For who, to dumb Forgetfulness a prey, This pleasing, anxious being e'er resign'd; Left th warm precincts of the cheerful day, cast one longing, lingering look behind? Κέκλιτ ̓ ἀποιχομένα φιλίω τιν' ἐφ ̓ ἦτορι ψυχα, XXIII. Pectore dilecto forsan suffulta recumbit Ægra anima, atque alas, jam tremebunda, movet; Adsint et lacrymæ, "nostri pars optima sensûs," XXIII. Ein Auge, das sich schließt, ein halbgebrochnes Herz XXIII. Posa, spirando, in grembo amico e fido XXIII. Nature, chez les morts ta voix se fait entendre; |