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Adam afcribes afferts againſt alfo alſo Apolog Apoſtle Arian Arnobius becauſe Befides believe bleffed blood called cauſe chofen Chrift Chrift died Chriftian church cited Contr Cyprian death defire Difcourfe divine divine grace doctrine elect elſewhere epiftle eternal expreffes faid faints faith falvation fame fanctified Father faved feems felf felves fenfe ferves fhall fhews fhould fince firft firſt fome foul fpeaking fpiritual ftand ftrength fuch fufferings glory grace hath Hieron Hift himſelf Holy Spirit Homil Irenaeus Jefus Lactantius Lord mankind Matt Monfieur Daille muſt nature neceffity NUMB obferves Orat paffage Pelag Pelagian Pelagius perfeverance perfons Pfal place he fays predeftination purpoſe reafon redeemed redemption repentance reprefents ſays ſhall ſpeaks teftimonies Tertullian Thef thefe themſelves ther theſe theſe things thofe thoſe words thou tion underſtand underſtood unto uſe Voffius wherefore Whitby writer δε εις εν και το