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nomy, and that it is not befitting to the ministers of religion to give opinions or advice upon them. Against the spirit of this objection I enter my determined protest. It can be advanced by only ignorance or unfairness. What are politics, but the knowledge and practice of the claims of right and the obligations of duty which belong to men as members of society Is not this knowledge and practice an essential part of morality? And is there, can there be, any religion without morality? As teachers of religion, therefore, we are bound to be teachers of politics, and to guard the important subject against errors and abuses. Our object is to teach the politics which flow from piety-the politics of equitable benevolence, the politics of the Gospel, the politics of Jesus Christ our Saviour and Lord. We are deeply concerned, that we, and those to whom we minister, should render to all their due; putting to silence the ignorance of foolish men; as free, and not using our liberty for a cloak of maliciousness, but as the servants of God.' We are most earnest to guard all persons, to the utmost of our power, against sedition, treason, rebellion, in any manner of degree, approach, or tendency. Be it also considered, that, while the people have their duties, they have also their claims, just and honourable claims; and that, if these be neglected, the cries of the poor ascend' to the Just and Almighty One, who will plead their cause.' Also, to borrow the memorable admonition of a lamented Christian statesman, Property and rank have their rights, but they have likewise their duties.' To the higher classes, therefore, even to the highest, we have a message from God.' But few of them will give us the opportunity of delivering it. They come not to our places of Christian worship, nor will they allow us to go to them and tell them of 'jus tice, temperance and the judgment to Therefore, if we except writing and publishing, an extraordinary measure, like this assembly, is the only method left for our endeavouring to make the Word of the Lord be heard in high places as well as in low; in towers and palaces, and in the pits and cellars where want and woe, disease and death, and many a form of misery, have fixed their dwelling. It is the violation of religious


obligation by our laws and law makers, which, working through a course of years, has at length come to a term."


REPLY OF THE WESLEYAN CONFERENCE TO THE INVITATION ADDRESSED TO THEM. -"The Conference is unanimous in the opinion that it is not called upon to enter, as a body of Christian Ministers, into the discussion of a subject, on which such different opinions are conscientiously entertained by large classes of our people, and which is primarily a question of po litical economy.'

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FROM THE REV. GILBERT WARDLAW'S ANSWER TO THE GENERAL INVITATION."On the score of principle, I conceive the Convention is liable to the objection of being an ultra official interference by ministers of religion, met in that particular character, with matters which belong, legitimately and properly, to the province of civil government. With respect to its consequences, my impression is, that even if immediate advantage should result to the great national ques tion itself from a strong demonstration of opinion on the right side, that advantage cannot be lawfully secured at the expense of injury to the interests of religion, which I fear will ensue from the measure, both directly, and by the establishment of an unhappy precedent in affairs in which sacred and political duties, while meeting in the same individuals, ought to be carefully kept distinct.

"To prevent misapprehension, allow me briefly to add, that I most unequivocally condemn the existing monopoly in corn-that I have no sympathy with any opinion which would debar Christian ministers, as citizens, from the exercise of their political rights or social influence

that a different constitution of the Conference might have permitted ministers to attend without any sacrifice of principle, whilst holding the above opinionsand that I regard the question of Slavery and National Religious Establishments as standing on ground entirely different from that of the Corn Laws, with respect to that kind of interference which has just been deprecated."

FROM THE REV. W. M. BUNTING'S ANSWER." I beg very respectfully decline the invitation with which you have honoured me, to join the ensuing Conference of Christian ministers on the subject of the Corn Laws. I hope I

rightly estimate the pious and humane circumstanced as the ministers of religion impulse which has led you to summon in this country, for such an object as such a convention, and cordially sympa- the circular specifies, must be with the thise in so much of your design as re- express design of bringing their religious spects the relief of the suffering poor of influence and character to bear upon the our country. You will permit me to add, question. Now on such a topic as the that the general principles so admirably present, this influence is not legitimate. embodied in Dr. Wardlaw's answer, as The question at issue is indeed a moral, it appears in the Guardian of Saturday and even in its effects, a religious queslast, have long been, and will ever be, tion; but so are all which involve justice mine. But I am not able to bring with- and beneficence between man and man. in the range of those purely Christian It is also a scientific question-but the politics, into which it is the peculiar duty science involved in it is not that of theof Christian ministers to interfere, a ology. I cannot therefore see on this much-disputed fiscal question." ground, why a question, moral and reliFROM THE REV. C. WICKSTEED'S AN-gious in such a sense as this is, should be SWER." In the first place, the topic of discussion is a national question, involving the interests and demanding the attention of all classes of society. Men, therefore, should meet to discuss it on the broad foundation of their common citizenship. No class or professional distinction should even in appearance be admitted in the discussion of what is no class question. If the numbers be limited for convenience sake, they should at least be selected from a wide circle,-as intelligent philanthropy, the only quality required, is not limited to the clerical or any other calling.

