New and Practical System OF THE CULTURE OF VOICE AND ACTION, AND A COMPLETE ANALYSIS OF THE HUMAN PASSIONS, WITH AN APPENDIX OF READINGS AND RECITATIONS. DESIGNED FOR PUBLIC SPEAKERS, TEACHERS, AND STUDENTS, BY PROF. J. E. FROBISHER. EARNEST EXPRESSION: NOT DELICATE DECLAMATION. NEW YORK: IVISON, PHINNEY, BLAKEMAN, & CO., 47 & 49 GREENE STREET. S. C. GRIGGS & CO., CHICAGO. 1867. EDUCATION DEPT. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1867, by In the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the United States, F923 HAVING been professionally engaged a number of years, as a Reader in Public, and also as a Teacher of Elocution in New York, I have frequently been consulted with reference to various works upon the subject. When a thorough investigation, a complete analysis was desired, I have heartily recommended "THE PHILOSOPHY OF THE HUMAN VOICE," by Dr. RusH; otherwise, I have suggested different textbooks, according to the intentions of those making the inquiries. At times, in the latter case, I have had misgivings as to the results of my advice; for, in none of the lesser works I have recommended, would all the means of vocal expression sufficiently correspond in style to those I inculcated, and it semed to be the FORM alone that many persons PARTICULARLY desired. Furthermore, I have needed a manual by which instruction, in a method which I claim in many respects to be new in its plan and arrangement, could be imparted more reliebly than by oral means alone. I have, therefore, prepared this volume, as an improvement upon my former efforts, the last published five years ago, which I now send forth to accomplish what it may in the furtherance of the noble art of reading and speaking well. In the following treatise I have inserted, occasionally, quotations from authors on art and painting, as well as elocu M209489 |