Page images

(H. 262 m. B. 167 m.) represents the patron saints of Passau : Stephen the protomartyr, Valentine and Maximilian, and the arms of the bishop and chapter: the one arg. a lion rampant gu.; the other, or a demi-goat sa., langued gu.; the other (H. 254 m. B. 163 m.) our Lord on a tau-shaped Cross with the B. Virgin and S. John. On the verso of the fourth leaf of the Canon is a circular medallion (D. 44 m.) representing the Holy Lamb. There are also sixteen ornamental versals printed from thirteen blocks: T (H.89 m. B.77 m.); A (H.63 m. B. 55m.) and B, C, D, E, L, O, P, R, S, T, U (H.49.5 m. B. 43 m.); a rotula surmounted by a cross (H. 177 m. B. 161 m.), and the printer's device.

Wants IV,

Earl Spencer, Althorp. H. 360 m. B. 240 m. Five leaves (IV, ff. 2 to 6) on vellum. f. 1. Additions by hand: The two full-page cuts coloured. On the first leaf, this note: Missale sublatum ab ecclesia quadam certa (mihi tamen incognita) per milites, emptum autem a me levissimo precio ne ulterius profanaretur. Ubi vero constiterit ex quonam templo surreptum sit eidem gratis mox offerre et restituere paratum obligatumque sese hoc monasterium Axpacense agnoscit et profitetur, etc. Emptum et scriptum hoc 26 Aprilis anno 1620. Ex libris Bibl. venerabilis Conventus Viennensis in Rossaugia Ord. Servorum B. M. V.

Lit. Woch., B2, 129. ZAPF, 39, 305. BAUER, III, 78. (Panzer, 1, 121, 124.) VAN PRAET, Cat., I., 218, 305. DIBdin, vii, 166, 263. HAIN, 11349. WEALE, 120.

6. Missale divinorum officiorum secundum usum ecclesie Sarum Anglicane. Impressum Venetiis, per Ioannem Hertzog de Landoia, sumptibus Frederici Egmont. 1494, I Decembris. Octavo.

The fifth edition of the Salisbury Missal, the first in octavo; and the eighth Missal printed by John Hertzog.

The volume consists of three parts, and contains 346 (10, 136 and 200) ff., printed in red and black from type of three founts, in two columns of 36 lines each (Comp., 120 m.) with Latin musical notation on a staff of 4 red lines-7 staves to the full page—and running title, but without catchwords. The preliminary matter occupies a quire of 10 ff.; the text 42 quires of 8 ff. with signatures a (a aij aiij aiiij)-q, qq, r-z and A-S. The leaves of quires a-p are numbered 1 to 120, and those of r-s, 129 to 328.

The Text commences (11, f. 1, col. 1): Jn nomine sanctissime trinitatis. Missale ad vsum chori | sancte ecclesie Sarum angli| cane feliciter incipit. | Dominica prima de aduentu | domini Ad missam Introitus. The colophon (III, f. 200, col. 2, below 1. 20) runs thus: Jn laudem sanctissime trinita- | tis totiusque milicie celestis ad honorem et decorem sancte ecclesie | Sarum anglicane: eiusque deuo- tissimi cleri: hoc missale diui- | norum officiorum vigilanti studio emendatum et reuisum. Jm | pressum venetijs per Joannem | hertzog de landoia: felici nu- | mine explicitum est. Anno domini | M.cccc. xciiij. kalendas mensis de | cembris. On the verso below the printer's device: Fredericus egmont | me fieri fecit.

The volume is adorned with one full-page cut (H. 118 m. B. 80 m.) representing Christ on the cross, with the B. Virgin and S. John; and with eleven ornamental versal letters printed from 7 blocks: A B DEIRT.

Henry Bradshaw.

H. 165 m. B. 113 m. Wants I, ff. I and 8; II, ff. 20, 21, 112-114, and 136, and 111, ff. 153-156, 185188 and 196-200.

SINKER, 85, 320. WEALE, 179.

