latter is thin, light, and of a finer texture. The veffels of T 2


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