Average Prices of Corn in England and Wales, from the Returns received in the Week ended Dec. 3. Wheat, 61s. 8d.-Barley, 41s. 11d.-Oats, 26s. 11d.-Rye, 43s. 6d.-Beans, 45s. 11d.-Pease, 48s. 3d. Ditto at sight, 12: 3. Altona, 37: 4. Paris, Course of Exchange, Dec. 6. Amsterdam, 12.6. C. F. Rotterdam, 12:7. Antwerp, 12:7. Hamburgh, 37: 3. 3 d. sight, 25:30. Ditto, 25:55 Bourdeaux, 25:55. Frankfort on the Maine, 152. Petersburgh, per rble. 943 U. Berlin, 7:0. Vienna, Eff. Fl. 10:6. Trieste, 10: 6. Madrid, 364. Cadiz, 364. Bilboa, 364. Barcelona, 36. Seville, 364. Gibraltar, 31, Leghorn, 49. Genoa, 444. Venice, 27:0. Malta, -. Naples, 40. Palermo, per oz. 122. Lisbon, 50. Oporto, 501. Buenos Ayres, 431. Rio Janeiro, 484. Bahia, 50. Dublin, 9 per cent. Cork, 9 per cent. Prices of Gold and Silver, per oz.-Foreign gold, in bars, £3:17: 6d. per oz. Silver in bars, stand. 5s, 1d. 1000|||||||| ||||-UZI__306289 INDIGO, Caraccas fine, lb. Ditto Oak, Christiansand (dut. paid,) Honduras Mahogany, St Domingo, ditto, TAR, American, Archangel, PITCH, Foreign, TALLOW, Rus. Yel. Cand. Home melted, HEMP, Polish Rhine, ton, 2027 1924 2050 15 12 2 56 brl. 23 24 18 20 cwt. 90 10 6 41 42 45 50 Petersburgh, Clean, COTTONS, Bowed Georg. Sea Island, fine, Stained, Middling, Demerara and Berbice, West India, Pernambuco, Maranham, 01010 0910 1011 0 11 0 11 : Cor. Cuningham, Lt. vice M'Kenzie, H. R. H. C. Elves, 2d Lt. do dead, 5 June, 1824 24 Serj. Maj. Mac Mahon, Riding Master to the Cavalry Depot at Maidstone, Cor. 10 Nov. 1825 16 Lt. Cureton, Capt. by purch. vice Ellis, prom. 1 F. Gds. Brev. Col. Lord Saltoun, Maj. by purch. 12 do. 26 vice Jones, ret. 17 do. Lt. and Capt. Clarke, Capt. and Lt. Col do. 27 Ens. and Lt. Johnstone, Lt. and Capt. do. 28 Ens. Robinson, Lt. by purch. vice Dar roch, prom. 19 Nov. A. G. Blackford, Ens. by purch. vice Sturgeon, prom. 12 do. Hon. C. Preston, do. by purch. vice Robinson 19 do. Ens. Brehaut, Lt. by purch. vice M'Niven, 29 F. 29 Oct. J. Guthrie, Ens. do. Ens. Freame, from 3 Vet. Bn. Ens. 7 Apr. - Greene, from 33 F. Ens. vice Ogil vie, prom. 27 Oct. telli, canc. Hosp. As. O'Brien, As. Surg. vice Por Lt. M'Niven, from 26 F. Capt. by purch. vice Chambers, prom. 29 do. Deodes, do. by purch. vice M'Ni do. ven, 80 F. 19 Nov. -Wright, Ens. vice Battley, dead, 17 do. J. J. Burgoyne, Ens. by purch. vice 26 Oct. Lt. O'Neill, from 2 Vet. Bn. Lt. vice Bars, prom. 9 Apr. Fiske, Ens. by purch. vice Greene, 28 F. 27 Oct. Lt. Whannell, Capt. vice Sutherland, dead, 3 Nov. - Robertson, from Ceylon Reg. Lt. 17 do. En. Houston, Lt. by purch. vice Swe ney, prom. 19 do. T. Christmas, Ens. by purch. vice Cumberland, 96 F. 20 do. R. Burke, Ens. by purch. vice Ralston, vice Lennox, prom. 27 Oct. 66 F. 29 Oct. vice James, 1 Dr. D. T. Barton, Ens. by purch. vice 29 Oct. Whitaker, canc. 20 Oct. 5 Nov. Surg. Clarke, from Cape Corps, Surg. Cape Corps As. Surg. Parrott, from Prov. Bn. vice White, h. p. 20 do. Surg. vice Clarke, 72 F. 20 Oct. Capt. Hall, Maj. by purch. vice Middle ton, prom. 19 Nov. vice Sheppard, 6 Dr.. Ens. Brown, from 74 F. Cor. by purch. 10 Nov. 73 Ens. Widdrington, Lt. by purch. vice Wigley, prom. 26 do. Ordnance Department. 74 Ens. Keames, from 2 Vet. Bn. Ens. Royal Artillery. 2d Capt. Forster, from h. p. 2d Capt. vice Bowlby, h. p. 13 Oct. 22 Sep. 2d Lt. Severne, 1st Lt. vice Grant, h. p. 21 do. Laing, from 70 F. ly, h. p. Capt. Locke, from 17 Dr. rec. diff. with Capt. Marquis of Carmarthen, h. p. Langrishe, from 1 F. G. do with Capt. Fitz Roy, h. p. Kortwright, from Coldst. G. with Lord Hotham, h. p. Rentoul, from 23 F. rec. diff. with Capt. Fenwick, h. p. Murray, from 26 F. rec. diff. with Capt. Prat, h. p. Peat, from 92 F. with Capt. Pilkington, h. 59 F. Coxon, from Rifle Brig. with Capt. Ferguson, h. p. Lieut. Yelverton, from 6 F. rec. diff. with Lieut. Hon. G. A. Browne, h. p. Ramsden, from 7 F. with Lieut. Hon. C. Blayney, Rifle Brig. Hohne, from 6 F. with Lieut. Allan, h. p. Maj. England, from 23 F. 29 Oct. Brev. Lt. Col. Keyt, from 51 F. 5 Nov. Maj. Elton, from 1 Dr. Gds. do. - Middleton, from 72 F. 19 do. Brev. Lt. Col. Thomas from 21 F. 26 do. 14 July Chambers, from 29 F. 29 Oct. O'Grady, from 53 F. do. Whichcote, from 4 Dr. G. do. Wood, from 65 F. do. Perceval, from Rifle Brig. do. Hopkins, from 43 F. 5 Nov. Butler, from 80 F. 19 do. do. Eastwood, from 41 F. do. M'Nicol, from 93 F. do. Hon. H. M. Upton, from 1 Life G. do. Sweny, from 34 F. -Chambre, from 7 F. do. do. Clarke, h. p. 15 F. Sir T. T. F. E. Drake, Bt. h. p. 52 F. Ouseley, h. p. Port-Serv. Unett, R. Art. Poppleton, h. p. 12 F. Capt. Brooke, 48 F. Richardson, 91 F. Im Thurn, h. p. 35 F. Blair, late 1 Black Gn. Comp. Pigott, h. p. Port. Serv. |