THE WAR OF THE REBELLION: A COMPILATION OF THE OFFICIAL RECORDS OF THE UNION AND CONFEDERATE ARMIES. PUBLISHED UNDER THE DIRECTION OF The Hon. RUSSELL A. ALGER, Secretary of War, BY MAJ. GEORGE W. DAVIS, U. S. ARMY, MR. LESLIE J. PERRY, CIVILIAN EXPERT, MR. JOSEPH W. KIRKLEY, CIVILIAN Expert, Board of Publication. U.S. War Dept. SERIES I-VOLUME LIII. REPORTS, CORRESPONDENCE, ETC. WASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE. THE WAR OF THE REBELLION: A COMPILATION OF THE OFFICIAL RECORDS OF THE UNION AND CONFEDERATE ARMIES. ADDITIONS AND CORRECTIONS ΤΟ SERIES I-VOLUME LIII. (To be inserted in the volume. For explanation see General Index volume, Serial No. 130, page XXVIII.) PUBLISHED UNDER THE DIRECTION OF The Hon. ELIHU ROOT, Secretary of War, BY BRIG. GEN. FRED C. AINSWORTH, CHIEF OF THE RECORD AND PENSION OFFICE, WAR DEPARTMENT, AND MR. JOSEPH W. KIRKLEY. Mr. JOHN S. MOODEY, Indexer. WASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE. TEXT. Page 149. Page 212. Page 297. Page 832. Page 1063. For Special Orders, No. 1, read General Orders, No. 1. Trapier to Milton (sub-inclosure), tenth line, for William Turman's read Frase foot-note Not found and insert See Series IV, Vol. 2, p. 788. Eighteenth line, top, for 21st Regiment read 15th Regiment. Strike out Stenken's Company and reference following. Insert Stucken's (F. V. D.) Cavalry. See Texas Troops, 8th Battalion. Page 1067. Strike out Turman's (William) Company. (Official designation not of record.) See William Turman and insert Turner's (William J.) Cavalry. See Florida Troops, Confederate. INDEX. Insert all words and figures in italics and strike out all in [brackets]. An asterisk (*) following a correction indicates that "Additions and Corrections" to the text should be consulted. Florida Troops (C.). Cavalry-Companies: Saint John's Rangers, 212, 225. Geofroy [Geoffroy], Louis de. Georgia, Governor of. Correspondence with Lamar, G. B., sr. Gray, P. W. Correspondence with O'Bannon, A. B. Mentioned, 385, 395, 397, 398, 400, 401. [Mentioned, 385, 395, 397, 398, 400, 401.] Kelly, Joseph, 423, 426, 431, 433, 460, 461 [Kelly, [Kinney, W. J., 349.] Kock [Koch], Charles, & Co. Lamar, G. B., sr. Lawton, Alexander R. Orders, General [Special], series 1861. Louisiana Troops (C.). 1st Trans-Mississippi, 1029. Lusher, Robert M. [— −]. McIntosh, James [M.]. Mentioned, 721 [McIntosh, James, 721] Correspondence with Greer, John S. [L.]. Correspondence with John C. Frémont, 501 [510]. [For correspondence, etc., see South Carolina Commissioners.] For correspondence, etc., see South Carolina South Carolina Troops-Continued. Ist (Militia) [Reserves]. 10th (Militia) [Reserves]. Spratt [Spraft] and Callahan. Stucken, Frank V. D. [Stenken, Captain]. Talbot, M. [Talbert, Matthew]. Texas Troops (C.). Cavalry-Battalions: 8th (Taylor), 859. Trapier, James H., Mentioned, 296 [Napier, Gen eral, 296]. Trigg, John T. [Captain]. Upson, Columbus [Judge]. Virginia (Merrimac), C. S. S., 531 Watlington, F. [Captain]. Whybark, John C. Wikerson [Wilkerson], John. Willis, Edward [S.] (Lieut.). |