7. Agenda ecclesie Moguntinensis. s. 1. et a. sed Moguntiae, typis Petri Schoiffer, c. 1495. Quarto.

The second or third edition of this Ritual. It consists of 64 ff., printed in red and black from type of two founts, with 24 long lines (Comp., 181 m.) to the full page. Teutonic musical notation on a staff of 3, 4 or 5 lines, printed from blocks. Without running title or catchwords. There are eight quires signed a (a a a iij a iiij)8 -h8, numbered, commencing with the third leaf, I-LXII.

W. H. Cummings. H. 252 m. B. 163 m. Wants ff. 53 and 54. Ex libris Iohannis Wilman.

HONECKER, 120 et 121.

8. Missale secundum consuetudinem fratrum Predicatorum. Venetiis per magistrum Andream de Torresanis de Asula impressum. 1496, 30 Decembris. Folio.

The eighth edition of the Dominican Missal, and the third Missal printed by Andrew de Torresanis of Asula.

The volume, divided into two parts, contains 244 (20 and 224) ff., printed in red and black from type of four founts, in two columns of 36 lines each (Comp., 256 m.) to the full page, with blank spaces for the versal letters of 9, 8 or 4 lines, and Latin musical notation on a staff of 4 red lines-9 staves to the full column. With running title, but without catchwords. The preliminary matter occupies two quires signed a8 B12. The Text fills 23 quires, signatures a (a a2 a3 a4) 8 b10-u10 x8 y8 and z1o, numbered 1-222, the two last leaves not numbered.

The Title runs thus: Missale secundum consuetudinem fra | trum predicatorum cum | omnibus additionibus | tam ad conventua | lem quam ad priua- | tam missam | pertinenti | bus. The colophon (11, f. 222 v., below 1. 10) is as follows: Missale secundum consuetudinem fratrum predicatorum | cum omnibus additionibus tam ad conuen- | tualem quam ad priuatam missam pertinentibus ex exemplari castigatissimo exceptum per magistrum Andream de torresanis de Asula tempore Reuerendissimi patris fratris | Johachini turriani ueneti sacre | theologie eximii professoris ac totius ordinis predicti generalis magistri | solertissime impressum anno salutis M°ccccxcvj°. die | vero penultimo mensis | decembris felicissime explicit. Below this is the printer's device.

The volume is adorned (II, f. 83 v.) with one full-page cut (H. 252 m. B. 170 m.) representing Christ on the Cross with the B. Virgin and S. John, and (11, f. 222 v.) with the printer's device.

Earl Spencer, Althorp. H.357 m. B. 240 m. Vellum ruled. Wants I, f. 1, and 11, ff. 19, 28, 29 and 38, supplied in facsimile. The principal versals supplied in gold and colours, the others in colours with floriations. Illuminated borders of foliage with flowersprays, birds and insects on a brush gold ground on 5 ff.; in one of these (11, f.84), are angels with the instruments of the Passion; in another (11, f.87) is introduced a shield, bearing the arms of the Third Order of S. Dominic: gyronny of eight sa. and arg., a cross flory quarterly counterchanged; on a bordure of eight pieces, eight estoiles, all counterchanged. Binding: modern, but with old tooled edges.

DENIS, 413, 3498.

(PANZER, III, 383, 2008.) VAN PRAET, Cat., I, 247, 347; V, 365, 347; VI, 37, 347. DIBDIN, VII, 166, 264. MASKELL, 2. BOHN, 249. WEALE, 244.

9. Missale secundum notulam metropolitane ecclesie Salisburgensis ordinatum. Nurnberge. In officina Georii Stöchs ex Sulczpach, civis Nurnbergensis,

expensa Ioannis Ryman impressum. Augusti. Folio.

1498, 13

The second edition of the Salzburg Missal, and the seventh Missal printed by George Stuchs.

The volume is divided into six parts, and contains 270 (10, 140, 14, 8, 6 and 92) ff.; printed in red and black from type of three founts, in two columns of 38-37 1. each (Comp., 266-258 m.) or 16 long lines to the full page, with Teutonic musical notation on a staff of 4 red lines-8 staves to the full page. Without running title or catchwords. The preliminary matter occupies a quire of 10 ff.; the text, thirty-three quires signed a (a a ij a iij a iiij) 6 b3-r3 s6 t8 v6 x6 yl0 z8 A8-H8 and j10 numbered I to CCLI, the last leaf being without a number. The Canon, between quires v and x, occupies a quire of 8 ff., without signature or foliation.