"In the next place, it is a question of political economy, one on which the judgment of the divine, as such, can have, in the eyes of thinking men of every party, no more genuine weight than that of the intelligent and educated layman. And if, from the principal form in which the topic comes before us, it appears exclusively a bread qustion, it is not essentially more so than any other question, which relates to the full and profitable employment of the industry of the country. This industry is the poor man's property, and the poor man's bread; and under whatever form you restrict its advantageous exercise (and you must allow there are many ways of doing this), you rob him of his bread, which is his life. We cannot, therefore, separate the bread question from that entire frame work of political economy to which it belongs; and we can imagine a crisis when an illjudged monetary system, for instance, may be perceived to be as extensively disastrous, and therefore as starving, as the existing laws on the importation of


"A convocation of men so placed and

taken as it were apart from the wide moral and religious heart of the whole nation, and brought before (what must be confessed,if called after its distinguishing characteristic, to be) a theological assembly. Nor have I ever found, from observation or history, that divines gain anything in enlightenment, charity, or real religion, by forming themselves, even occasionally, into a separate chamber for general and national purposes. On the contrary, they appear to me to be as leaven, very bitter when taken in large quantities by themselves, but rendering more wholesome the lump of society, when spread, as Providence has placed them, equally over the whole."

FROM A LETTER OF THE REV. J. CLAYTON, JUN." Lest it should appear uncourteous not to reply to your repeated appeals in reference to the meeting at Manchester, I beg to assure you, with respect and fraternal affection, that I disapprove of such a convention of the ministers of religion. I think that it is not in keeping with their unsecular character and avocation-that it is entering on a province for which their general habits disqualify them-that it is taking that from the hands of the legislature, which by common consent we consign to them through our constitutional representatives that it is likely to obstruct our highest usefulness, and that, however the brethren in large towns and cities may suffer little inconvenience, a large portion of them elsewhere will be subjected to much and aggravated distress by the movement.

"I am aware that such non-interference may be construed into a callous indifference to the sufferings of the poor; but I am perfectly satisfied to place


against this insinuation the whole of my practical course to the indigent and distressed, whose devoted friend I have been for a period of forty years of public life. Giving you, and the gentlemen associated with you, full credit for your humane and Christian feelings, but regretting that my ministerial brethren are connected with the conference, I am nevertheless happy in assuring you that I am yours, &c.'

FROM THE REV. HUGH M'NEILE'S ANSWER.*"I thank you for the friendly terms in which you invite me to take part in the proposed Conference, assuring me of a courteous reception and a respectful audience even to hear me in opposition to your opinions.' Independent, however, of now impracticable distance, and apart from the merits of the question to be brought under consideration, I am compelled to decline by the terms of your printed address convening the assembly. In it you say, 'For a while, let us lay aside our sectarian and partisan differences, and, on the hallowed ground of Christian charity, assemble for purpose of bettering the condition of famishing multitudes.'


one. It may be discussed on scriptural principles; and our Saviour's prophecy that, until His coming again, nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom,' may preserve our Christian statesmen from the flattering delusion of abjuring patriotism as a prejudice, and embracing a cosmopolitan phantom, which they would in vain persuade the statesmen of other nations to embrace; while the apostolical injunction to 'provide for our own, especially those of our own house,' may suggest to a paternal Government the wisdom of not exposing the multitudes of our fellow-countrymen to the risk of fainishing, by leaving their provision dependent upon foreigners; but you must excuse me when I say, that I can anticipate no benefit to the world, to their own country, or to themselves, from a conference of men who stipulate for the exclusion,during their conference, of all the essentials of Scripture truth, under the name of sectarian differences.

"This is not too strong: for your printed address is 'to the ministers of all religious denominations throughout the United Kingdom;' and no arguments are required to prove that their sectarian differences involve all the essentials of scriptural truth, including the inspiration of Scripture itself."-[This letter is dated from Killarney.]

