THE WAR OF THE REBELLION: A COMPILATION OF THE OFFICIAL RECORDS OF THE UNION AND CONFEDERATE ARMIES. PREPARED UNDER THE DIRECTION OF THE SECRETARY OF WAR, BY BVT. LIEUT. AND PUBLISHED PURSUANT TO ACT OF CONGRESS APPROVED JUNE 16, 1880. SERIES I-VOLUME XI—IN THREE PARTS. PART II.-REPORTS, ETC. •U.S. War Dept. WASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE. 1884. THE WAR OF THE REBELLION: A COMPILATION OF THE OFFICIAL RECORDS OF THE UNION AND CONFEDERATE ARMIES. ADDITIONS AND CORRECTIONS TO SERIES I-VOLUME XI. (To be inserted in the volume. For explanation see General Index volume, Serial No. 130, page XXVIII.) PUBLISHED UNDER THE DIRECTION OF The Hon. ELIHU ROOT, Secretary of War, BY BRIG. GEN. FRED C. AINSWORTH, CHIEF OF THE RECORD AND PENSION OFFICE, WAR DEPARTMENT, AND MR. JOSEPH W. KIRKLEY. Mr. JOHN S. MOODEY, Indexer. WASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE. 1902. TEXT. PART I. Page 264. First line, insert * after maps and add foot-note, * See Plate 18, Map 2, also Plate 19, Maps 1 and 3, of the Atlas. Page 267. Thirteenth line, bottom, insert * after_Second_Alabama Infantry and add foot-note, *An error. Second Alabama at Fort Pillow; disbanded March, 1862. Page 363. Fourth line, bottom, insert * after map and add foot-note, *For General Smith's map, see Plate 15, Map 2, of the Atlas. Page 395. Forty-third line, top, insert * after sketch and add foot-note, * See Plate 17, Map 2, of the Atlas. Last line of report, and in foot-note to which it refers, change* to t. Page 462. McAlester's report, second line, insert * after sketch and add foot-note, *See Plate 20, Maps 2, 3, and 4, of the Atlas. Page 583. Fifteenth line, top, for Donelsonville read Donaldsonville. Page 666. Page 667. Rush's report, sixteenth line, insert * after forwarded and add footnote, *See Plate 21, Map 1, of the Atlas. Page 702. Thirty-first line, top, insert * after diagram and add foot-note, *See Plate 21, Map 2, of the Atlas. Page 722. Eleventh line, bottom, insert * after sketch and add foot-note, * See Plate 21, Map 11, of the Atlas. Page 727. Stryker's report, third line, insert * after sketch and add foot-note, * See Plate 21, Map 3, of the Atlas. Page 737. Second line, bottom, insert * after day and add foot-note, *See Plate 21, Map 4, of the Atlas. Page 758. Gorman's Brigade, for Andrew Sharpshooters read 2d Company Minnesota Sharpshooters (Russell). Insert * after 15th Massachusetts and add foot-note, *1st Company Massachusetts Sharpshooters attached. Page 760. Transfer Col. J. H. Hobart Ward from First Brigade and insert in Second Brigade, following Brig. Gen. David B. Birney. Erase foot-note To appear in Atlas and insert Not found. Thirty-ninth line, top, for Tenth read Seventieth. Seventh line, top, insert * after position and add foot-note, * For map accompanying, see Plate 21, Map 6, of the Atlas. Page 812. Page 820. Page 917. For 96th Pennsylvania read 96th New York. Page 1001. Page 1052. Address, for G. M. Lovel read G. M. Sorrel. Page 36. Insert * after 6th U. S. Cavalry and add foot-note, *Detached with Page 48. Page 54. Page 122. Page 349. Page 398. Page 438. Page 460. Stoneman's command. Third line, top, for Been [?] read Behm. Eleventh line, bottom, for New York read Pennsylvania. Twenty-first line, top, for Ninety-third read Ninety-sixth. Twenty-seventh line, insert [Raszewski] after major. Page 466. Fifteenth line, top, insert a semicolon after us and before to. Page 488. Deshler's Artillery, first column, insert Thomas B. after French's. Page 507. For First Battalion Light Artillery read Second Battery (Baltimore) Stuart's report, seventeenth line, insert [Screven] after Scrivener. Fifth line, bottom, for July 30 read June 30. Grammer's report, sixth line, for Hutson read Hudson; twenty-sixth Hill to Chilton, date line, for 1862 read 1863. Eighteenth line, bottom, insert to before Maycox's. Under Louisjana: 1st Infantry, second line, for June 15 read June 25. Insert under North Carolina: 38th Infantry.—Lieut. Miles M. Cowles, adjutant, died of wounds received June 26. Under South Carolina: 12th Infantry, for Delany read Delleney. Under Mississippi Troops, insert Regiments: after Cavalry and before Page 1090. Sixth line, bottom, insert Regiments: before rist. McClellan to Stanton, 2.30 a. m., second line, for division read position. Keyes to Marcy, first line, insert Lieutenant Washington after Chetwood. Page 321. McClellan to Lincoln, date line, for July 15 read July 14; first line, Twenty-seventh line, top, for officers read offices. Special Orders, No. 699, change Paragraph XXI to XVI. Lee to Johnston, date line, for May 3 read May 5. Thirty-first line, top, for Robinson's read Robertson's. For Turner's battery, Richmond Howitzers, read Turner's battery, Vir- Third line, bottom, for William Nelson's read G. W. Nelson's. For W. H. French's (Virginia) battery read Thomas B. French's (Vir- ginia) battery; for Capt. B. H. Smith's company read Capt. C. L. Smith's company; and insert Capt. B. H. Motley's company after Page 724. Sixteenth line, bottom, insert Regiments: before ist. |