The Text (11, f. 1, col. 1) commences: Jncipit missale integrum tam de | tempore quam de sanctis secundum rubricam | ecclesie Salczeburgensis cum om- nibus suis requisitis. Et primo de dominica prima in aduentu | domini Jntroitus. The colophon (VI, f.92) runs thus: Missale et de tempore et de sanctis nonmodo secundum notulam metropoli- | tane ecclesie salisburgensis ordinatum : verumetiam haud exigua opera ad- | hibita : tum in quottis foliorum locandis: tum in remissionis discreto nu | mero tam circa quamlibet lectionem vel prophetalem vel apostolicam quam circa | quodlibet euangelium alio in loco plenarie locatum : situando reuisum. | Deinde autem per cola et comata distinctum: simplici puncto in collectis | secretis complendis lectionibus epistolis et euangelijs locato: colum indi | cante: gemino vero puncto coma significante. sed in introitu graduali | alleluia sequentijs offertorio et communione : puncto simplici locato medi- | am distinctionem que comatis appellatione venit presentante: gemi- | no autem puncto subdistinctionem que colum nuncupatur signante. Demum vero in officina Georij Stöchs ex Sulczpach ciuis Nurnbergensis. expensa | Joannis Ryman impressum. Jdibus augusti anni ab incarnatione messye nonagesimioctaui supra millesimumquadringentesimum: finit.

The volume is adorned with two cuts; the first (H. 210 m. B. 164 m.) two shields juxta-posed, the one: per pale, 1 or, a lion rampant sable, langued gules; 2 gules a fess argent; the other: sable a turnip proper, accompanied by a crosier and pastoral staff saltirewise, and ensigned with a mitre. The other (H. 270 m. B. 165 m.) represents our Lord on a tau-shaped cross with the B.


Virgin and S. John. There are also 27 ornamental versal letters printed from 13 blocks: A (H. 56 m. B. 57 m.) BCDEGIO PRST and V (H. 41 m. B. 42 m.)

Wants part IV.

Earl Spencer, Althorp. H.349 m. B. 247 m.
The cut with armorial bearings coloured, the versal letters on the
first leaf of parts II and III coloured and gilt, and the margins
adorned with branch-work and foliage. Modern binding.

SCHRANK, 203, 73. DENIS, 450, 3830. HELMSCHROTT, I, 183, 411.
DIRDIN, VII, 167, 265. HAIN, 11421. Weale, 176.

10. Missale Herbipolense. Herbipoli. Per Georgium Reyser, artis impressorie magistrum iuratum.

11 Oct. Folio.


The tenth edition of the Würzburg Missal, printed like its predecessors by George Reyser.

The volume is divided into five parts and contains 384 (10, 116, 34, 10, and 214) ff., printed in red and black from type of four founts, in two columns of 32 lines each (Comp., 291 m), or 19 long lines to the full page, with blank spaces for the versal letters of 9 lines, and blank spaces for the musical notation, except in part 111, where the notation, of Teutonic type, is printed on a staff of 5 red lines-9 staves to the full page. Without running title, signatures or catchwords. The preliminary matter fills a sheet of 10 ff. The text occupies ff.j to CCCxxviij, besides 44 unnumbered leaves inserted between Cxvj and Cxvij and two more at the end of the book.

As in the previous editions, there is neither title nor colophon to this Missal. The text commences (II, f. 1, col. 1): D TE LEVAVI | animam meam. deus meus in, and ends (f. 212 v., col. 2, l. 32) promoueant. Per eundem.

The volume is adorned with two engravings, the one (B. 193 m.) representing Saint Kilian, the arms of Bishop Laurence von Bibra, (quart. I arg. a chief dancettée gu.; 2 and 3 or a lion rampant sa.; 4 az. in bend a banner quart. gu. and arg.; ensigned with a helmet with coronet and mantling; crest, three plumes supported by two blatant horns embowed gu. and arg. with banners out of them), and those of the chapter; the other, our Lord on a taushaped Cross with the B. Virgin, S. John and two adoring angels. Earl Spencer, Althorp. H.392 m. B. 265 m. Wants 1, f. 1, and IV, f. I. Additions by hand: Two versal letters in gold and colours.

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