"In what you call our sectarian differences are involved all the eternal truths of the Christian religion-truths from which alone can emanate anything deserving the name of Christian charity. To admit the possibility of meeting on the ground of Christian charity without reference to Christian truth-nay, on the BREAD MADE LIGHT WITHOUT condition of laying aside for a Mr. Brande, professor of Chemistry in while all that many among us consider the Royal Institution of Great Britain, into be God's own Word-would, in my troduced lately in his lecture on Fermenopinion, be to countenance the infidel tation, to a highly respectable auditory, liberalism, which implies that Revelation | various specimens of white and brown is useless, without having the honest unfermented bread, as baked by the boldness to say so. Believing, as I do, patent process of Mr. H. Dodson, Blackthat all Scripture is given by inspiration man Street, Southwark, and explained of God, I feel bound, whatever enterprise the simple plan adopted in making I undertake, whatever subject I discuss, bread light without yeast; the salt to do all on Christian principles, or in the being formed in the dough, which prolanguage of the apostle, todo all in the duces the lightness, and therefore it name of the Lord Jesus;' and therefore consists only of flour or meal, table salt, I cannont consent to place myself in any and water. We find many eminent circumstances where I must lay aside for a medical men are using it in their families, while all reference to the great and glo- and recommending it to their patients. rious truths which Christ lived, died, and Such a discovery will, we believe, prove rose again, to establish and promulgate. a blessing to thousands suffering with "The corn law question is a national indigestion.-Conservative Journal.

This Letter perhaps hardly relates to the topic, to which we proposed to limit ourselves; but it opens a question of deep interest, considering that the Conference, though composed of ministers, was found to be so mixed that they could not unite in prayer to God to bless their deliberations, the invita tion was deemed so general, that Socialist Missionaries claim d to be present.

FRIENDLY APPEALS; or Brief Warnings and Exhortations on subjects of the greatest importance. pp. 140. cl. bds.

Religious Tract Society.

By the Rev. T. TIMPSON. pp. 71.
Snow, Paternoster Row.

THIS little book is in the form of a

THESE appeals, twenty-nine in number, dialogue between a mother and her chilare plain and earnest exhortations upon forms its title page, and which in one dren; discussing the question which the matters, which most deserve the attention of an immortal creature. To shape after another, from the days of each is prefixed an appropriate passage Cain to the present hour, has been, in of Scripture, but there is no attempt to the sight of Him who reads the heart, observe any set form of discourse. The the language of selfish, unregenerate writer throws himself at once into his Mr. Timpson has contrived to subject, and pleads with his reader in a bring together, in a few pages, a great fervent and simple strain. Rich as is our quantity of startling facts, regarding the store of practical theology, this volume state of the heathen world, well calculated will be a very welcome addition to it; the to impress the mind with the overwhelmhighest of truths well told can never being need of missionary effort; and he otherwise.

The Orphan's FrieND. pp. 160. cl. bds.

Religious Tract Society.

SUCH a book as this was much needed; the orphan's case demanded (what it has here received,) a collection of advices upon its peculiar sorrows, temptations, duties and promises. This "labour of love" has been well performed; and we know of no little treatise, so admirably adapted for a gift to a bereaved youth. The hymns at the end of each address are excellent, and some of them we think are original. These pages will cheer many a desolate heart, and direct to the Father of the fatherless and God of all consolation, in a season when the hardest nature is open to some good impression. The book has our entire approval throughout.

CALVIN'S COMMENTARY ON THE EPISTLE TO THE HEBREWS. Translated from the Latin, by a Beneficed Clergyman of the Church of England. pp. 197. cl. bds., price 2s. 6d.

Cornish and Co., 126, Newgate-street. AN admirable translation of an admirable work. In the goodly array of Christian commentators, Calvin holds high and honourable rank; and this valuable remnant of his mind has not suffered in the translator's hands. The volume is closely printed, and contains a great deal in a small compass; but we hope it will be rewarded with abundant patronage. It deserves the prayerful perusal of those, who cherish the angelic desire to look into the things of God, who by one after another of His servants reveals them to the seeking soul.


places before the reader his duty to help
in this greatest cause, in striking and
likely to do no mean service, in kindling
unanswerable appeals. The volume is
and feeding a missionary spirit, and we
heartily bid it, "God speed."

THE IRISH SCHOLAR; or, Popery and
Protestant Christianity. A Narrative.
By the Rev. T. W. AVELING. pp. 108.
price 8d.

