BY WILLIAM YARRELL, F.L.S., F.Z.S., &c. &c. This work, which contains a complete history of the Ichthyology of Great Britain, including many species never before noticed, is illustrated with 240 figures of Fishes, mostly taken from the objects themselves, and 145 vignettes, drawn and engraved by the most eminent artists. No pains have been spared to render it worthy of public estimation. "This book ought to be largely circulated, not only on account of its scientific merits, -though these, as we have in part shown, are great and signal, but because it is popularly written throughout, and therefore likely to excite general attention to a subject which ought to be held as one of primary importance. Every one is interested about fishes the political economist, the epicure, the merchant, the man of science, the angler, the poor, the rich. We hail the appearance of this book as the dawn of a new era in the natural history of England."-Quarterly Review, Νο. 116. "It contains brief, but remarkably clear, accurate, and satisfactory notices of every species of fish, and also every variety hitherto found in the fresh waters and seas of Britain. They are full of information, are often graphic and amusing in a very high degree, and, being founded upon actual observation, may always be implicitly depended The illustrations are exceedingly beautiful and valuable, and we are quite sure that any one who possesses the figure can be at no loss in instantly recognizing the fish, whenever and wherever he may happen to meet with a specimen."-Dublin Review, No. 3. on. In two vols. demy 8vo, illustrated by nearly 400 beautiful wood-cuts, price 21. 8s. The royal 8vo, or intermediate size, is out of print. A few copies of the imperial 8vo yet remain, price 7l. 4s. . JOHN VAN VOORST, 1, PATERNOSTER ROW. In the Press, by the Author of the Work, A SUPPLEMENT TO THE HISTORY OF BRITISH FISHES. BY WILLIAM YARRELL, F.L.S., F.Z.S., &c. &c. Containing about thirty additional species new to Britain, which the Author has derived from various sources since the publication of the work, some of which are also new to Ichthyology. In Preparation, A HISTORY OF THE FISHES OF MADEIRA. BY RICHARD THOMAS LOWE, M.A., British Chaplain. With Original Figures from Nature of all the Species, by the Hon. C. E. C. NORTON and M. YOUNG. The materials for this undertaking are the result of several years' patient investigation and continual revisal on the spot. Several of the genera, and of the species more than one-fourth part, are either new or have been hitherto imperfectly described: the figures will be all engraved and coloured by the same hands which, in co-operation with the Author, have originally drawn them-a combination much in favour of their accuracy and correctness. The work will consist of about thirty numbers, to be published monthly, each containing four plates, with the corresponding letter-press. Price, in royal 8vo, 2s. 6d. plain, 5s. coloured; or, in demy 4to, 5s. plain, 7s. 6d. coloured; with both plain and coloured plates, 6s. 6d. royal 8vo, 10s. 6d. demy 4to. The Reptiles of this country, although few in number and little known, are not devoid of considerable interest. The elucidation of their habits, the distinctive description of the species, their geographical distribution, and the history of the transformation of all the amphibious forms, are amongst the subjects treated of in this volume. In addition to a figure of each species, and of some of the most important varieties, the Illustrations comprise many of structure, developement, and transformation. "A highly important addition to the natural history of our country. The beauty of the typography and wood-cuts is in happy keeping with the literary character of the work." Eclectic Review, April. Two Parts are published, price 2s. 6d. each, in demy 8vo, and the third, which will complete the work, will be ready next month. A few copies are also printed in royal 8vo, price 5s. each Part, and fifty only on imperial 8vo; the latter not to be delivered until the volume is complete. JOHN VAN VOORST, 1, PATERNOSTER ROW. RURAL SKETCHES, BY THOMAS MILLER, AUTHOR OF " A DAY IN THE WOODS," ," "BEAUTIES OF THE COUNTRY," "ROYSTON NOTES ON NETS; OR, THE QUINCUNX PRACTICALLY CONSIDERED. To which are added, Miscellaneous Memoranda. BY THE HON. AND REV. CHARLES BATHURST, LL.D. LATE FELLOW OF ALL SOULS COLLEGE, OXFORD. 12mo, price 4s. A HISTORY OF BRITISH BIRDS, BY WILLIAM YARRELL, F.L.S., F.Z.S., &c. The first volume is now before the public; and, so far as the work has proceeded, the publisher refers to it with pleasure, as a fulfilment of the promises made in the original prospectus. This volume of the History contains descriptions of 105 species, their synonymes, generic and specific characters, geographical range, habits, food, nidification, sometimes with nests, eggs, and other interesting particulars. The illustrations include one representation of each species, and frequently, of both male and female: the distinctive difference between the young and adult bird is sometimes given in a third figure, and, occasionally, the variation from summer to winter plumage is shown. Other illustrations, comprising modes of capture, anatomical distinctions, or the most interesting features of internal or external structure, are introduced the more fully to illustrate the descriptions. * * * “ Mr. Yarrell's work is the most satisfactory epitome of facts and speculations that has been hitherto attempted upon the subject. It is written in so popular a spirit, that it will be as intelligible to the non-scientific reader, as it cannot fail to be delightful to the naturalist.”—Monthly Chronicle, May. Price of the volume 28s. demy 8vo, or in parts, published each alternate month, 2s. 6d. A limited number is also printed on royal 8vo, price 5s. each part, and fifty only on imperial 8vo. The latter will not be delivered until the work is complete. JOHN VAN VOORST, 1, PATERNOSTER ROW. |