Ward and Co., Paternoster Row,
We do not know whether this is a true
story or not, but it is full of interest
viewed merely as a narrative. It has,
however, much greater merit than this;
it is a history of the rising of evangelical
Truth upon a mind, sunk in the darkness
and slavery of Popery; and in this re-
spect it is admirable. If a fiction, it is
very close to fact. Irish character too
is well delineated. It is a little book,
that deserves well of the Christian public.


condition, and the best means to employ for its improvement. Prize Essay. Price 2d.

Houlston and Stoneman, Paternoster Row. OUR FEMALE SERVANTS. By Henry Edwards. Price. 6d.

Hamilton, Adams and Co., Paternoster Row. Two valuable Tracts on a really urgent subject, because relating to the interests of a neglected class; and however much we hear just now against "class legislation," we venture to think, that in providing for the moral wants of the country, the peculiar necessities of classes must be regarded, as well as the general necessities of all. Mr. Edward's Essay is the fullest and minutest in details; but both are very good. They will we hope lead to systematic attention

to this important topic. It is almost un- | which govern and regulate the things we trodden ground.



see arouud us, so far as philosophy and science have penetrated. former treats of materials for building, iron, glass, coal, and the candle; the

AUNT UPTON, AND HER NEPHEWS AND latter of the sun, moon, stars, clouds, NEICES. pp. 108.

Religious Tract Society. THOUGH the titles of these two books do not seem particularly congruous, they may yet be appropriately placed together, The one does, in the form of Essays. what the other does in the shape of narrative and dialogue. The object of both is to explain the laws and principles,

earth, sea, winds, rain, snow, storms and light. The former is for persons a little further advanced in knowledge than the latter; but both are full of exceedingly interesting information, and they are written in a simple, unassuming style, though the writer seems quite master of the subject. They will be found two very useful books.

Religious Entelligence.


THE new Parliament was opened by Commission on the 24th of August. Her Majesty's Speech, in place of the cus tomary express reference to the need of the blessing of Providence upon its consultations, substituted the more general statement that "it is her Majesty's earnest prayer that all its deliberations may be guided by wisdom."

In the debate upon the address, Lord MELBOURNE said, that he highly disapproved the topics and arguments perpetually introduced in reference to the Corn Laws; adding "I do not think these laws are condemned by the Christian religion, I do not think they are contrary to morality.”

WESLEYAN CONFERENCE.-The ninetyeighth annual meeting of the Wesleyan Conference (held at Manchester this year)_ commenced on Tuesday, July 27. The Rev. James Dixon was chosen President for the ensuing year, having no less than 213 votes recorded in his favour; the electors being preachers, of fourteen years' standing The Rev. Dr. Hannah was elected Secretary by 169 votes. The deaths in the ministry during the past year were found to be twentyeight. More than 240 new chapels have been opened during the same period. The number of members in the Connexion was officially stated to be as follows:

This year. Last year. Increase.

were admitted into full Connexion and formally ordained; but the whole of the new Candidates (88 in number,) were postponed till next year, as there appeared no probability of their being employed at present, the vacancies being fewer than usual. The Stations of the Preachers for the ensuing year were appointed; among the changes, the Rev. Robert Newton was removed from Leeds to Manchester, and the Rev. W:M. Bunting from Manchester to Great Queen Street, London. It was decided, that two ministers, who had lately preached in gowns, had done wrong, and that it must not be practised without the previous approbation of the Conference. The Treasurer of the Centenary Fund announced, that the sum actually received by him up to the present time exceeded £185,000. It was found by the Committee on education, that the Wesleyans have in Great Britain 3,444 Sunday Schools, and 131 day and infant Schools, including 390,627 children, with 64,250 teachers, and nearly 1,000 school libraries; but from some few circuits no returns had been received, so that the true figures are somewhat larger than these.

POPERY. The Hon. and Rev. Geo. Spencer, it will be remembered, some three or four years since, arranged with a number of Roman Catholics in various parts of Europe, to devote a part of every Thursday moning to prayer for the conversion of England to Popery; and some of the Oxford-Tract party have now issued a Manual of Prayers for Unity, and state on the fly-leaf that Thursday mornThirty-two Junior Preachers, having ing is particularly recommended for their passed through a four years' probation, use.

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In Great Britain.... 328,792 323,178
In Ireland .......... 27,268 .. 27,047 .. 221

In Foreign Missions. 84,234 .. 78,504 .. 5,730

Totals..440,294.. 428,729.. 11,565

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